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61. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Wilhelm Lindemann A Catholic historian of german literature, b. at Schonnebeck near Essen, 17 December, 1828; d. at Niederkruechten near Erkelenz (Rhine Province) 20 December, 1879. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09268b.htm | |
62. Cybergerman Links Library - Literature Old High and Middle High German german literature. The Romantic Period in german literature 1794-1835. 19th Century German Stories - with Illustrations. http://www.southern.dpsnc.net/german/lit.htm | |
63. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Joseph Kehrein Educator, philologist, and historian of german literature, born at Heidesheim, near Mainz, 20 October, 1808; died at Montabaur, HesseNassau, 25 March, 1876. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08613b.htm | |
64. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Heliand The oldest complete work of german literature. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07205b.htm | |
65. Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes Yaoundé - New German Literature Relating To Afri New german literature relating to Africa. Welcome to a voyage of discovery of new german literature which relates to Africa. The http://www.goethe.de/af/yao/projekt/literatur/enindex.htm | |
66. German Literature --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia german literature Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Poetry and philosophy have been basic to the development of german literature. APA style german literature. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=296439&query=frank wedekind&ct=ebi |
67. German Literature Home Find It Special Collections. german literature. http://www.library.jhu.edu/specol/findit/collections/scgermanlit.html | |
68. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. N O R T H A M E R I C A - Books By Discipline: Germa Home / Books / Browse Books by Discipline / german literature/Culture. german literature/Culture. Series Edited by http://commerce.peterlangusa.com/genBooksByCategory.asp?CategoryName=German Lite |
69. German Literature: The 20th Century - From Roth To Grass, From Brecht To Becker. This brutal yet seductively introspective tale of adolescent cruelty and sexual exploitation at a German military boarding school was Ah, literature is death http://www.literatur-wissen.de/Belletristik/German/german.html | |
70. English And German Literature English and german literature (QR32). c. Course Requirement. 15. GE423. Perspectives on Gender in Post1945 german literature. 15. GE424. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/german/BAdegrees/englishandgermanlit/ | |
71. English And German Literature (QR32) Powered by Sitebuilder © MMIV. English and german literature (QR32). c. Course Requirement. GE423. Perspectives on Gender in Post1945 german literature. 15. GE424. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/quality/courseregs/undergrad/ge/qr32/ | |
72. Postgraduate Admissions/MA Programmes/MA In German Literature Of The Classical A MA in german literature of the Classical and Romantic Period. For the MA in german literature of the Classical and Romantic Period, these are http://www.art.man.ac.uk/SML/admiss/pg/progs/german_classical.shtml | |
73. Contemporary German Literature Grant contemporary german literature grant. deadline march 1. Contemporary german literature Grant. The Max Kade Center for Contemporary http://www.daad.org/1/4/contemporary.htm | |
74. Master Of Arts In German Literature Master of Arts in german literature. For further information on the MA in german literature, contact Prof. Harold Fry (hfry@kent.edu). http://dept.kent.edu/mcls/german/ma_german.html | |
75. Nature And Environment In Modern German Literature (NEMG) - Home Page Nature and Environment in Modern german literature. How has nature been conceptualized in german literature in the period in question? http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/s.g.meacher/ | |
76. Literatur-Links Literatur. Lebensläufe, Links, Bilder. 20-Century german literature Prof. http://members.aol.com/artefact/lit-links.html | |
77. German Literature From Grant & Cutler Literature This is the german literature section of the online edition of our 20032004 Five Languages catalogue. See below for contents. http://www.grantandcutler.com/catalogues/german/main/b03glit.htm | |
78. Oxford University Press - German Literature german literature, Featured Titles. 0192836501 162 pages pb 1998, Danton s Death, Leonce and Lena, Woyzeck. BÃCHNER, Georg Translated and edited by Victor Price, http://www.oup.com.au/content/General.asp?ContentID=1173&MasterID=47 |
79. CIE Online - Qualifications And Awards - View By Subject German Language. german literature. A AS Level German, A AS Level German Language, A AS Level german literature, IGCSE German (First Language), http://www.cie.org.uk/CIE/WebSite/qualificationsandawardshub/viewbysubject/expan |
80. Beginnings Of German Literature , 157113235X The Beginnings of german literature Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Old High German Cyril Edwards For the German http://www.boydell.co.uk/1262.HTM |
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