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101. Hidden From History Preview of Dr. Susan Tebbutt's book 'Sinti and Roma in german Society and literature.' http://www.brad.ac.uk/bradinfo/university/newsandviews/96-02/nvtebbutt.html | |
102. Index Homepage of a germanAmerican in Omaha, NE. Provides bilingual information on education, literature, services, and many useful links and tips helping german immigrants adjust to American life. http://www.birgitgerdes.com | |
103. German National Library Of Medicine - Cologne Covering medicine, public health and its basic sciences and concerned with acquisition, indexing and supply of german and foreign biomedical literature. http://www.zbmed.de/indexengl.html |
104. Chandra's Bookpage Reviews and summaries in English and often in german - of books, both classical and modern (under the subsections Kannada literature and Indian fiction in English), from the Indian subcontinent. http://ch.8m.com | |
105. Nieuwe Pagina 1 Site of Marita de Sterck, Belgian author of children's literature and young adult fiction. In English and german. http://users.pandora.be/marita.de.sterck/english.htm | |
106. Rivista Di Filologia Cognitiva An international online journal of cognitive philology, linguistics and literature. Mainly in Italian, but may also publish articles in English, French, german and Spanish. http://w3.uniroma1.it/cogfil/homepage.html | |
107. External Links: Literature http://www.swan.ac.uk/german/links/lit.htm | |
108. H-EarlySlavic Discussion Network HNet discussion group dedicated to Slavic history, literature, and culture before 1725. Features subject overview, archive and subscription information. Belorussian, English, French, german, Russian, and Ukrainian. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~ess/ | |
109. Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Aegyptologie: Digitalisierte Print-Literatur Fulltext web versions of Egyptian texts and publications on Eygpt in English and german from Heidelberg University. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/fachref/aegypt/online.htm | |
110. This Site Has Moved Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/Africa/South_Africa/University_of_Cape_Town/Faculty_of_Humanities http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/german/ |
111. Web German: Deutsch Im Netz And Foreign Languages Online A center for learning with the Internet. Interactive exercises, audio files, literature, games, comics, news, fiction and other useful resources to help you learn online. http://webgerman.com/ | |
112. Versuch A german pagan homepage with several different sections (Archaeology, literature, and photographs). http://www.geocities.com/wafth | |
113. Welcome To Gender Inn Searchable database of information on feminist theory, feminist literary criticism, and gender studies, with a focus on English and American literature. Available in English and german. http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/englisch/datenbank/e_index.htm | |
114. Coins And Curiosities Offering a variety of world coins, medals, and numismatic literature. (Site in English and german) http://www.krix-coins.de/ |
115. Literature On German Antitrust Law In English Language literature on german Antitrust Law in English Language, by Joachim Rudo http://members.aol.com/RudoLaw/EnglishLiteratureonGermanAntitrustLaw.html |
116. Literature 1929 Awarded 'principally for his great novel, Buddenbrooks, which has won steadily increased recognition as one of the classic works of contemporary literature'. Laudatio, acceptance speech and autobiography of the german author. http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1929/ | |
117. Deutsch Kurzhaar Breeder of german Shorthaired Pointers. Information about my GSPs, photos,show results, puppies,standard, literature. http://www.nidauxnobles.ro | |
118. Bibliotheca Augustana Index of Latin literature. Navigation is in Latin you can browse alphabetically or by century. Also includes german, English, and Greek literature. http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/augusta.html | |
119. LetterX A bilingual (English and german) magazine for literature and art. http://www.letterX.org | |
120. Liteos Magazin Page 2 Ezine of Bulgarian literature. In Bulgarian and English, german, Spanish translation. http://www.liteos.de/magazin.htm | |
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