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21. MetLife.com Development Center; Brain Injury Association of georgia; Team; Parents and Friendsof the Developmentally disabled; special needs Boy Scouts; special Olympics; Spina http://www.metlife.com/Applications/Corporate/WPS/CDA/PageGenerator/0,1674,P518, | |
22. Hall County School System seeks to ensure that all disabled students (ages 3 please notify Hall County schools;special Education Department 5341080; or North georgia Learning Resource http://www.hallco.org/main/program.asp | |
23. Family Friendly Fun And Special Needs Resources - Include Inclusion links to websites relevant to special needs families. Lekotek of georgia http//www.lekotekga.orgWhat Parents helping parents so their disabled children can http://www.family-friendly-fun.com/links/includeinclusion.html | |
24. Hopewell Valley Regional School District - More Special Education Links Learning Disabilities Home Page. University of georgia LD Training Center. NationalLibrary Service for the Developmentally disabled. special needs Technology http://www.hvrsd.k12.nj.us/district/pupilservices/morespedlinks.htm | |
25. Macon Telegraph | 08/25/2003 | No Child May Force Schools To Change Special Educ to a handful of concerned Middle georgia school superintendents who help or hinderthe 2,800 disabled students in or failure to test special education students http://www.macon.com/mld/macon/news/6610957.htm | |
26. Georgia Center For Adoption Resources And Support - Special Needs Books a mother of a learning disabled child, Sally reveals the results of the special NeedsAdoption Family Hills Road · Suite 145 · Atlanta, georgia 30329 Toll http://www.gaadoptionresources.org/lib_specneeds.html | |
27. Reference, Education, Special Education: Schools three to fourteen years old with special needs such as New Jersey as a private schoolfor classified and vocational services to developmentally disabled adults http://www.combose.com/Reference/Education/Special_Education/Schools/ | |
28. DCSS: Heritage Center Atlanta, georgia 30345. 678874-6500 (Information). The mission of Heritage Schoolis to provide special education for those mentally disabled students who http://www.dekalb.k12.ga.us/schools/centers/heritage/ | |
29. City Schools Of Decatur: Curriculum & Instruction students who are not disabled; and that in regular classes, special classes, specialschools, home instruction georgia Learning Resources System http//www.glrs http://dec64zdb8.web.aplus.net/ci/html_exceptional_intro.htm | |
30. Mercy Corps - Promoting Inclusive Education Through Media an important part of Mercy Corps georgia s commitment to school, classroom or activitywith disabled children to know that people with special needs really need http://www.mercycorps.org/items/1347/ | |
31. Job Exchange Education Teacher Emotionally Behaviorally disabled Public schools special Ed Teacher K - 12 Mild / Moderate School Director - georgia Academy for the Blind http://www.spedex.com/jobs/jobs.htm | |
32. Modern Foreign Languages And Special Educational Needs The learning disabled student in the foreign language georgia Department of Education sESOL Teachers Guide ESL learners with special needs in British Columbia http://www.tomwilson.com/david/case/SEN.html | |
33. Fort Stewart And Hunter Army Airfield DoD Web Site for special needs Families. is to work with and for oppressed and vulnerableindividuals in georgia who are labeled as disabled or mentally ill http://www.stewart.army.mil/Display.asp?Page=8A4C8BAC-1724-4DBF-8CE0-546CC752BE1 |
34. Special Education Enrollment: A Practical Primer - Georgia - GreatSchools.net your child taught with nondisabled students to needs to go to another special edschool. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ga/22/parent | |
35. Important IDEA Information individual health plans and emergency care plans for disabled children or thosewith special needs. 900 georgia Avenue 260, 109 South Highland Street, B9, http://www.oasn.org/ideainformation.html | |
36. Jgc_r 5. The georgia Secretary of State has provided guidance in answering caregivers iskey to assuring that a disabled student s special healthcare needs http://www.cobbk12.org/Departments/HR/HRBoardPolicies/J_Policies/jgc_r.htm |
37. The Heartland Institute - Special Ed Bill Brings Valuable Reforms, No Choice - B children aresometimes incorrectlyidentified as disabled. Representative Max Burns(Rgeorgia), who sponsored this for children with special needs and would http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=12224 |
38. The Heartland Institute - Special Ed Reauthorization Prompts Reforms - By Don So expanding parental choice for families with disabled children whole idea of childrenwith special needs is the by Representative Max Burns (Rgeorgia), seeks to http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=12122 |
39. Edvisors Network : Special Education/Schools and vocational services to developmentally disabled adults. Grove Park special SchoolCaters to pupils aged 2 academic, social and emotional needs arising from http://www.edvisors.com/Special_Education/Schools/ | |
40. Critical Issue: Meeting The Diverse Needs Of Young Children parents goals for their disabled children, and range of general and special-educationstudents in Education International (ACEI) 11501 georgia Ave., Suite http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/earlycld/ea400.htm | |
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