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1. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: German Literature Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. Home Catholic Encyclopedia G german literature. A. B. C Bishop Ulfilas, in the fourth century http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06517a.htm | |
2. European Literature - Electronic Texts german literature. LitLinks Links zu OnlineTexten der deutschen und ins Deutsche übersetzten Literatur gesammelt von Helmut Schulze http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/etexts.html | |
3. German Studies Web: Literature Resources Literature Resources. Homepages, etc. General. Walter Benjamin. Thomas Bernhard . The International Brecht Society Homepage. Paul Celan Homepage . GoetheLinks für die Literaturwissenschaft. Hölderlin Gesellschaft. The Kafka Project. Litrix.de german literature online. Focus on contemporary fiction and non-fiction http://www.dartmouth.edu/~wess/wesslit.html | |
4. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: German Literature Contains articles on german literature and links to news archives, resources on Goethe and Leo Perutz, libraries, subject guides, and directories in Japan. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/g/germanliterature.htm | |
5. Essays And Articles • Aufsätze Und Referate A collection of essays and other scholarly articles on various topics in german literature, language, and culture. http://www.nthuleen.com/essayindex.html | |
6. German Literature of useful material designed for german literature taught in German schools. Projekt GutenbergDigital library for reading german literature in German online. XlibrisHere you http://clawww.lmu.edu/~pkonow/german1.htm | |
7. Deutsche Literatur Im Internet - Sammlungen The separate pages for german literature are no longer being maintained. This page will go to WESSWeb s Electronic Text Collections http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/germtext.html | |
8. German Literature: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY US/UK College Students For secondary literature, interpretations and collections of essays (in German), please follow this link. http://www.gelfert.net/Books/MRR_EN/mrr_en.html | |
9. German Literature - Deutsche Literatur German Language. german literature Deutsche Literatur. Guide picks. Famous authors and works in german literature. Poetry and prose by authors from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. http://german.about.com/cs/germanliterature | |
10. German 380 - 20-Century German Literature German 380 Fall, 1997 20thCentury german literature. Werke. Neu!!! Links. Autoren. Hintergrund. Suche. Professor Peter Yang pjy2@po.cwru.edu. http://www.cwru.edu/artsci/modlang/german380/ | |
11. Yale University Library: German Literature Research Guide a Librarian, german literature Research Guide. Other literature subject guides Databases article searching. This guide provides pointers http://www.library.yale.edu/rsc/german/ | |
12. Beinecke Library Guide -- German Collection The Collection of german literature. by Christa Sammons. Particular areas of strength in the german literature Collection are described below Early Literature. http://www.library.yale.edu/beinecke/blgycgl.htm | |
13. New York University | Bobst Library: German Language And Literature Subject Guid Research Guides. RG 25 german literature; RG 19 Literary Criticism; RG 9 Finding Doctoral Dissertations Includes NYU, US, Canadian, and foreign dissertations; http://library.nyu.edu/research/german/ | |
14. New York University | Bobst Library: Research Assistance -- Rg25.html german literature. RG 25. The purpose of this guide is to introduce graduate students to the essential research materials in german literature and language. http://library.nyu.edu/research/rg25.html | |
15. KHS German Literature Page Many of the Grimms Märchen. The Gutenberg Project is a nice collection of german literature online. An online collection of Karl May. http://sps.k12.mo.us/khs/german/germany/literature/dtlit.htm | |
16. Ifkud, Institut Für Kulturwissenschaftliche Deutschlandstudien The institute is devoted to the study of contemporary german literature, politics and culture. Main fields of research are GDR literature, citizens' movements. Read / download our journal, lectures and articles. The institute is located at the University of Bremen, Germany. http://www.deutschlandstudien.uni-bremen.de/ | |
17. Authors In German Literature (1) Search. German Language Authors in german literature 1 From your Guide for German Language german literature Articles and links for german literature online. http://german.about.com/library/blautoren.htm | |
18. Authors In German Literature: Index A-K Search. German Language Authors in german literature 2 From your Guide Ingo Stoehr, Editor. german literature Articles and links for german literature online. http://german.about.com/library/blautoren2.htm?terms=authors |
19. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle WWW Virtual Library German Subject Catalogue. 19thCentury german literature Online. Der Standard Cyber-Kultur im Internet (in German). http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=1226 |
20. Litrixgerman literature Online - Translate this page Gegenwartsliteratur. WELCOME TO LITRIX.DE Your Portal for the Worldwide Promotion of Contemporary german literature. Ein Initiativprojekt |
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