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61. USDA Awards More Than $14 Million In Integated Food Safety Grants consumers and evaluate changes in their food handling practices after receiving food safety education. georgia National Center for Home food Processing and http://www.thesoydailyclub.com/Research/foodsafetygrants11042003.asp | |
62. On Line HACCP Or Food Safety Courses - FoodHACCP.com food safety University of georgia Cooperative Extension General food preservation Information source from http General food safety Information source from http http://www.foodhaccp.com/online.html | |
63. FDA, States Collaborate For Safety's Sake Milk safety. milk specialists, like their counterparts in retail food and shellfish So far, California, Colorado, Florida, georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/296_fda.html | |
64. Error 404 Extension consumer and retail food safety education program Important Factors for Selecting food Packaging Materials the staff of the georgia Pacific Technical http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/pkgsci/news.htm | |
65. Error 404 She serves on Clemson s food safety Rapid Response Team Libby Hoyle s direction, our Extension food and nutrition in the University of georgia s Plant Pathology http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/psamedia/1999rel.dir/Love.txt | |
66. IFT - Graduate Directory Associate Professor, Ph.D., georgia food microbiology and vegetable quality safety; packaging Massachusetts (Amherst) Physicochemical properties of foods. http://www.ift.org/cms/?pid=1000681&printable=1 |
67. Veneman Announces $14.2 Million In Grants To Expand Food Safety Research And Edu and filtered smoke on the safety and quality of georgia University of georgia$568,370 to assess potential s National Center for Home food Processing and http://www.fass.org/fasstrack/news_item.asp?news_id=723 |
68. Food Safety Database So Easy To Preserve Video, University of georgia. Extension. The Children s food safety Kit, The National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics. http://www.extension.umn.edu/projects/foodsafety/ |
69. Achievements In Public Health, 1900-1999: Safer And Healthier Foods Irradiation pasteurization of solid foods; taking food safety to the foods nutritive value and cost Atlanta, georgia US Department of Health and Human Services http://www.cdc.gov/epo/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4840a1.htm | |
70. Delaware for the pesticides they will handle including safety clothing and Any producer intending to sell organic food must be certified by a georgia. February 28, 1993. http://wsare.usu.edu/aglaws/de_ga.htm | |
71. 89-5 Development Of HACCP Plans For Fresh-cut Fruit And Vegetable Processing of georgia, 240C food Science Bldg., Athens, GA processed industry, unlike most other food processors, faces daunting task of ensuring product safety with no http://ift.confex.com/ift/2004/techprogram/paper_21121.htm | |
72. Savor - Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 1994 Some late research into the safety of wood Extension service, University of georgia, 203 Conner TO DO ABOUT REQUEST FOR UNTESTED food preservation INFORMATION. http://www.hec.ohio-state.edu/hn/savor/3_1.htm | |
73. Be Safe - Consumer Protection For Food And Nutrition with information about turkey safety, nutrition, cooking Guide Preparing and Emergency food Supply from Dr. Elizabeth andress at the Univerity of georgia. http://www.sfu.ca/~jfremont/besafe.html | |
74. Food Safety Sanitation Sites include food safety The new food Domain, food preservation; On-Line 2002 - 1997; and Educational Products available from food, Nutrition and http://www.fiu.edu/~nutreldr/SubjectList/F/Food_Safety_Sanitation.htm | |
76. UGA Extension Outreach Program the Southeastern Meat Association, the georgia Specialty foods waste disposal problems, conducting quality/safety audits and so that safe, quality food can be http://www.efsonline.uga.edu/missionmainEFS.htm | |
77. Forumjam's University Page Of North America Technological Studies MEd Historic preservation MHP Landscape Institute for Leadership food safety Quality Grant College Program georgia Statistical System http://www.forumjam.co.uk/univ/namerica/georgia/ga-uga.html | |
78. Polk County Extension Service has long been a goal of The University of georgia Cooperative Extension respond daily on a wide variety of home food processing and safety questions http://county.ces.uga.edu/polk/ | |
79. Getting Started In The Food Specialty Business Concentration is the method of preservation used to sumer Protection Division of The georgia Department of federal agencies responsible for food safety are the http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/b1051-w.html | |
80. Home Food Preservation Links to help you can and freeze successively and safely http://www.lancaster.unl.edu/food/foodpres.htm | |
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