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Georgia Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||
1. Amby's Education Site -- GIFTED Resources Amby's education Site Gifted resources and Materials. parent Information. Other resources (including membership page of resources is provided by Mensa in georgia and includes http://amby.com/educate/gifted.html | |
2. Special Education Resources Centers: Non-profit Organizations georgia National parent to parent Support Texas Partners Resource Networkthe statewide Virginia parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC http://www.iser.com/nps.html | |
3. Georgia.gov - Parents & Students parents Page Access many parent/student resources like public schools throughout the state of georgia. State education Reports This site provides access to http://www.georgia.gov/00/channel_title/0,2094,4802_4995,00.html | |
4. Education World® : Parents Community Don't miss dozens of resources on education World's special parent Involvement page. Nationwide PreK on the Way? georgia is on the right track with its all-day http://www.education-world.com/parents | |
5. GLRS Home georgia Learning resources System. Home parents Rights Handbook for Special education. parents Rights and Due Process Forms Tools for Life. parent to parent of georgia. georgia Pines http://www.glrs.org/ | |
6. Georgia State Resources NICHCY State resources georgia. A publication of education Special Needs Unit. georgia Department of education. 1752 Twin Executive Director. parent to parent of georgia, Inc http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/ga.htm | |
7. Learning Resources The American Distance education Consortium. Learning resources. 21st Century Land Grant Universities Action on Issues. Degree and Certificate Programs Flashlight Project. georgia Southern University WebCT resources. GVTC Faculty Online Singleparent Families in Poverty Jacqueline Kirby, M.S. Study on Distance education and Digital http://www.adec.edu/online-resources.html |
8. Online Resources For Special Education - Georgia - GreatSchools.net Program and related processes, and lists parent resources stateby wealth of information on special education law and From georgia 08/4/2003 I understand that http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ga/94/parent | |
9. LHS Parent Portal, Recommended Family Education Resources Recommended Family education resources. FAMILY MATH. FAMILY MATH, one of the EQUALS programs out of the Lawrence Hall of Science, is designed to promote math equity and access to all students, regardless of race, gender, or class. georgia (near Atlanta), Active parenting Publishers helps parents and educators with innovative resources in parent education http://www.lhsparent.org/familyedprograms.html | |
10. Online Resources For Parent Involvement In Schools - Georgia - GreatSchools.net Among its parent involvement suggestions are ÂSchool Public education Network PEN has produced an http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ga/264/parent | |
11. The DRM Regional Resource Directory: Georgia Greater Atlanta National resources Children See also Developmental Disabilities, education, specific disorders Children Services georgia parent Support Network http://www.disabilityresources.org/GEORGIA.html |
12. Cherokee County School District educational Software Review; http//www.doe.k12.ga.us/indexparent.asp - links to all parent/student resources from the georgia Department of education; http://www.cherokee.k12.ga.us/otherresources/other_resources.htm | |
13. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) League (District of Columbia) parent Center 3501 Dougherty Community Partnership for education (georgia) PO Box org Hawaii Top Pacific resources for education http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_cd=PRC |
14. Special Education Resources Consultant PO Box 7301 Athens, georgia 300604 fax The LAW CENTER for Special education Advocacy 223 cost to parents www.SpedLawCenter.com parent Advocacy for http://www.reedmartin.com/specialeducationresources.htm | |
15. EDUCATION PLANET - 9085 Web Sites For Parent Resources parent Directory 20-May you mix fine arts with physical education?...... georgia Learning resources System georgia Learning resources Last modified Size http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Education/Parent_Resources?startval=20 |
16. The Special Education Home Page Home Page; University of georgia LD Training Support Organizations resources for People parent education; Med Support International; National Rehabilitation http://specialed.freeyellow.com/ | |
17. Kent State University Parent Resources Delaware parent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. Florida Department of education http//www.firn.edu/doe/index.html. georgia http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm |
18. Educational Psychology Interactive: Internet Resources The georgia Statistics System Interactive data base from the US Department of education; Child Development National parent Information Network from ERIC; Child http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/materials/internet.html | |
19. Georgia Institute Of Technology :: Parents universities in the country, georgia Tech strives to and getting a topnotch college education. Alumni Association  parent resources gtalumni.org/GetInvolved http://www.gatech.edu/parents/ | |
20. COPAA State Special Ed Resource Page georgia State Board of education Rules Pertaining to us/osis/default.asp; Special education Procedures Manual parent and Teacher resources http//www.kde.state http://www.copaa.net/resources/statespedlaw.html | |
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