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41. Sheffield Archaeology - General Information germany and Austria. The British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan, under its Field Director Professor Robin Dennell, carried out research into the http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/ap/research/res_misc.html | |
42. Archaeology@sheffield comprises the following participants Department of archaeology, University of und Kernphysik, Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn, germany. http://www.shef.ac.uk/archaeology/research/geopro.html | |
43. Powell's Books - Down From Olympus: Archaeology And Philhellenism In Germany, 17 archaeology and Philhellenism in germany, 17501970 Publisher Princeton University Press Subject Europe - germany Subject archaeology Subject History http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-0691114781-1 |
44. Archaeology In Baden-Wurttemberg: Monuments in the Klettgau Roman villas in the borderlands of Southern germany and Switzerland (in 3rd century AD) A Pilot s view Aerial photos of archaeological sites by http://home.bawue.de/~wmwerner/english/archl_e3.html | |
45. I.A.Recordings: Links To Other Industrial Archaeology Pages Industry Medway Industrial archaeology Group (MIAG), Chatham, Kent Brook Pumping Station Merseyside Maritime Museum Mildenberg brickworks museum, germany. http://www.iarecordings.org/otheria.html | |
46. Archaeology On The Web - Institute Of Prehistory German archaeology WWW VL, Freiburg University, germany. SHA - Society for Historical archaeology, USA. VLA - Der Verband der Landesarchäologen, germany. http://www.archeo.amu.edu.pl/re.html | |
47. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Germany Subjects albania, archaeology links, austria, belgium, bulgaria, croatia, cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary http://bubl.ac.uk/link/g/germany.htm | |
48. Robert Crumb   Art And Archaeology  Book Travel To Germany CK Event Calendar Art and archaeology germany Robert Crumb. View all events in Art and archaeology  View all events in germany  Calendar Home. http://www.culturekiosque.com/calendar/special/viewevent.asp?ID=3789 |
49. Documenta11   Art And Archaeology  Book Travel To Germany CK Event Calendar Art and archaeology germany Documenta11. View all events in Art and archaeology  View all events in germany  Calendar Home. http://www.culturekiosque.com/calendar/special/viewevent.asp?ID=839 |
50. Archaeology - Germany UNESCO West UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES IN WESTERN germany HISTORY / archaeology PRICING CHARMING BOUTIQUES. 4 STAR HOTELS. PER PERSON (DBL). $830. $990. http://www.travelplansintl.com/Germanyunescoa.html | |
51. Archaeology - Germany UNESCO Central Quedlinburg. UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES IN CENTRAL germany HISTORY / archaeology PRICING CHARMING BOUTIQUES. 4 STAR HOTELS. PER PERSON (DBL). $830. $990. http://www.travelplansintl.com/Germanyunescob.html | |
52. Detailansicht: 'Archaeology Of South West Germany' [Archäologie Online : Guide] Translate this page Archäologie, 25.05.2004, 0740. Archäologie, online, Guide archaeology of South West germany, http://www.archaeologie-online.de/links/detail/4541.php | |
53. European Archaeology - Academic Info include Other archaeology ; Avebury Complex ; Callanish ; Channel Islands ; Scandinavia ; Digs ; Republic of Ireland ; England ; Events ; France ; germany http://www.academicinfo.net/archyeurope.html | |
54. Viking Shields might possibly represent metal strengthening bands (unknown from archaeology but required e. Bronze valkyrie pendant, Hedeby germany 10th cent., after Elsner http://www.ozemail.com.au/~chrisandpeter/shield/shield.html | |
55. SALT.... Made The World Go Round - ARCHAEOLOGY and up to Jerusalem.Kind permission of Franciscan Archaeological Institute Jordan. production, and rock sources in England, Burgundy, germany , Poland, and http://www.geocities.com/athens/2707/arch.html | |
56. The Archaeology Channel - Film Festivals fr. germany. Cinarchea Internationales ArchäologieFilm-Kunst Festival (International archaeology Film and Art Festival), Kiel. Theme, http://www.archaeologychannel.org/content/filmfestivals.asp | |
57. Animal Dung And Archaeology Bolivia/Peru/Argentina/experimental archaeology/camelid/goat/guinea pig. 16th Century) and a Pond (13th Century) from Gottingen, Southern Lower Saxony, germany. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~nmiller0/dung.html | |
58. Archaeometry Editorial Information G Eggert, Staatliche Akademie für Bildende Künste, Am Weissenhof 1, D70191 Stuttgart, germany. REM Hedges, Research Laboratory for archaeology the History http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/editors.asp?ref=0003-813X |
59. Arabian Archaeology And Epigraphy Editorial Information Editorin-Chief DT Potts School of archaeology, Classics Ancient History Italy P. Mortensen, Højbjerg, Denmark WW Müller, Marburg/Lahn, germany J. Oates http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/editors.asp?ref=0905-7196 |
60. Bible History Links - Ancient Israel - Recent Excavations Walter Haury, germany archaeology Recent Excavations http//www.israel.org/mfa/go.asp?MFAH00wk0 dor Tel Hazor Canaanite and Israelite buildings north of http://www.bible-history.com/links.cfm?cat=2&sub=280 |
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