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German Language: more books (100) | ||||
141. Athena - W3 Researches And Education Athena W3 Researches and Education offers the Joseph Beuys Online Index in german and English language. http://athena.formstreng.net/ |
142. Foreign Language Education Providing new solutions for curriculum courses in Spanish, English, French, german, Japanese, Russian and Latin for children and adults. http://www.foreign-language-education.com/ | |
143. German Anthropology-Online Features English abstracts of articles from germanlanguage journals and links to universities and museums. http://www.anthropology-online.de/ | |
144. Germany german National Library. National bibliographic information center for the Federal Republic of germany, responsible for the collection, processing and bibliographic indexing of all german and germanlanguage publications issued since 1913. http://www.ddb.de/index_e.htm | |
145. Vertaalbureau Language Unlimited, Uw Partner In Communicatie Translation into English, german, French, Spanish and Italian. http://www.languageunlimited.nl | |
146. A Few Words About Low Saxon (Low German) / Ein Paar Worte über Das Niedersächs Essay giving a historical and linguistic profile, language map, and links. http://www.sassisch.net/lowsax.htm | |
147. Kaleidoscope Language Services Translation, editing, international events german, French English. http://www.languageservice.ca/English.htm | |
148. Language Service UK based translation services in French, german, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. http://www.aatranslations.com/english/index.html |
149. Fakultät Für Maschinenwesen Der TU München Mainly germanlanguage. http://www.mw.tu-muenchen.de/?sprache=en |
150. YOUR HOUSE LANGUAGE SCHOOL English, Spanish and german lessons, Interpretations, Job offers, and penfriends. http://www.osonaweb.com/yourhouse | |
151. Welcome To Living Language Welcome Log in/Register, Email this page. FRENCH. german. ITALIAN. SPANISH. Select from the topics listed below. You can choose only http://www.fodors.com/language/ | |
152. Index Webmaster tells how he learned English, german, Italian, and French languages and made exams at intermediate level all within 4 years. http://www.geocities.com/kutilajos/ | |
153. LTC Translation Services, Language Translators, Training - Spanish, English, Ger Translation and training in English, Spanish, german, Chinese and French. http://www.languagetrainingcenter.com | |
154. Mgert - Global Vocabulary Lists Ten words per week for foreignlanguage learners. Czech, English, Finnish, French, german, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish. http://mgert.conness.com | |
155. Learn Languages Abroad - Learn Spanish, Learn French, Learn Italian And Learn Ge Provides information about language courses in Europe, in Spanish, French, german, Italian and how to earn college credits while experiencing life in another part of the world. http://www.learn-languages-abroad.co.uk/ | |
156. The German Translation Buro L.e. Home Page The translation b¼ro provides general, academic and literary translations (English lt; gt;german) and crosscultural language services to assist with specific language requirements. http://www.hermes.net.au/edi/ | |
157. Languages For Children - Products To Learn French, German, Italian Or Spanish Wi Markets innovative products which make language learning fun and easy for young children. Songs, games, audio books and activities help teach French, german, Italian or Spanish. http://www.linguatots.com | |
158. German-Language Newspapers And Journals Published In London: The British Library A catalogue of the germanlanguage newspapers and journals published in London held by The British Library Newspaper Library, London, UK. http://www.bl.uk/collections/london.html | |
159. The University Of Saarland, Germany A guide to german Law resources available on the Internet in the English language. Lots of useful links on all areas of german law. http://www.jura.uni-sb.de/english/glsindex.html | |
160. AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation Translates text and web pages from one language to another, including English, german, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian. http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn | |
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