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121. "My McMillan" Family Website genealogy of the family branch which emigrated from Scotland and eventually settled in the South georgia area. http://rhmiv.home.mindspring.com/ | |
122. Genealogy Society Coweta County, GA these friends Cyndi s List of genealogy Sites on the Internet. Welcome to Newnan.comYouronline source of information about Newnan and Coweta County, georgia. http://members.tripod.com/~CowetaGS/ | |
123. Hall Co. GA History And Genealogy Hall County genealogy from the georgia GenWeb project. http://www.rootsweb.com/~gahall/ | |
124. Taylor County, GA GenWeb Taylor County genealogy from the georgia GenWeb project. http://www.rootsweb.com/~gataylor/gataylor.htm |
125. Appling County, Georgia Contains information on Revolutionary and Confederate soldiers, Appling history and queries, and links to other sites concerning information pertaining to genealogy. http://plant.sgc.peachnet.edu/~jbellis/genweb/appling/appling.html |
126. Georgia World Vital Records adding more and more genealogy web sites to help you learn more about using theInternet to find your genealogy. Or click here for more georgia Vital Records http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/georgiavitalrecords.htm | |
127. Boards Message Boards [ Boards ] Gennconnect's forums for the state of georgia, for posting queries concerning genealogy. http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec?htx=board&r=rw&p=localities.northam.us |
128. The Crypt: Genealogy & History Of Camden & Charlton Counties, Georgia History and genealogy of the communities in Camden and Charlton Counties, georgia. Numerous photographs. http://www.camdencounty.org/ | |
129. Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia -- Genealogy Search Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, georgia, Search the Oakland Cemetery,Atlanta, georgia Database For Your genealogy. Build Your Family http://www.genealogy.org/db.asp?dbid=4105 |
130. Kendrick's The genealogy of the Kendrick family from north georgia back to Virginia. http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/kendrick | |
131. Welcome To Taylor County AHGP georgia American History and genealogy Project http://www.rootsweb.com/~gataylo2/ | |
132. Knight Family History From Virginia, Georgia And Louisiana Includes genealogy of the Knight Family from Virginia through Bulloch County, georgia to Washington Parish Louisiana; family pictures; family reunion updates and photos. http://www.geocities.com/gpknightfamily | |
133. Shawna's Genealogy Site Extensive personal genealogy site dealing with surnames from mostly western North Carolina and Southern georgia. Database includes gedcom's, cemetery surveys, marriage records. Site updated monthly. http://www.shahall.com/ | |
134. Newton County, Georgia, Genealogy Newton County, georgia. genealogy. Newton County Resources. Email list withsearchable archives. Newton County USGenWeb. Newton County at RootsWeb. http://www2.netdoor.com/~cch/Newton/ | |
135. Lineages' Genealogy Site Jenkins County, Georgia Provides the courthouse and phone number for Jenkins county to inquire about records as well as helpful genealogy and georgia links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/JenkinsCounty.html |
136. Chattahoochee County, GA, Genealogy Chattahoochee County, georgia, genealogy, history and geography, includingmilitary, census, and vital record information for researching ancestors. http://www2.netdoor.com/~cch/CHA/ | |
137. Lineages' Genealogy Site Lowndes County, Georgia Offers the address and phone numbers for the Lowndes County courthouse to make inqueries regarding records that are held there. Also provides helpful general georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/LowndesCounty.html |
138. Lineages' Genealogy Site Irwin County, Georgia Information for genealogy research in Irwin County. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/IrwinCounty.html |
139. Newton County, Georgia Newton county history, queries, surname registry, and links to other genealogy resources. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4843/newton.htm | |
140. Lineages' Genealogy Site Jefferson County, Georgia Provides courthouse address and phone number to inquire about genealogy records as well as provides helpful georgia and genealogy links. http://www.lineages.com/usa/ga/JeffersonCounty.html |
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