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41. A History O' Germany http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/6916/ | |
42. Germany - Wunderbar Explore the history and culture of the country of germany with this official site from the German Tourist Board. Site includes event information, virtual tours and local news. http://www.germany-tourism.de/ | |
43. History There are items in the categories of WWIIEra German history, Non-Reference Literature that is related to Nazi germany in some way, general German Authors http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/8514/history.html | |
44. Ancient Germany - History For Kids! China  India  West Asia  Greece  Egypt  Africa  Rome  Islam germany  Middle Ages Government Who we are Advertise on history for Kids! http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/germans/ | |
45. Ancient Germany - History For Kids! German history. The Germans, and other people who lived in what is now germany and Eastern Europe, were IndoEuropeans, originally from the area between the http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/germans/history/ | |
46. Background Notes: Germany 3/98 Read facts about this country as well as a detailed history and descriptions of its political parties, economy, and foreign relations. From the U.S. State Department. http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/germany_9803_bgn.html | |
47. Federal Foreign Office - Facts About Germany: From The Middle Ages Until 1945 For most of its history, germany was not a unified state but a loose association of territorial states that together made up the ÂHoly Roman Empire of the http://www.tatsachen-ueber-deutschland.de/755.0.html | |
48. Let's Go - Germany - History germany s early history is more accurately the early history of Europe. The continent was a fluid drawing board on which various http://www.letsgo.com/GER/02-Germany-7 | |
49. German Encyclopaedia Spartacus, USA history, British history, Second World War, First World War, germany, France, Slavery, Teaching history, history Lessons Online, Author, Search http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Germany.htm | |
50. Germany history Early history The Merovingian Dynasty 500751 The Carolingian Dynasty, 752 and Prussia The Smaller States The French Revolution and germany The German http://countrystudies.us/germany/ | |
51. Germany - History of nations, while East germany became the westernmost part of the Soviet empire. The two German states, with a common language and history, were separated by http://countrystudies.us/germany/3.htm | |
52. Documents In German History Project Documents in German history Project War and Society in EighteenthCentury germany. Frederick the Great. This is the home page of http://www.ncl.ac.uk/~nhistory/german.htm | |
53. Germany/History - Encyclopedia Article About Germany/History. Free Access, No Re encyclopedia article about germany/history. germany/history in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. germany/history. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Germany/History | |
54. East Germany - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia history. Main articles history of East germany, history of germany During World War II, at the Potsdam Conference in 1945, the victorious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Germany | |
55. Travels Through Germany - History The premiere magazine for stories on German travel, history, culture and heritage. Features coverage (in English) of germany, Austria, Switzerland and German http://www.travelsthroughgermany.com/website2/history.htm | |
56. German History Sources 18151850 Map of germany in 1815 (in German); Hegel, Introduction to Lectures on Philosophy of history (1840 ed.); Carlsbad Resolutions http://www.csustan.edu/History/Faculty/Weikart/gerhist.htm | |
57. Germany's History Of Flight germany. The history of air transportation began in germany with the work of F. Graf Zeppelin in 1887. The requirements of payload http://www.flight100.org/history/ger.html | |
58. Verzeichnis Autogastankstellen Deutschland (History-Seite)/ LPG-Refuelling-Stati Translate this page Verzeichnis Autogastankstellen Deutschland (history-Seite) / LPG-Refuelling-Stations germany (history List). - © Autogas- und Erdgas http://www.autogas-forum.de/lpg-stations/d-new-stations.htm | |
59. Weimar Republic Weimar germany, German, history politics, barnsdle,Hitler, Hindenberg,Bruning, Muler. Weimar Republic. history of germany Primary Document. http://www.barnsdle.demon.co.uk/hist/weilin.html | |
60. Bookstore Berlin, Berlin Wall, Germany, History And Travel Books Books, videos and Cds about the history of the Berlin Wall. Books about the Berlin Airlift. Books about the history of East germany. Travel Guides and Maps Berlin. http://stores.dailysoft.com/ | |
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