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61. Vocational Schools In Louisiana vocational schools in Louisiana, Is your job lacking the spice of a Cajun meal? Maybe vocational schools in Louisiana have your answer. http://www.vocational-schools.info/Vocational-Schools-in-Louisiana.htm | |
62. Georgia National Guard Service Cancelable Education Loan at least a halftime student in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible college, university, technical or vocational school within the state of georgia;; http://www.gsfc.org/GSFA/SCL/dsp_gngscel.cfm | |
63. Holistic Junction: Vocational Schools Directory vocational schools Directory. http://www.holisticjunction.com/traditional_schools_directory.cfm?State=OutsideU |
64. Lake Area Multi-District Vocational School District - South Dakota / SD View District Profile for Lake Area MultiDistrict vocational Elementary schools. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_district/190/sd/ | |
65. Daniel Morgan Vocational School District - South Carolina / SC View District Profile for Daniel Morgan vocational Elementary schools. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_district/88/sc/ | |
66. Georgia Professional Standards Commission - Self Evaluation - Vocational Fields For some vocational fields you must have a In georgia certification terminology, the bachelor degree level is is as follows Level 1 High School Diploma or GED http://www.gapsc.com/application/vocational.asp | |
67. GADOE.org - Office Of Finance: Teacher Salaries Notes The georgia Annual Salary Schedule for certified teachers T1 (vocational Education fields only) a minimum of the completion of a high school diploma or http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/doe/finances/salaries.asp | |
68. Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School - Robotics Team Copyright © 2000 Blackstone Valley Regional vocational School District All rights reserved The Championship will be held at the georgia Dome in Atlanta, georgia http://www.valleytech.k12.ma.us/robotics/robotics_schedule2004.htm | |
69. Technical And Vocational Schools Highway 150 PO Box 400 Calmar, IA 521327606 Phone (319) 562 - 3263 Fax (319) 562 - 4362 Northeast Metropolitan Regional vocational School Dis 100 Hemlock Rd http://www.aera.org/Schools/Default.htm | |
70. CNN.com - School Board: No Credit For Hooters Work - Feb. 5, 2004 SAVANNAH, georgia (AP) A 17year-old high school senior study program that lets students leave school early so they can work for vocational course credit http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/02/05/hooters.school.ap/ | |
71. Archived - The Quality Of Vocational Education: Chapter 2, References doctoral dissertation, University of georgia, Athens. Conclusions Table of Contents Curricular Tracks and High School vocational Education http://www.ed.gov/pubs/VoEd/Chapter2/Part6.html | |
72. Jordan Vocational High School SignWriting In USA Directory Jordan vocational High School 3200 Howard Avenue Columbus, georgia, 31904 Teacher Cynthia Frey signlanguage1@juno.com. http://www.signwriting.org/usa/georgia/georgia.html | |
73. Georgia Rehabilitation Services Home Page - GDOL school high tech logo High School High Tech. largest of the programs are vocational Rehabilitation (VR the Business Enterprise Program and georgia Industries for http://www.vocrehabga.org/ | |
74. Warnell School Of Forest Resources: Service And Outreach: Educational Resource C was hosted by the Warnell School of Forest Resources, and funding for teacher materials was provided by a grant from the georgia vocational Staff Development http://www.forestry.uga.edu/warnell/service/education/courses/ | |
75. REPORT OF THE SENATE STUDY COMMITTEE ON VOCATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Association 3,500 members Organization for middle and high school students which promotes technology. The georgia Association of vocational Industrial Clubs http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2003_04/snresearch/vocational.html | |
76. Georgia's Celebration Of Excellence recognize the academic achievements of youth in the georgia foster care system who are graduating from high school, GED programs, vocational school, or college http://www.celebrationofexcellence.org/ | |
77. Campuses Of The University System Of Georgia Normal College; georgia Industrial College; The georgia vocational Trade School. Colleges for Blacks. georgia State Industrial College; http://www.usg.edu/bor70th/campuses.phtml | |
78. History The georgia Academy for the Blind endeavors to in the areas of intellectual growth, vocational work experience sensory impaired children who are school age and http://www.gabmacon.org/history.htm | |
79. Top New Jersey Culinary Schools | New Jersey Culinary Institute Directory Chef Training. Camden County vocational and Technical schools, Sicklerville, New Jersey, USA, Culinary Arts/Chef Training. Raritan Valley http://chef2chef.net/culinary-institute/state/new-jersey-culinary-schools.htm | |
80. Autobody Pro: Vocational Schools vocational schools Associations. Select an underlined state below to find institutions that offer auto body repair education courses. http://www.autobodypro.com/voc_schools.htm | |
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