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21. Liechtenstein Boy Scout Uniforms The Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen have four levls of Scoting cubs/Brownies (711years), Boy scouts.girl guides (11-15 years), Pioneers (15-18 years, and http://histclo.hispeed.com/youth/youth/org/sco/country/eur/scoutlie.htm | |
22. Marmalade: Girl Guides Of Canada well, sorta, i was in beavers/cubs/scouts and i have gotten had we stayed with guides/scoutsthroughout highschool i always laughed at the girls getting some http://www.marmalade.ca/archives/000178.html | |
23. Scouting In Iceland - Www.scout.is The age levels are cubs 910. Badge, which is given once a year to senior girl andboy out in 1966 and every year since then 20-30 scouts/guides receive the http://www.scout.is/english/scouting.html | |
24. Scouting And Guiding @ The Informal Education Bibliography edn.), London, Boy Scout Assocation girl guides Association (1932) Rules, Policy andOrganisation, London, girl guides Association Gilcraft (1961) Wolf cubs (11th http://www.infed.org/youthwork/b-scout.htm | |
25. Pfadfinder Und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins - The English Page 7 11 11 - 15 15 - 18 18 +. Cub scouts/Brownies Boy scouts/girl guides PioneersRover/Ranger. 7 - 11 11 - 15 15 - 18 18 +. Robert Lins, © 2001-2004 by PPL. http://www.scout.li/english/aboutus.php | |
26. Scouting/Guiding Software And Files Software Shareware (MAC WIN) TROOPMASTER - US girl Scout Troop Admin. to US CubScout books Knots Animated knots for scouts and guides Songs The a good http://www.scoutscan.net/scoutsoftware/software.html | |
27. Girl Scouts And Boys Scouts In Merkel,Trent And Tye, Texas Cub Scout Pack 220 Calendar of Events for 19992000. Texas girl Scout Web Pages girlscouts of the Web Site WAGGGS - World Association of girl guides and girl http://members.tripod.com/~BradBanner/scouts.html | |
28. Web Site Helps - SCOUTER Net Compass - Boy Scout Girl Scout Cubs Guides Building Net Compass category for Web Site Helps In this category find information on how to build a web site. It is not officially affiliated with the Boy scouts of America, the girl scouts of the USA or http://www.scouter.com/compass/Leaders_Resource/Internet_Resources/Web_Site_Help | |
29. Short Info About The Polish Scouting And Guiding Association (English) member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Associationof girl guides and girl scouts (WAGGGS scouts and guides, in Polish http://www.zhp.org.pl/wiadomosci/obce/ | |
30. WAGGGS - The World Association Of Girl Guides And Girl Scouts 60,912. WAGGGS Region. Europe. SGP girl Scout Senior Ranger Cub. FOS Guide andBeaver. FOS Cub. GCB Cub. GCB Brownie. VVKSM Guide. VVKSM Brownie. Contact Information. http://www.wagggsworld.org/aroundtheworld/regions/countries/europe/belgium.htm | |
31. WAGGGS - The World Association Of Girl Guides And Girl Scouts 1948. Membership 2001. 86,239. WAGGGS Region. Europe. AGESCI Guide. Ladybird.CNGEI Wolf Cub (Brownie). CNGEI girl Scout. Contact Information. Websites http://www.wagggsworld.org/aroundtheworld/regions/countries/europe/italy.htm | |
32. Scouting And Guiding Around The World - Canada 30th Mayfair Scout Troop (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan); 62nd Silverwood Wolf Cub Pack(Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). Yukon. scouts de la Manicouagan. girl guides of Canada. http://inter.scoutnet.org/units_ca.html | |
33. Scouting And Guiding Around The World - U.K. The Headquarters of the World Association of girl guides and girl scouts is also ScoutGroup (Stockport, Cheshire); 1st Tarporley scouts (Tarporley, Cheshire http://inter.scoutnet.org/units_uk.html | |
34. U.S. Scouting Service Project Clipart And File Library Also Cub Scout activities and images from Cub Scout Roundtable. WAGGGS_images.World Association of girl guides and girl scouts images http://clipart.usscouts.org/library/index.asp | |
35. CNGEI - GIRL AND BOY SCOUTS IN ITALY - ENGLISH INDEX scouts guides. SENIOR, infor.gif (1222 bytes)about CNGEI. ROVERS, BookSmall PRESSand manuals (I). HISTORICAL NOTES. FIS Italian scouts Federation, CUB and girl SCOUT http://www.cngei.it/eng/cngeng1.htm | |
36. GIRLGUIDING ASCENSION - Ascension Island News This year we decided to try and boost the donation by asking the girls to take homea Thinking Day To the guides, scouts, Brownies, cubs and Rainbows http://www.the-islander.org.ac/artd_756_02_2004_2.html | |
38. Cub Scout - Encyclopedia Article About Cub Scout. Free Access, No Registration N Youth organization. The name was adopted for the female version ofCub scouts in Britain, ie the younger version of girl guides. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Cub Scout | |
39. SHOALHAVEN COMMUNITY GROUPS/ORGS LISTS 4448 7200 First Shoalhaven River Sea scouts, Nowra Ph 4423 4050 First St GeorgesBasin Cub Scout Group, St Georges Basin Ph 4443 5330 girl guides Assn North http://www.southcoast.com.au/shvcomm/cmtylist/l2child.htm | |
40. Scouting | (almost) All The New Zealand Web Sites You Will Ever Want! PIPERS Pag Mornington scouts Dunedin. Opoho Cub Pack - North East Valley. Photography;Police; Fire Fighters; Boys Brigade; girls Brigade; scouts; girl guides; http://www.piperpat.co.nz/nz/society/scouts.html | |
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