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81. Small Pets the right variety of tasty, nutritious ingredients, Party Cakes for Hamsters Gerbilsare perfect for delicious, snacking entertainment. pet care Central 50 http://www.growinglifestyle.com/j/28423/ | |
82. Happypets.org - Pet Care - Small Animals And Other Pets diets so if you have a rat, gerbil pellets are more cages designed for them are appearingin pet stores all than a rodent when it comes to care and maintenance http://happypets.addr.com/others.htm | |
83. Pet Care Questions & Answers - Free Advice Are ferrets good pets? Buying and choosing a gerbil Why did my gerbil chew his deadcompanion the Estrus cycle Preparing a rabbit for winter Caring for newborn http://www.petpeoplesplace.com/Advice/show_all.html | |
84. Ani-Med - Pet Care Information Tips To be a good gerbil caretaker, you ll need to remove Also, take care to put cage furnitureand food dishes back in Redecorating can easily stress your pets out http://www.animed.org/gerbil_housing.htm | |
85. Tomlinson's - Pet Supplies For Texans Since 1946 second most common disease seen in pet hamsters, and can also occur ( although lessfrequently) in gerbils. http://www.tomlinsons.com/petcare.htm | |
86. MarketPlace At SportsLine.com - Pet Care - Hamster & Gerbil Supplies - Hamster & Top / pet care / Hamster Gerbil Supplies / Hamster Gerbil Food Treats(40), Search in Hamster Gerbil Food Treats , Price Range. $ to $, http://sportsline.catalogcity.com/amos/cc/main/product_categories/act/0-21560-29 | |
87. MarketPlace At SportsLine.com - Pet Care - Hamster & Gerbil Supplies - Hamster & Top / pet care / Hamster Gerbil Supplies / Hamster Gerbil Cages Accessories(50), Search in Hamster Gerbil Cages Accessories , Price Range. $ to $, http://sportsline.catalogcity.com/amos/cc/main/product_categories/act/0-21560-29 | |
88. Caring For All Animals In Ireland - The Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Your pet Gerbil. Remember. gerbils are bright, inquisitive, rewardingto observe, clean and cheap to feed. However they do require http://www.ispca.ie/petcare/pet-gerbil.html | |
89. Gerbil Care - Animal Hospitals-USA Gerbil care. Gerbil fans say that gerbils make good pets due to theirtemperament, and ease of care. They tend to be easily tamed http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com/small_pets/gerbil_care.html | |
90. Gerbils - Animal Hospitals-USA There are many other species of gerbil, some of which are less commonly kept as pets,but they are from the book ÂAvianExotic Animal care Guides by http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com/small_pets/gerbils.html | |
91. Guinea Pigs As Pets for older children, because they are easy to care for and of space, so it is an idealpet for a that of smaller rodents such as hamsters, gerbils, rats, and http://www.petcarevabeach.com/guinea.html | |
92. Care Of Small Pocket Pets Pocket Pets include guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, mice and rats.The care of each of these pets is similar. Each require a roomy http://www.mesavet.com/library/PocketPets.htm | |
93. 101.3 KDWB gerbils and guinea pigs gerbils and guinea pigs have the same basic needs as otherpets, but require less maintenance. care of these pets consists primarily of http://needtoknow.kdwb.com/guides/petcare/ | |
94. Pet Care - Animal Rescue League Of Iowa Suggestions for a Happier Gerbil Handle and pet your gerbil daily;they love attention. They will soon recognize their care takers. http://www.arl-iowa.org/PetCare/Smallfurry.asp | |
95. Pets Webliography - Pollard Memorial Library Ostrow, M. A complete introduction to gerbils 636.93233 O85; Wegler, Monika. PetReptiles Information - Information about the care, feeding, and habitat http://www.pollardml.org/pets.html | |
96. World Of Pets - Hamsters And Gerbils, Health, Anatomy, Care Etc Hamster and gerbils make delightful pets due to their playful ways, inquisitive and hamsterand a gerbil when it comes to general care but gerbils tend to http://www.worldofpetsni.com/hamster.htm | |
97. Awesome Library - Science Exotic Pets (PlanetPets.com) Provides descriptions, pictures, and suggestions forthe care and feeding of Chinchillas, Ferrets, Frogs, gerbils, Goats, Guinea http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Science/Biology/Pets.html | |
98. Pet Care Online Shopping Store Aquariums, Habitats Ponds. Fish. pet Health care Supplies. Birds. GroomingAids. pet Memorials. Carriers Cages. Hamster Gerbil Supplies. pet Toys. http://www.plaza101.com/plaza/store/shop97384/Online/Pet_Care/Page10/ | |
99. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Pets & Animals - Exotic Pets - Smal pet Rodent Homepage http//www.webcom.com/lstead/rodents/rodents.html Guide tocaring for rats, mice, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters and chinchillas, covers http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=540615 |
100. CatalogCity.com - Pet Care - Hamster & Gerbil Supplies - Hamster & Gerbil Food & Send your eGift today. Top / pet care / Hamster Gerbil Supplies / Hamster GerbilFood Treats (40), Search in Hamster Gerbil Food Treats , Price Range. http://www.catalogcity.com/amos/cc/main/product_categories/act/0-21560-29712-297 | |
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