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61. Selected Books Alaska http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications Colorado extension service http//www.cerc.colostate.edu GeorgiaExperiment Station http//www.ces.uga.edu/pubs/ES http://library.tamu.edu/vgn/portal/tamulib/ssl/content/renderer/0,2774,1724_1819 | |
62. Extension Publications Plank, C. Owen. 2001. Organic Matter in georgia Soils. Univ. of GA coop. ext. Ser.Bull. No. 1196. Electronic version http//www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/B1196.htm. http://www.cropsoil.uga.edu/~oplank/Pubs/Extension_Publications/extension_public | |
63. EDUCATION Okla. State Univ. coop. ext. Serv. Circ. 202 pg. Council on Soil Testing and PlantAnalysis, georgia University Station, PO Box 2007, Athens, GA 306120007. http://www.dasnr.okstate.edu/soilsciences/Gordon_Johnson/extension.htm | |
64. Untitled Document Motsinger, RE 1977. Plant susceptibility to major nematodes in georgia A guide to planning crop rotation. Ga. coop. ext. Serv., Athens. http://pppweb.clemson.edu/Nematode/LitCite.html | |
65. NIMSS: Project Home Pages - View Publications 2003. Peanut insect control, pp. 110113, In P. Guilleabeau (ed.), georgia PestManagement Handbook, Univ. of Ga. coop. ext. Ser. Spec. Bulletin 28. 658 pp. http://www.lgu.umd.edu/project/pub.cfm?trackID=1659 |
66. IT Webbook About The Authors Kriesel (wkriesel@agecon.uga.edu) Associate Professor University of georgia 312A shuffy@psu.edu) CED extension Agent/IT Coordinator Penn State coop. ext. http://www.cas.nercrd.psu.edu/Publications/Webbook/wbAboutAuthors.htm |
67. HIA Contacts georgia Jorge H. Atiles University of georgia Dept of 435797-3845 E-mail leonah@ext.usu.edu, MortonVirgin Islands Cooperative extension service University of http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
68. Publications 1977. ARest and Phosfon, cause stem weakness in georgia Easter lilies. Ohio Florists Assn. Bul. Greenhouse Prod. 8(8)3-8, Univ. Missouri, coop. ext. Serv. http://ohld.ag.utk.edu/ohld/htm/albrpubs.htm | |
69. CPDMP Address List Drechsler, Peggy, NC cooperative extension service. Dryer, Jerry, Dairy Food Market Analyst. coop. ext. Dukas, Phil, National DHIA. http://www.cpdmp.cornell.edu/CPDMP/Pages/Data/Address.html | |
70. Member Links Falls, Hot Springs, www.magicsprings.com Peel House Foundation, Bentonville, www.peelmansion.orgPlant Disease Clinic, UA coop. ext. service, Lonoke, www http://www.argia.org/Member_links.html | |
71. Dave's Garden: Frequently Asked Questions: Tomatoes: Tomato Blight! ID tomato diseases until the summer I spent working with the Cornell coop ext servicewho were I live in SE georgia near the coast and it s pretty hot right now http://davesgarden.com/t/30530/ | |
72. NAQ, No. 39: Cover Crops At A Glance Davis, CA, No. 497. U. Mass. coop. ext. service, 1971. MassachusettsLand Use and Soil Management Guides. Publication No. 24. 7 http://www.fuzzylu.com/greencenter/q39/cover1.htm | |
73. Presentations Orkin Management Seminar. Atlanta, georgia. May 31June 1, 2001 (1 Hour). WSPCA WSU coop. ext Puyallup, Washington. January 30, 2002 (2 hours). http://faculty.sfcc.spokane.cc.wa.us/LHansen/Presentations.htm | |
74. Register Domain Name COOP - .coop Whois Server Special Domain ext. Domain Name Prices. New gTLDs ICANN Root -. aero biz coop info museum name pro . gd - Grenada. ge - georgia. gf - French Guiana. http://www.101domain.com/biz/whois-coop.php | |
75. System Notice SYSTEM NOTICE. The University of georgia Cooperative Extension service Web site is now available at (http//extension.caes.uga.edu). Office of Information Technology Center for Internet Imaging and http://www.ces.uga.edu/ | |
76. Growing Vegetables Organically TheUniversity of georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Cooperative Extension service Bulletin 894 from georgia's Cooperative Extension service. http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/b1011-w.html | |
77. Collard Production Heading (or Morris), georgia Southern, Blue Max, or Carolina Cooperative Extension service nor discrimination against similar Carolina Cooperative Extension service in your county. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/hil-12.html | |
78. Products And Services (Alternate Crops And Systems) PROTECTION WATER QUALITY PROTECTION. UNIV. OF FL coop ext. SERVICEBULL SSSOS-OOXXRH-90-C(DRAFT) P 13. 8AGMAW RAO PSC, NKEDI-KIZZA http://www.arsusda.gov/acsl/services/ppdb/coden.html | |
79. Página Do Clube Da Floresta of Montana Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of GeorgiaWVU College of Agriculture and Forestry. Voltar ao TOPO. coop. ext. http://www.eb23-pontinha.rcts.pt/floresta.html |
80. Pecans @ Georgia IPM Fact sheets. 1997. 1996. 1995. Bugwood Home. Insects. Forest Resources. Forest Pests. Integrated Pest Management. Invasive Exotic Species. Christmas Trees. Agricultural Crops. Weeds. Diseases. Information Technology. Africa of Losses from Insect Damage and Costs of Control in georgia South Pacific. SFIWC. EPPC. georgia Ent Soc. UGA Home http://www.gaipm.org/pecan | |
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