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1. "The Awful German Language" By Mark Twain The Awful german language. by Mark Twain. This is Appendix D from Twain's 1880 book A Tramp Abroad. Go to other Mark Twain writings on the german language. Contents http://www.crossmyt.com/hc/linghebr/awfgrmlg.html | |
2. German Language - Learn German - Teach German - Speak German - Deutsch german language resources for students, teachers, and lovers of German including lessons, quizzes, sound files, teaching ideas, online dictionaries, and http://german.about.com/ | |
3. E. L. Easton - Languages - German Dialects. Food. History of german language. Holidays. Movies. Music History of german language. german language Helmut Richter. german language Carina Beyer. german language Hans Eggers http://eleaston.com/german.html | |
4. German Language Resources -- Electronic Text Center Electronic Text Center, Online Holdings. The Electronic Text Center s collection of online Germanlanguage texts. Offline Holdings. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/german.html | |
5. Yamada Language Center: German WWW Guide Free Online Language Lab in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. German Stories in intended primarily for teachers of german language, literature, and culture in primary http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/guides/german.html | |
6. German Language - Learn German - Teach German - Speak German - german language resources for students, teachers, and lovers of German including lessons, quizzes, sound files, teaching ideas, online dictionaries, and cultural info. You can practice your Subscribe to the About german language newsletter. Search. german language It's not too late to find a German-language summer school http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://german.about.com/&y=02BAC271B97E05FE |
7. German Language Resources LowlandsRelated links. Lowlands related Web links this page deals with all languages and cultures of the lowlands. Includes English, German, Afrikaans, Frisian, Pidgins, and more. Good general info http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/germanic.html | |
8. German Language - Learn German - Teach German - Speak German - Deutsch http://german.miningco.com/ | |
9. German Language Resources Translate this page Online listings of German-language books-in-print buchhandel.de, buchkatalog.de, libri.de. Selected current periodicals available online http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~german/german_resources.html | |
10. German Language Resources arrow, German Index at Easton Language Education. arrow, The Mining Company. Lots of german language links under various headings. http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au/la/lote/german/links/gerlink.htm | |
11. German Language A collection of links related to the german language. Subscribe to the About german language newsletter. Search. german language Read 'real' German online and offline. Germanlanguage books http://german.about.com/mlibrary.htm | |
12. German Language Videos Home Page german language Videos Over 2400 german language videos for sale or rent in the US. German german language Video Center© 1997/2003. Entire http://www.germanvideo.com/ | |
13. German: Foreign Language News And Newspapers: Publication Types: MIT Libraries german language News and Magazines Das Aktuelle Tagesprogramm Information on German television. GrenzEcho A german language daily from Belgium. http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/types/flnews/german.html | |
14. Deutsche Kultur International Kunst Provides information on the main areas and organisations in international cultural exchange schools abroad, primary and secondary education, libraries, german language, youth exchange, art, media, study and sciences. http://www.deutsche-kultur-international.de/dir/index.html?dir_id=22&lang=en |
15. German Language - The German Way The german language. Copyright © 19972002 Hyde Flippo. Language links. german language - Free online German course - and more from Hyde Flippo at About.com. http://www.german-way.com/german/gerlang.html | |
16. For Teachers And Students - The German Way A guide for teachers and students of German or anyone interested in the german language and culture. german language and cultural Web links. http://www.german-way.com/german/teach.html | |
17. Intro Many of these irregular verbs are the same in German and English (itself originally a west german language called AngloSaxon). http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Hall/1238/intro.html | |
18. AAA Translation German software localization service, web translation, translating and interpreting in all languages, cultural and international consulting, VIP services, free quote. http://www.AAATranslation.com/ | |
19. Central Library: Resources For German Languages And Literature Resources for german language and Literature. Bibliographer Go back to Resources for german language and literature. 07/1/03. Archives http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/german.html | |
20. German - Wikibooks German. From MediaWiki, the free encyclopedia. Bundesrepublik Deutschland Flag of Germany. Deutsch ~ English Learning the german language http://wikibooks.org/wiki/German | |
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