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1. Food Safety/Preservation University of georgia Extension food safety and preservation Publications. University of Florida Extension UW-Extension programs are open to all persons without regard to race http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/oconto/FLE/foodsafetypreservation.html | |
2. Food Preservation Links A Kansas State University Extension Agent resource for food Science, Textiles, Human Nutrition, food Service and more programs Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Access Conversion Page. Clemson University. Common Canning Problems. food preservation and safety georgia Cooperative Extension Service. food http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/extrapidresponse/foodpreservationlinks.htm |
3. Ionia County MSU Extension | Family And Consumer Sciences | Food Safety food safety information from Ionia County Extension educational programs, information and materials. For more information on food safety or food preservation, contact food So Easy To Preserve University of georgia http://web4.msue.msu.edu/msuewc/ionia/category.cfm?categoryID=373 |
4. Www.foodsafety.gov - Federal, State, And Local Government Agencies With Food Saf The Government Agencies. The food safety Network. Many federal, state, and local agencies work together to monitor food safety. Division of food safety. georgia. georgia Cooperative Extension food safety and preservation Publications Department of Health food safety and Shellfish programs. Wisconsin. Agriculture http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~fsg/fsggov.html |
5. UF/IFAS Department Of Family, Youth And Community Sciences Faculty Vita: Amy Sim food Science and Technology, University of georgia, 1989 major issues in food safety and preservation; responsible for food safety training programs http://fycs.ifas.ufl.edu/simonne.htm | |
6. Georgia's CFS Review: Statewide Assessment, Narrative Responses, Section IV.B, Q Family preservation programs offered by the state of georgia with the goal of ensuring the safety and protection may include respite care, food and nutrition http://www.childwelfare.net/cfsreview/swa/q-a/q-a_IV_B_2.html | |
7. Georgia State University: Department Of Nutrition functions of food additives, packaging, and preservation techniques are NUTR 3170, food safety and Sanitation Testing of chemicals added to foods is also included http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwnut/programs/courses.html | |
8. Food Safety And Preservation National Center for Home food preservation Gateway to Statistics FDA s Center for food safety and Applied Public Information Campaign georgia Division of http://www.fcs.uga.edu/extension/safety_ext.html | |
9. Extension Food Publications Children Families. food Nutrition. Diabetes. Economics. Housing. Health safety. Special programs. Program Results. Publications. Slide Shows. Internal. Links. Staff. food safety and preservation. preservation. Safe food Handling http://www.fcs.uga.edu/extension/food_pubs.php | |
11. A REVIEW OF FAMILY PRESERVATION AND FAMILY REUNIFICATION PROGRAMS preservation programs first safety is too great, many programs also have criteria for excluding cases that they believe are not likely to benefit from family preservation georgia was the http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/cyp/fpprogs.htm | |
12. Food Preservation of professionals has as a goal to deliver food safety and quality The programs teach clientele to minimize potential food hazards throughout food preservation. http://msucares.com/health/food_preservation/ | |
13. Georgia Extension Tele-tips Food Safety Information food Buying. food Preparation. food preservation Storage. food safety. Fruits Nuts Home Economics, Allied programs. Fort Valley State University. Fort Valley, georgia 31030 http://www.ag.fvsu.edu/Database/TeleTips/food_safety.asp | |
14. Food And Nutrition text articles on many current topics of food, food safety and nutrition National Center for Home food preservation Hosted at University of georgia, full text http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/iac/foodfood.html | |
15. Project Title: Food Editor's Food Safety Tours The University of georgia Cooperative Extension considerations food preparation - home, institutional - food preservation. or the food safety and Quality http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modfs/fsq96002.html | |
16. Food Safety Links - Recipelink.com and Preparation, food preservation, food safety and Storage University of georgia food Science Articles; Minnesota Extension Service - food safety Publications; http://www.recipelink.com/articles.html | |
17. Family Development Food Safety with your questions about food safety and food or beginner in home food preservation, it s important to The University of georgia Cooperative Extension Service http://ceinfo.unh.edu/Family/Documents/foodsafe.htm | |
18. Food Safety Main Information Page - AgMRC a complete range of food preservation topics and is food Irradiation, University of georgia College of food Irradiation Information, food safety Project, Iowa http://www.agmrc.org/markets/foodsafetymain.html | |
19. CSU SafeFood Web Links Menu food preservation from the University of georgia. who practice and teach home food preservation and processing education on nutrition and food safety, and many http://www.colostate.edu/orgs/safefood/WEBLINKS/menuwebs.html | |
20. The University Of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Nutrition and food safety Topics National Home food preservation at the University of georgia. a searchable database of common food preservation questions from http://fcs.tennessee.edu/fnh/fdsafe/preserva.htm | |
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