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41. Girls Be Scouts In Directory.co.uk set of stamps issued to commemorate Boys Girls Brigades, scouts guides. APPEALINGExplorer Scout unit is encouraging girls to join cubs. scouts. http://www.directory.co.uk/Girls_Be_Scouts.htm | |
42. Slovenský Skauting - Scouting Slovakia Mottos. cubs Do good every day Brownies Remember guides / scouts Be preparedRovers and A Patrol ( druÂina ) is a group of 5 10 boys or girls. http://www.scouting.sk/scouting2/scouting_slovakia/organisation.html | |
43. News:rec.scouting.* Charters charter, culled from the vote result announcement Rec.scouting.misc is an unmoderatedgroup for boy and girl scouts and guides, cub scouts, venturers, rovers http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/rs-chart.htm | |
44. Scouts, Guides, Cubs And Brownies Annuals Collectors' Gallery The scouts, guides, cubs and Brownies Annuals Collectors Gallery. This gallery providesscanned images of the front covers of a number of annuals from Britain. http://books.littleoak.com.au/scouts_annuals/scouts_index.htm | |
45. The Groups And Their Charters 1998 *** THE GROUPS *** CHARTER rec.scouting.misc Rec.scouting.misc is an unmoderatedgroup for boy and girl scouts and guides, Cub scouts, Venturers, Rovers http://www.faqs.org/faqs/scouting/newsgroups/section-1.html | |
46. The MacScouter -- Scouting Resources Online were a kid; girl Scout and girl Guide Songs Here are several songsfor girl scouts and girl guides. Scouting Songs; Gross Songs http://www.macscouter.com/Songs/ | |
47. South Carolina SC - Boy Scout, Girl Scout, And Cub Scout Troops Williamsburg County  girl Scout Council of the Pee Dee Area. scouts of America Palmetto Council  Boy Scout Troop 31. SCIway is funded by Hotel-guides.us http://www.sciway.net/org/scouts.html | |
48. Uk.rec.scouting DCC, Deputy County Commissioner. DCSL, District Cub Scout Leader. VSU, VentureScout Unit. WAGGGS, World Association of girl guides and girl scouts. http://www.baloo.org.uk/newsgroups/ursag.php | |
49. BOY SCOUTS AND GIRL GUIDES #2 - SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS - BC ARCHIVES TIME MACHINE Like Boy scouts, girl guides quickly became popular even in small towns. Theobjectives of Boy scouts and girl guides are diverse. http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/exhibits/timemach/galler06/frames/bs_gg2.htm | |
50. Baden-Powell On-Line scouts http//www.cam.org/~pdg/scouts.html Beavers Directory http//www.ualberta.ca/~jwalker/guides.html canthen surf over to the official girl Guide of Canada http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/st_simons/cr9702.htm | |
51. Town Of Olds - Municipality In Alberta, Canada - Www.town.olds.ab.ca - Living In The main objective of the Cub program is to help 2nd OLDS scouts OF CANADA 3800 57 Ave., Olds, AB girl guides OF CANADA - Num Ti Jah District 403-556-7428 http://www.town.olds.ab.ca/recorg.html | |
52. What's New At SOSSI Website New addition girl guides of Canada, Collector Interest Badge. May. 28May02 StampCollecting Badges New addition Wolf Cub Program scouts Canada, Collector http://www.sossi.org/new02.htm | |
53. Youth Groups: Community View - Localeye, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand Fergusson Scout Group Scouting group in Christchurch. Keas, cubs, scouts. girlGuides National site for the girl Guide organisation, based in Christchurch. http://www.localeye.info/pages?catId=1184 |
54. BSA Discrimination - BSA's Membership Policy Regarding Girls In Cub And Boy Scou Thus the girl guides were formed in Great Britain. By 1971, girls were eligible toregister as full fledged Explorer scouts. But not as Cub scouts or Boy scouts http://www.bsa-discrimination.org/html/girls-top.html | |
55. Guides And Scouts Requirements guides age 9 to 12. The girls may be aware that they can tell direction from the Scoutsare expected to remember the knowledge which they acquired as cubs. http://www.cascaeducation.ca/files/guidesScouts.html | |
56. Hockley And Hawkwell Methodist Church - Uniformed Groups The Summer Camp is an ideal opportunity for scouts to brush up on their campingskills. When a girl joins guides she is given a Personal Organiser http://www.hockleyhawkwellmethodist.freeserve.co.uk/uniformedgroups.htm | |
57. Godalming Directory: Cubs, Beavers, Brownies, Scouts And Guides. Although primarily a boys movement, girls can also be BEAVER scouts/SCOUT ASSOCIATION(GODALMING DISTRICT GUIDE DIVISION COMMISSIONER Mrs S Hattley, 17 Molyneux http://www.godalming-tc.gov.uk/dir_scouts.htm | |
58. Girls Youth Group Uniforms Figure 1.British Cub scouts in the 1990s began accepting girls of the Bpys Brigadeand Boy scouts, several uniformed The first was the girl guides in England http://histclo.hispeed.com/youth/youth/girl/gyoindex.htm | |
59. Scout Brotherhood - Junak - Svaz Skautu A Skautek CR You can find varios logos of Czech (girl and Boy) scouts on this the associationwith the name , logo of Sea (? Water Â) scouts and guides , badge of http://www.skaut.cz/english/ | |
60. Girl Guide And Girl Scout WWW Scavenger Hunt Find the home page of the girl guides Association of Australia. Can you find thehome page for the guides and scouts of Finland try What languages are http://www.dc.infi.net/~bvandyke/scavhunt.html |
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