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21. CM Magazine: Pet Care Series ** /4. gerbils. (pet care). Rebecca Sjonger and Bobbie Kalman. Photographsby Marc Crabtree. St. Catharines, ON Crabtree, 2004. 32 pp., pbk. http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol10/no18/petcare.html | |
22. IrishAnimals.ie: Pet Care Resources Ireland pet care resources in Ireland for cats, dogs, reptiles amphibians,horses, gerbils, fish and other animals. Animal care resources http://www.irishanimals.com/care/gerbils.html | |
23. All Articles In Small Pet Care Library Cavy care Rob A look at the basics of how to care for them Grooming Small Pets Summarizeshow to groom your pets fairly easily and get the HAMSTERS gerbils. http://www.petpeoplesplace.com/Care/Small_Pets/show_all.htm | |
24. Caring For Your Gerbils pet store gerbils can be ill So unless you are sure in the competancy of the localstore, know they take good care of their animals, and you feel you can http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9792/care.html | |
25. The "Rodent Care" E-book From Practical Pet Care vet? Rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs all have different needs. again!Vet care is important to your pet s health. However http://www.practical-pet-care.com/ebooks_rodents.php | |
26. Forum Message: 'Q: Gerbils With Wet Tail?' Forum Message Q gerbils with wet tail? on thePractical pet care Ask an Expert Rodent Forum. http://www.practical-pet-care.com/rodent_question.php?ID=1.2004051011435574 |
27. Gerbils tolerant and require little in the way of special care. mentioned is that many booksclaim that gerbils can absorb just as with every other type of rodent pet. http://www.webcom.com/lstead/rodents/gerbils.html | |
28. Ani-Med - Pet Care Information Tips Do you have the time it takes to properly care for gerbils? These curious charmersaren t the type of pets you can just feed, water and passively watch through http://www.animed.org/gerbil_is_a_gerbil_right_for_you.htm | |
29. Exotic Pet Care Library At Harmony Animal Hospital's World Of Pets: Laugh, Learn hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils, and guinea pigs) are very popular pets. They makegood first pets for young children and as a rule require minimal care. http://www.petvets.com/petcare/exotics.html | |
30. Pet Care: Gerbil 411 or other soft plastic toys for gerbils. Sooner or later, everything made of woodor plastic will undergo some serious gnawing by your pets. Take care that all http://www.animaland.org/asp/petcare/gerbil411.asp | |
31. Pet Care: Bird Chowtime You may notice that your pets go for the yummy nutritious highprotein seeds, so pleasetake care not to them extra sunflower seedsor your gerbils could start http://www.animaland.org/asp/petcare/gerbilchowtime.asp | |
32. Eva's Pet Care Disagreement Page The same kind of differencies in the care of the animal can befound when it comesto small pets like rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, gerbils, hamsters and so http://goto.glocalnet.net/natal/pcd.htm | |
33. Eva's Pet Gerbils Page Eva s Mouse Page Eva s Rat Page Eva s Hamster Page Eva s Natal Rat Page SpiderPlants. Degus. Spiny Mice. pet care Disagreement. gerbils as the perfect pets. http://goto.glocalnet.net/natal/gerbil/gerbil.htm | |
34. Pets FAQs about pets Click on your pet choice on Station - All about fish, aquariums,and fish care. Frogland; Gerbil Home Page; gerbils - Basic information about http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/web/pets.html | |
35. Pet Products: Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Hamster, Rats, Mice, Gerbil, Guinea Pig, Rat Pro pet products dog, cat, rats, rabbit, hamster, mice, gerbil Fish Fish Books Fishcare and Health Fish CDs gerbils Gerbil Books Gerbil care and Health Gerbil CDs http://www.petwebsite.com/products.asp | |
36. Mypetstop.com - Articles On Pet Care, Pet Advice, Pet News And Events Click to go to Bird Articles, pet birds can a strong bond with horses, and takingcare of them is In fact, hamsters, rabbits, chinchillas, gerbils, rabbits, rats http://www.mypetstop.com/uk/petarticles/ | |
37. Mypetstop.com - Pet Gerbils - Tips And Advice On Health Care, Feeding And Behavi MISSING PETS, Relationship Foal First Horse, Health care, Lifestyle, Nutrition,Relationship Chinchillas, Degus, Ferrets, gerbils, Guinea Pigs http://www.mypetstop.com/UK/Other Animals/Gerbils/ | |
38. NPR : Universal Pet Health Care of the measure argue that since house pets like gerbils don t Proposed pet healthID card. a broader agenda is behind extension of universal health care to pets http://www.npr.org/programs/atc/features/2002/apr/pethealthcare/ | |
39. Rodent Care - Fact Sheet -- BC SPCA If you have a pregnant animal consult a pet care book to make sure you are givingcorrect care. Hamsters. For more information see hamster links. gerbils. http://www.spca.bc.ca/Factsheets/rodent.htm | |
40. Which Pet To Get? -- BC SPCA Status Domesticated. Bred as pets, food animals and laboratory animals. For moreinformation on the care of rabbits click here. Back to Top. gerbils. http://www.spca.bc.ca/petcare.htm | |
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