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Georgia Education Staff Development: more detail | ||||
41. Staff Of Central Georgia Technical College Faculty and staff. News and Information. Economic development. Campuses. Site Map. Layfield, Madelyn T. Instructor, General education MA, West georgia College http://www.cgtcollege.org/staff/staffdatabase4.cfm?thedepartment=FAC-M |
42. The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation Public School System gives teachers staff development credit for information, please contact Susan Mays education Coordinator, Hay 478745-4277 934 georgia Ave http://www.georgiatrust.org/historic_sites/hayedu_other_programs.html | |
43. Listings Georgia: USA : Georgia : K12 Schools Email Access for District Employees staff development Job Opportunities Dec 30, 2002 Hits 52) georgia Department of education It is the http://listingsus.com/Georgia/Education/K12/ | |
44. Richmond County Board Of Education- Augusta, GA georgia Learning Resources. is to assist persons interested in the education of, care of of students with disabilities and in staff development activities for http://www.richmond.k12.ga.us/departments/deptinfo.asp?itemid=38 |
45. North Georgia Technical College and development of the Northeast georgia region competent, professional faculty and staff are customer providing high quality, accessible education and training http://www.northgatech.edu/ | |
46. NEMO: Nonpoint Education For Municipal National Network - Georgia Brantley County, Coastal GA NEMO staff assisted the to develop a series of educational presentations for partners at the Southeast georgia Regional development http://nemo.uconn.edu/national/stateprograms/georgia.htm | |
47. President S Biography (Georgia Perimeter College) as a member of the Seamless education Committee. Spirit Award City of Conyers, georgia (2001); Academy Teacher National Institute for staff development (1994 http://www.gpc.edu/President/bio.php3 | |
48. Grad Profiles - Georgia State University: College Of Education Principalship, and Supervision and staff development), Health and and Graduate Admissions georgia State University College of education 30 Pryor http://www.gradprofiles.com/georgstu.html | |
49. State Summaries - Georgia Summer staff development courses for teachers also continues to grow in for Economic education (GCEE) and the georgia Department of education. http://www.agclassroom.org/state/summaries/georgia.htm | |
50. Montclair State University CEHS: Counseling, Human Development, And Educational Human development, and educational Leadership Faculty staff Email badena@mail.montclair.edu education Ph.D M.Ed., University of georgia; BA, Pennsylvania http://cehs.montclair.edu/academic/counseling/faculty.shtml | |
51. Speakers' Bureau Based Learning Conference georgia educational Technology Conference National staff development Council Annual in Urban education Summit PT3 http://www.glef.org/foundation/speakers.php | |
52. Welcome To The Office Of Organizational Development Welcome to the homepage of the Office of Organizational development (OOD) georgia Tech s source for staff/faculty training education, and business http://www.training.gatech.edu/main.html | |
53. Georgia Science And Mathematics Professional Development Opportunities staff development coordinators; staff development providers; educational mathematics teachers; georgia Department of education officials; Professional http://www.gactr.uga.edu/conferences/2002/Oct/03/gascinmath.phtml | |
54. NSDC - Staff Development Library: Model Staff Development Programs - High-perfor of highpoverty schools in georgia identified school a strong principal, committed staff members, faculty won the US Department of education s National Award http://www.nsdc.org/library/model/highperforming.cfm | |
55. Center For Science Education K-12 Science Curriculum Dissemination Center Eugene, OR) Bob Curtis Curriculum/staff development Specialist Lane Anthony Docal ORBIT education, Inc CEISMC georgia Tech University 866 West Peachtree Street http://cse.edc.org/work/k12dissem/hubs.asp | |
56. Rockdale County Public Schools | Conyers, Georgia | U.S.A. Read more about the driver education program. PROFESSIONAL development Follow this link for learning logs and 954 N. Main Street Conyers, georgia 30012 770.483 http://www.rockdale.k12.ga.us/ | |
57. Distance Learning Resources of Instructional development; UGA Center for Continuing education Distance Learning tutorials, independent study, GSAMS, and related booksvia the UGA georgia http://www.coe.uga.edu/outreach/distlearn/resources.html | |
58. Archived - Tried And True - Teaching Cases: New Approaches To Teacher Education Archived page Teaching Cases New Approaches to Teacher education and staff development - Patterned after a method long used successfully to prepare lawyers and business professionals, case are http://www.ed.gov/pubs/triedandtrue/teach.html | |
59. Education And Events - University Health Care System Of Augusta, Georgia I Can Cope, Ongoing. Employee education. Event Title, Date. SelfStudy Series, Ongoing. Computer Lab, Ongoing. staff development Classes, Ongoing. Annual Renewal, Ongoing. http://www.universityhealth.org/1766.cfm | |
60. Webpage staff. Directions. educational Technology Training Center State University of West georgia College of education Room 251 Carrollton, georgia http://www.westga.edu/~ettc/ | |
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