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2. Middle GA RESA in service districts throughout the State of georgia. The agencies were established for the purpose of assist the State Department of education in promoting http://www.mgresa.org/ | |
3. GSSA - 12/05/1999 Education Reform - Georgia Style People org's Publications created to reform public education in georgia, convened on Monday, June or through, the three education agencies, the University System, the Technical http://www.gssanet.org/new/n200013.html | |
4. GADOE.org - Georgia's School Improvement Program The School Improvement Division will work collaboratively with georgiaÂs Regional education Service agencies (RESAs) to support LEAs with schools not making http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/support/improvement/about.asp | |
5. NEGA RESA - Org's - State Agencies State Government. State agencies. Name. H/P Department of education. H/P. Atlanta, GA. Fulton. georgia Professional Standards Northeast georgia RESA. Janice McLeroy jmcleroy@negaresa.org http://www.negaresa.org/org221.html |
6. GSSA - 05/26/2000 AASA Discover Card Program Announces Georgia Winners! People org's Publications AASA Discover Card Program announces georgia Winners! education and administrators from other local, regional, state and national education agencies. http://www.gssanet.org/new/n500212.html | |
7. Environmental Education Resources From Federal And State Agencies with headquarters in Atlanta, georgia, but the Florida Department Florida agencies have a longterm commitment to environmental education, though their dep.state.fl.us/org/watman/ http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FR128 |
8. 2000 Annual Report - Occupational Research Group The College of education UGA. Occupational Research Group. SUMMARY OF MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. The org coordinated 11 funded projects totaling $1 209 106 in contract and grant support. agencies involved with workforce education in georgia; initiated contract with DTAE with potential for annual continuation of workforce education research by org http://www.coe.uga.edu/annual_report/2000/lll/org.html | |
9. Education & Instruction: The Riley Guide a nationwide nonprofit org for the public officials leading of these agencies, check out information on education standards and of Human Resources, georgia Department of education http://www.rileyguide.com/educate.html | |
10. Departments GAICTE requests that the staff of the georgia Professional Standards programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs), local education agencies (LEAs), and http://www.gaicte.org/ | |
11. Georgia First Amendment Foundation georgia law enforcement agencies can charge up to $20 for individual the many articles in this issue of georgia FOI Access education Secrecy s on the agenda. http://www.gfaf.org/ | |
12. SHEEO Agencies education Board Mark Musick, President 592 Tenth Street, NW Atlanta, georgia 303185790 Telephone 404-875-9211 Fax 404-872-1477 Agency E-mail info@sreb.org http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp | |
13. GHSA Home Page Head Start agencies in georgia have formed partnerships georgia Head Start has 118 centers accredited by the National Association for the education of Young http://www.georgiaheadstart.org/ | |
14. NASW Georgia Chapter programs, schools, and public and private agencies. NASWGA s Continuing education Application and Mailing List Click on georgia Legislative Session Updates to http://www.naswga.org/ | |
15. Schools public school programs, community groups and other agencies. AASD is accredited by the georgia Accrediting Commission, Inc., the conference of education. http://www.gadeaf.org/schools.htm | |
16. Aging services provided in the Heart of georgia Altamaha area occurs with a variety of agencies to identify Health screenings and community education are provided for http://www.hogardc.org/HOGA/aging.htm | |
17. 6/5/02 -- Georgia Poised To Raise The Stakes On Attendance Rates -- Education We of the state s four education agenciesÂpreschool through at the various levels of education are seamless the implementation of georgia s new accountability http://www.edweek.org/ew/newstory.cfm?slug=39georgia.h21 |
18. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies georgia Consumers Insurance Advocate; Hawaii selected of Consumer Agency Administrators (NACAA); National Assn Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
19. Technical Education - Workforce Development Initiatives between the Department of Technical and Adult education and the University System of georgia, signed a two systems that will allow both agencies to provide http://www.dtae.org/teched/techwfd.html | |
20. SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies an independent executive branch agency of the SERVE (Southeastern Regional Vision for education). States Served Alabama, Florida, georgia, Mississippi, North http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm | |
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