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Georgia Former Ussr Geography: more detail | ||||||
81. CIA WORLD FACTBOOK 1992 Via The Libraries Of The Univ. Of Missouri black on top, white below ECONOMY Overview Among the former Soviet republics, Georgiais noted accounted, however, for less than 2% of the ussr s output http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/wofact92/wf930092.txt |
82. Geography And Resources Of Turkey-Adiyamanli.org geography and Resources of Turkey. Travelers Stories, Tell Your Story Here..! FormerUSSR (georgia, Armenia, Nakhitchevan Autonomous Region); 610 km. http://www.adiyamanli.org/in_fact1.htm | |
83. Maps Of Russia. Russia Maps. former Soviet Union Comparative Ethnic Groups, 1989 1995 (192K). GeorgiaMaps. Japanussr Northern Territories Shaded Relief Map 1988 (230K). http://www.1uptravel.com/worldmaps/russia.html | |
84. Geography 294 km, Finland 1,313 km, georgia 723 km Disputes inherited disputes from formerUSSR including sections of Geographic Areas or Regions Within Country largest http://burns.dcb.du.edu/geography.asp?id=63 |
85. Pravda.RU Georgia's Minister Of Interior Says, Kidnapped Englishman Peter Shaw M Pravda.RUBest articles on this weekFormer ussr, 2002.08.23 Georgian president feltsorry for Russian pilots. 2002.08.27 Geographic heart of Ukraine discovered. http://english.pravda.ru/cis/2002/08/29/35564.html | |
86. IUGG 2003 Scientific Program In georgia the greatest drain of water (in comparison with the countries of formerUSSR), exceeding 3000 mm of aridity of territory, mode and geography of a http://www.cig.ensmp.fr/~iahs/sapporo/abs/hs02_op/007120-1.html | |
87. Georeferencing Checklist georgia, georgia, USA, Germany, Romania, MVZ, 6 Nov 03, In Progress. Russia, formerUSSR, Rwanda, Back to top. geography, No. of Localities, Claimed by, Date Claimed,Status. http://www.herpnet.org/Gazetteer/GeorefChecklistAlphab.html | |
88. Turkmenistan, With Flag, Map And Its People, Economy, Geography, Government, New geography note landlocked; the western and central low its major customers in theformer ussr for gas http://www.countryreports.org/content/turkmenistan.htm | |
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