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161. FIFA World Cup 2006 - Soccer-corner.com - WC Germany 2006 Football Links A resource on the germany 2006 World Cup. http://www.soccer-corner.com/International-Competitions.World-Cup.World-Cup-2006 | |
162. Medieval Sourcebook: St. Boniface And The Conversion Of Germany A letter from Pope Gregory II to Boniface; Oath of Boniface to the Papacy; and a short life of Boniface by Willibald. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/boniface1.html | |
163. Department Of Andrology And Venerology Information about teaching, research and for patients. http://www.med.uni-marburg.de/e-einrichtungen/dermandro/ | |
164. Institut Für Niedertemperatur-Plasmaphysik E.V. Greifswald Institute for LowTemperature Plasma Physics conducts research on plasma theory, plasma induced surface processes, plasma process technology and plasma radiation. http://www.inp-greifswald.de | |
165. Euromosaic - Sorbian In Germany Research article about of the use of Sorbian language in germany. http://www.uoc.edu/euromosaic/web/document/sorab/an/i1/i1.html | |
166. CNN.com - May Day Skirmishes In Germany - May 1, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/05/01/germany.mayday/index.html | |
167. CNN.com - Chinook Injured Arrive In Germany - Nov. 3, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/11/03/sprj.irq.int.main/index.html | |
168. Comparison USA-Germany The personal thoughts of Axel Boldt, a Germanborn college professor living in the United States, about life in germany and the United States. http://math-www.uni-paderborn.de/~axel/us-d.html | |
169. Planes Collide In A Ball Of Fire Over Germany CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/07/01/plane.collision.ap/index.html |
170. Travels Through Germany - Sports This German site contains links to the Bundesliga clubs. http://www.travelsthroughgermany.com/website2/sports.htm | |
171. Market Analysis Organisations In Germany An index of consultancies and commercial organisations providing target marketing services in germany. http://www.fh-karlsruhe.de/fbwi/html/de/diplomarbeiten/pal.html |
172. CNN.com - Germany's Economy Worst Since 1993 - Jan. 18, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/BUSINESS/01/17/german.recession/index.html | |
173. CNN.com - Germany Hunts For Terror Clues - September 10, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/09/10/germany.arrests/index.html | |
174. CNN.com - Germany Warns Of Further Euro Slump - December 1, 2000 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/12/01/eu.summit/index.html | |
175. The Cosmic Mirror # 236 Report on the display of the Sky Disc of Nebra from The Cosmic Mirror 236. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~dfischer/mirror/236.html | |
176. German-American Corner: History And Heritage history Material and Essays Miscellaneous Essays relating to GermanAmericana; Commemorative Postage See what stamps and covers have been issued. http://www.germanheritage.com/ | |
177. Institut Für Neuroinformatik [Systems Biophysics - Contents] Research group of Professor Christoph von der Malsburg (face recognition) http://www.neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ini/VDM/top.html | |
178. University Of Freiburg, Germany Introduction to the faculty of forest scientists and the university's international courses. http://www.forst.uni-freiburg.de/fakultaet/english.html |
179. Germany-USA Career Center - Jobs, Resumes & Career Services A businessto-business network and news service for German American trade. Offers a business directory, currency converter and a career center. http://www.germany-usa.com/ | |
180. Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Arbeitsgruppe Mathematische Physik Mathematical Physics Workgroup (Arbeitsgruppe Mathematische Physik). Members, lectures and seminars, research projects and collaborators. http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mathphys/ | |
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