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21. Roman Archaeology Dieckmann and Hanno Hecker at the University of Dortmund in germany. Both the text and the map are very useful in finding out about Roman archaeology and would http://www.providence.edu/dwc/romarch.htm | |
22. JOURNAL OF ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES NO This volume also belongs to the International Roman archaeology Conference Series based and JD Creighton Introduction recent research on Roman germany 32 35 http://www.journalofromanarch.com/supplements3.html | |
23. Archaeology - Germany - International Center For Scientific Research - CIRS *****Department of Classical archaeology. http://www.cirs-tm.org/org-eng.php?pays=Allemagne&matiere=archeo |
24. Archaeology - Germany - International Center For Scientific Research - CIRS http://www.cirs-tm.org/org-ar.php?pays=Allemagne&matiere=archeo |
25. Marchand, S.: Down From Olympus: Archaeology And Philhellenism In Germany, 1750- of the book Down from Olympus archaeology and Philhellenism in germany, 17501970 by Marchand, S., published by Princeton University Press....... http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/5932.html | |
26. Overview It maintains three large commissions in germany, as well as important departments in Rome carry out countless joint projects in the areas of archaeology and its http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en/aussenpolitik/kulturpolitik/wissenschaft/i | |
27. Nationalism And Politics In Films About Archaeology unssprechen? (ÂCould Mother Earth Talk More Urgently to Us? ) archaeology on film during the ThirdReich Tom Stern (Ruhrlandmuseum Essen, Essen, germany). http://godot.unisa.edu.au/wac/session.php?session=59 |
28. ANISTORITON Journal Of History, Archaeology, ArtHistory: History News The GDR (East Communist germany) on its way to German Unity. How the GDR Communist Party and East German Historians have manipulated German History between 1945 http://www.anistor.co.hol.gr/english/enback/h033.htm | |
29. Art And Exhibition Hall - Exhibitions - Archaeology In Germany EXHIBITIONS. archaeology IN germany. archaeology in germany Peoples through space and time 31 January until 2 March 2003. 25 Years http://www.kah-bonn.de/ausstellungen/archaeologie/index_e.htm | |
30. Art And Exhibition Hall - Exhibitions - Archaeology In Germany EXHIBITIONS. archaeology IN germany. Symposium. archaeology in germany on May 27. Minaret of the Great Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, 9. cent. http://www.kah-bonn.de/ausstellungen/archaeologie/archaeologie_im_niemandsland_e | |
31. UMAC Worldwide Database germany Wuerzburg. Antikensammlung http://publicus.culture.hu-berlin.de/collections/list.php?id=i&s=Classical Archa |
32. UMAC Worldwide Database germany Halle. Prähistorisch-Archäologische Sammlung Prehistoric Archaeological Collection Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. http://publicus.culture.hu-berlin.de/collections/list.php?id=i&s=Prehistorical A |
33. Archaeology On Land Similar temple finds have been made in germany and England, he said. Archaeologists discover 3 lost Egyptian cities. French underwater http://www.crystalinks.com/archaeology1.html |
34. Germany The history that we know of Ancient germany comes from ancient sources that have been discovered through archaeology, written history, and also oral history. http://www.usd.edu/~clehmann/pir/germany.htm | |
35. Maritime Underwater Nautical Archaeology - Maritime Museums By Location TechnikMuseum - Speyer, germany. Underwater archaeology Museum (Museum für Unterwasserarchäologie) - Sassnitz, germany. Greece. http://www.munarchaeology.com/munarchaeology/museums/locational.htm | |
36. H-Net Review: Gary Beckman On Suzanne L. Marchand, Down From Olympus: Archaeolog has taken a close look at the evolution of Greek studies and the related disciplines of classical, Egyptian, and Near Eastern archaeology in germany from the http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=129441067903030 |
37. Craftygal Stump - Personal Archaeology: Travels In Germany Maybe I had been sold a MasterCard commercial fantasy plane tickets to germany $900, rental car with automatic transmission $800, finally understanding http://www.craftygal.com/archives/november/stump1100.htm | |
38. Underwater Archaeolgy Societies, Workgroups & Institutes Unterwasserarchäologie der Gesellschaft für Vor und Frühgeschichte in Württemberg und Hohenzollern eV, germany. UK. NASNautical archaeology Society (NAS http://www.abc.se/~pa/uwa/societie.htm | |
39. Underwater Archaeology Museums Museum der Deutschen Binnenschiffahrt, Duisburg, germany. WikingerMuseum Haithabu, germany. UW archaeology is headed by Ms Iwona Pomian (photo). http://www.abc.se/~m10354/uwa/museums.htm | |
40. Bibliographies For Anthropological Research -- Tennessee Archaeology Net Searchable in Danish.*; Medieval Ceramics in germany An Introduction. In German.*; archaeology of Medieval Houses in German towns. http://www.mtsu.edu/~kesmith/TNARCHNET/Pubs/Res_Bib.html | |
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