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Gibbon Primates: more detail | |||||
61. Programme Kalaweit Pour La Sauvegarde Des Gibbons De Bornéo Association fran§aise qui collecte des fonds et soutient ou r©alise des projets de sauvegarde des gibbons de Born©o. Objectifs et moyens, derni¨res nouvelles de ses actions, informations sur les enjeux de la protection des primates dans le pays. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/thierry.destenay/Appli Kalaweit/ | |
62. Hylobatidae : Gibbons And Siamangs Some gibbons and siamangs have an enlarged throat sac, which inflates and Hylobatdsare catarrhine primates; that is, their nostrils are close together and http://www.primates.com/primate/hylobatidae.html | |
63. Animal Printouts: Primates - EnchantedLearning.com Lesser Apes (Gibbons and siamangs); Hominidae Great Apes (like gorillas, chimps,and orangutans) and humans. The following is a sampling of primates http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/primate/index.shtml | |
64. PRIMATES; HYLOBATIDAE: Gibbons, Or Lesser Apes The following quote from Rumbaugh (1972) on maintaining Hylobates in captivity mayapply to a number of other primates as well Infant gibbons are a delight http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/walkers_mammals_of_the_world/primates/primates.hy | |
65. Primate Facts - National Zoo| FONZ Because gorillas and humans are so closely related, most diseases can be transmitted from humans to gorillas and vice versa. Brought to you by the National Zoo FONZ. Animals etc. Great Apes http://natzoo.si.edu/Animals/Primates./Facts/default.cfm | |
66. The Primates - Gibbons Gibbons are fruiteating, long-armed apes. The Pictorial Guide to the Living primatessays that Ãthe great call of a pair of primates is one of the wonders of http://www.primatecenter.org/ep_gibbons.htm |
67. Teachers http//www.gibbons.de/. There are also links to sites with questionableor inappropriate content. http//netvet.wustl.edu/primates.htm. http://www.csew.com/ips/ | |
68. About Gibbons Gibbons are one of the few monogamous primates, and whether on the ground or inthe trees, they are known for their dexterity and ability to walk upright. http://www.gibboncenter.org/about_gibbons.htm | |
69. Primate Movie, Primate Video, Primate Posters gibbon, International Primate Protection League, 0.246MB, RM. gibbon Song. gibbon,International Primate Protection League, 0.372MB, RM. gibbon Songs, http://www.junglewalk.com/video/Primate-movie.asp | |
70. Untitled Document When upright, Gibbons stand more erect than any other primate except for man. Gibbonsshow no signs of sexual dimorphism that is common in many other primates. http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/~reffland/anthropology/anthro2003/origins/primates/gi | |
71. Untitled Document Nonhuman primates that are monogamous tend to mate for life and are usually highlyterritorial. Gibbons and Indris are both typical of monogamous primates. http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/~reffland/anthropology/anthro2003/origins/primates/or | |
72. MSN Encarta - Ape I, Introduction. Print Preview of Section. Ape, any of 13 species of large, highlyintelligent primates, including chimpanzees, gorillas, gibbons, and orangutans. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556424/Ape.html |
73. Primates: Hylobatidae - Gibbons Translate this page Systematik. Siamangs - Symphalangus. Eigentliche Gibbons - Hylobates.Bestimmungsübungen an Vögeln und Säugern. Last modified 08.06.02. http://www.faunistik.net/BSWT/MAMMALIA/PRIMATES/HYLOBATIDAE/hylobatidae_01.html | |
74. Descent Of Man 65. beginning of the age of mammals . 40. appearance of primates. 36. appearanceof monkeys. 25. appearance of apes. ~10. appearance of gibbons as separate lineage.~8. http://www.mansfield.ohio-state.edu/~sabedon/biol1530.htm | |
75. Fichier HTML 1968 The Classification of the Gibbons (primates, Pongidae). Zf Saugetierk. 33239246. Thegibbons of the subgenus Nomascus (primates, Mammalia). Zool.Res. http://arts.anu.edu.au/grovco/Gibbons.htm | |
76. Hylobates Links of the Rainforest Hylobates (Gibbons) Anthmark Hylobates (Gibbons) SingaporeZoological Gardens Hylobates (Gibbons) Save the primates Hylobates (Gibbons http://members.tripod.com/cacajao/hylobates_links.html |
77. Gibbon - Encyclopedia Article About Gibbon. Free Access, No Registration Needed. classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order PrimatesFamily Hylobatidae The Siamang is an arboreal black furred gibbon native to http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Gibbon | |
78. Primates like incisors, sparse dentition; baby ayeaye at Duke Primate Center. Family highlysocial and gregarious. Family Hylobatidae (gibbons) - Asia true brachiators; http://www.life.umd.edu/classroom/bsci338m/Lectures/Primates.html | |
79. The Primates: Apes Apes and humans differ from all of the other primates in that they lack Hylobatidaeclick this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced (gibbons and siamangs http://anthro.palomar.edu/primate/prim_7.htm | |
80. BANGLAPEDIA: Primates apes and man). Of the 180 or so species of living primates, 83 areOld World primates. Of these nine are gibbons. Gibbons are also http://banglapedia.search.com.bd/HT/P_0272.htm | |
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