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41. Building Details - Building: 2890 Coop Ext Service Poultry Feed Laboratory - IRP
Building 2890 coop ext service Poultry Feed Laboratory. Poultry Science cooperativeextension service, cooperative extension, University of georgia Office of
Building Details
Fall Semester 2003
Building: 2890 Coop Ext Service Poultry Feed Laboratory Location: South Milledge Avenue Square Feet Department Program Class Room Use Room Number Poultry Science - Cooperative Extension Service Cooperative Extension Non-Academic Office Non-Class Laboratory Office Rest Room Unassignable or Unassigned Mechanical Utility/Mechanical Room Structural Structural Area STRU Total Square Feet

University of Georgia

Office of Institutional Research

OIR Phone (706) 425-3183 - OIR Fax (706) 425-3200

42. Friends Of The NRA Grants
Ozark Public Schools. Ozark Youth Shooting Team. Union County 4H Shooting SportsClub. University of Arkansas coop. ext service 4H. Yell County 4H Shooting Sports.

43. IRP: Detailed UGA Org. Hierarchy
SCI RSCH GA ..316 DIR georgia EXP STA 343 PROGRAMDEVELOPMENT ..347 coop ext serviceVP SRVCS
IRP: UGA Organization
Detailed UGA Organizational Hierarchy PRESIDENT .........................................................20 ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION.....................................970 ATHLETICS................................................090 BAND.....................................................971 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICE.................................075 NON-INSTITUTIONAL UNITS..................................978 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE.......................................001 RECORDING FOR THE BLIND..................................973 USGA APPLICANT CLEARINGHS................................074 UNASSIGNABLE/UNASSIGNED ...........................................90 UNASSIGNABLE OR UNASSIGND................................979 VP FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ACADEMIC - VPAA ACADEMIC - OTHER ..............................................54 GERONTOLOGY..............................................546 GRADUATE ADMISSIONS......................................253 GRADUATE SCHOOL..........................................252 HONORS PROGRAM...........................................147 INST OF HIGHER EDUCATION.................................335 OFFICE OF ACAD SPEC PROG.................................078 AGRIC AND ENV SCIENCES AGRIC - ACADEMIC DIV AGRIC - COOP EXT ...........................................856 EXTENSION EDUCATION DEPT.................................992

44. Alternative Crops
Alternative Crops Links. Click on a crop below to learn about its culture and marketing in the state shown. State cooperative extension agents compiled most of the information presented in these links. Alfalfa Mississippi State U. coop. ext. Agronomy Pubs. Mississippi Alfalfa Montana State University coop. ext. Pubs. Montana Almond U. of georgia coop. ext. Pubs. georgia. Nut, Oil
Alternative Crops Links Click on a crop below to learn about its culture and marketing in the state shown. State Cooperative Extension agents compiled most of the information presented in these links. Please note that PLANTS is not responsible for the content or availability of other websites. General Alternative Crops links
More information about Alternative Crops
Alternative crops for all states Crop Link State Crop Type Acerola (Barbados cherry): California Rare Fruit Growers Fruit Facts California Fruit Puerto Rico Fruit Alfalfa: Mississippi State U. Coop. Ext. Agronomy Pubs. Mississippi Forage Alfalfa: Montana State University Coop. Ext. Pubs. Montana Forage Alfalfa: Oklahoma State U. Plant and Soil Sciences Oklahoma Forage Alfalfa: Penn State U. Ag. Sciences Avail. Pubs. List Pennsylvania Forage Alfalfa: U. of Illinois Coop. Ext. Field Crops Illinois Forage Alfalfa: U. of Nebraska-Lincoln Field Crops Nebraska Forage Almond: U. of Georgia Coop. Ext. Pubs. Georgia Nut, Oil

45. Forest Pest Control - References And Suggested Readings
Herbicides in Forestry Safety, Technology, and Vegetation Responses Seminar. TheUniversity of georgia, Tifton, GA, October 910. Univ. GA, coop. ext. Serv.
Forest Pest Control Douce, G.K., Moorhead, D.J., and Bargeron, C.T., Forest Pest Control, The University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Special Bulletin 16, Revised January 2002. References and Suggested Readings Adams, J., R. Platz, and J. Williams-Cipriani. 1994. Pest Trend-Impact Plot System (PTIPS) Beta Release 2. USDA Forest Service, Forest Pest Management, Methods Application Group, Report MAG-94-3. 120 p. Anon. 1989. Insects and Diseases of Trees in the South. USDA Forest Service R8-PR 16. 98 p. Douce, G.K., D.J. Moorhead, P.E. Sumner, E.A. Brown and J.J. Jackson. 1993. Forest Pest Control. Univ. GA, Coop. Ext. Serv., Athens, GA. Spec. Bull. 16. 31 p. Drooz, A.T., et al. 1985. Insects of Eastern Forests. USDA Forest Serv., Washington, D.C. Misc. Publ. 1426. 608 p. Guillebeau, P. (ed.) 2002. 2002 Georgia Pest Control Handbook. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Special Bulletin 28. 604 p. (Published Annually) Jackson, J. J., K. Coder, R. Gilbert, T. Patrick, C. Rabolli, and L. Tankersley. 1992. Georgia’s Endangered Animals and Plants. Univ. GA, Coop. Ext. Serv., Athens, GA. Bull. 1071. 31 p. Miller, J., B. Barber, M. Thompson, K. McNabb, L. Bishop and J. Taylor, Jr. 1992. Pest and Pesticide Management on Southern Forests. USDA Forest Service Management Bulletin R8-MB 60. 46 p.

46. School
1230 PM Organic Farming in georgia Andy Stocklinski, Organic Farmer Professor,VPI, Blacksburg, VA Cons.Tillage Equipment Mark Von Waldner, coop. ext.
“Feed the Soil, Save the Farm” Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation Tillage: A System Approach Training
February 11-13, 2003
Douglas, GA Agenda
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
3 – 5 PM Registration @ Peterson Hall Foyer, South Georgia College 5:30 PM Meet in Holiday Inn Lobby for Transportation to the Evening Program 6:00 PM Supper @ the SunTrust Bank Lodge Moderator: Rick Reed, UGA Cooperative Extension Service (Retired), Douglas 7:00 PM Keynote Address: Conservation Provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill
Wes Harris, UGA Cooperative Extension Service, Statesboro, GA 7:30 PM Panel Discussion: Conservation Provisions of 2002 Farm Bill Lamar Black, Farmer, Millen
Chris Lamar Harper, Farmer, Wray
Wes Harris, UGA-CES, Statesboro
David Lamm, USDA-NRCS, Athens
Donnie Smith, Farmer, Willacoochee
8:00 PM Adjourn for the Day Wednesday A.M., February 12, 2003 7:00 AM Complimentary Breakfast at Holiday Inn (for motel guests) 8:30 AM General Session I - Laird Auditorium, South Georgia College Moderator: Bo Bannister, District Conservationist, USDA-NRCS, Douglas Call to Order 8:35 AM Opening and Welcome Soil and Water Conservation Commission 8:40 AM New Farm Bill and Soil Quality David Lamm, Asst. State Conservationist for Programs, USDA-NRCS, Athens

47. Black Page
Wetzstem, Dr. Hazel, Horticulture Dept. University of georgia 1311 M. Plant Sci. extension/Research.Pollet, Dr. Dale, Entomology (Project Leader) LA coop. ext.



Name Address Appointment ALABAMA Goff, Dr. Bill Horticulturist
21 Extension Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Ph: 334-844-5480
Fax 334-844-4578
email: Extension/Research McDaniel, Mr. Ron Superintendent Gulf Coast Substation 8300 Hwy 104 Fairhope, AL 36532 Ph: 251-928-2740 Fax 251-990-8912 email: Research McVay, Dr. John Extension Entomologist 204 Extension Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 Ph: 334-844-6395 Fax 334-844-5002 email: Extension Nesbitt, Mr. Monte Horticulturist Gulf Coast Substation 8300 Hwy 104 Fairhope, AL 36532 Ph: 251-990-8417 Fax 251-990-8912 email: Research Patterson, Dr. Mike Extension Weed Specialist 108 Extension Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 Ph: 334-844-5492 Fax 334-844-4586 email: Extension/Research Sikora, Dr. Edward Extension Plant Pathologist 105 Extension Hall Auburn University, AL 36849

48. References
AE5 Cromwell, RP Rev. 1992. The 1/128 th of an Acre Calibration Method. UF/IFAS/coop.ext. service Fact Sheet. UF/IFAS/coop. ext. service Fact Sheet. Documents/BMP Manual/Appendices/Appendix 1 -
References The references used in this manual come from a variety of sources. However, most are from the University of Florida, IFAS Cooperative Extension Service and the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service. Many of the UF/IFAS publications can be found at the UF-EDIS web site: . Others can be obtained through the County Extension offices or by contacting IFAS Educational Media Services in Gainesville at 800-226-1764. Local offices of the USDA-NRCS should be contacted concerning the NRCS publications. Phone numbers for the County Extension and NRCS offices are listed in Appendix 3. AE-5 Cromwell, R. P. Rev. 1992. The 1/128 th of an Acre Calibration Method. UF/IFAS/Coop. Ext. Service Fact Sheet. AE-259 Salyani, M. Rev. September 1999. 2000 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide: Pesticide Application Technology-Foliar. UF/IFAS/Coop. Ext. Service Fact Sheet. AGR-73 Vandiver, Jr., Vernon V. September 1998. 1999 Aquatic Weed Management Guide: Weed-Herbicide Cross Reference. UF/IFAS/Coop. Ext. Service Fact Sheet AGR-73. 157 pp. AGR-77 Vandiver, Jr., Vernon V. November 1997. Biological Control with Grass Carp. UF/IFAS/Coop. Ext. Service Fact Sheet AGR-77. 1 pp.

49. IPM
3881816. James App Florida coop. ext. service, 1038 McCarty Hall,Univ.of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 904-377-1258. Bill Lambert
November 16-17 1993
The first meeting of the Southern Region research and extension integrated pest management working group was held in Lexington KY. Members present: Name Address
Mike Linker North Carolina State University, Box 7620,
Raleigh, NC 27695 919-515-5644 Doug Johnson University of Kentucky, Box 469, Princeton, KY 42445
502-365-7541, FAX: 502-365-2667
djohnson@CA.UKY.EDU Gerrit Cuperus Oklahoma State University, 127 NRC,
Stillwater, OK 74078 405-744-5531
FAX: 405-744-6039
Blacksburg, VA 24601 7030231-6826 Bobby Pass University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546
606-257-7450, FAX: 606-323-1120, Mike Fitzner USDA-ES, Ag Box 0909, Washington D.C. Bob Riley CSRS/USDA Room 330 Aerospace Bldg., Washington D.C. 20251 2020401-4781

50. Food Safety In Connecticut-Fact Sheets
Alaska cooperative ext. Universityof georgia cooperative ext. University of Kentucky cooperative ext.
Food Safety Topics Foodborne Illness Safety At Home Meat Poultry Fish/Seafood Milk/Dairy Eggs Fruits/Vegetables Food Processing New Technologies Seasonal Issues For More Help Cooperative Ext. Foodsafety Resource Web Sites Alabama Cooperative Ext. System Alaska Cooperative Ext. Clemson University Cooperative Ext. Service Colorado State University Cooperative Ext. Cornell Cooperative Ext. Delaware Cooperative Ext. Iowa State University Ext. Kansas State University Cooperative Ext. Service Maryland Cooperative Ext. Michigan State University Ext. Mississippi State University Ext. Service Montana State University Ext. Service

51. Publication
Ala. coop. ext. Sys. Proceedings of the 2002 Beltwide Cotton Conference, Atlanta,georgia. Flanders, KL, LC Graham, KE Ward, RN Ward, and KM Creel. 2002.
  • Drees, B. M., C. L. Barr, S. B. Vinson, R. E. Gold, M. E. Merchant, N. Riggs, B. Hickman, P. Nester, D. Kostroum, B. Sparks, D. Pollet, D. Shanklin, K. Loftin, K. Vail. K. Flanders, P. Horton, D. Oi, P. Koehler, and R. Wright. 2002. Managing imported fire ants in urban areas. B-6043 revised. Texas Cooperative Extension Service.
    Flanders, K. L. 2002. Update on fire ant control materials. Timely information sheet 1/9/02.
    Kaplan, I. and M.D. Eubanks. 2002. The effect of red imported fire ants on cotton aphid outbreaks in Alabama cotton. p. 4, 2001 Cotton Research Report, Research Report Series, Number 22, K.S. McLean and D.L. Monks, eds. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
    Eubanks, M.D. 2001. The effects of red imported fire ants on insect pests and beneficial arthropods in Alabama cotton. Pp. 3-4, 2000 Cotton Research Report, Research Report Series, Volume 18, K.S. McClean and D.L. Monks, eds. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
  • 52. Adventure GPS Products - Customer List
    Pennsylvania College of Technology; Pennsylvania State University (coop. ext. ofCincinnati, OH; University of Colorado; University of georgia; University of Guam
    Great Selection of GPS Products N 34.34.892 W 86.58.995 TOLL FREE Home Shop by Brand Shop by Category Shipping ... Checkout Authorized Dealer
    About Us
    Contact Us

    Customer List


    Customer List Here is a partial list of previous customers
    • AirTouch Cellular
    • Bell South Personal Communications
    • CONOCO
    • Container Company of South Carolina
    • Eastman Kodak
    • Enterprise Products GTE Supply
    • Hewlett Packard
    • KXAN Television
    • Lockheed Martin (TX) Logicon Geodynamics
    • Marathon Ashland Pipeline
    • Mercury Marine Nokia Mobile Phones
    • Northrop Grumman Pacific Bell Wireless
    • Primeco Personal Communications Purity Wholesale Grocery
    • Raytheon E-Systems
    • SAIC-McLean, VA
    • Science Application International Corp Shell Environmental Group
    • Shell Pipeline Corp.
    • Southwestern Bell
    • Verizon Wireless (Atlanta) Xerox
    Search and Rescue/ Fire/ EMT/ Law Enforcement
    • Antelope Valley Search and Rescue, CA
    • City of Port Orange, Fire Rescue Dept., FL

    53. Southern Agricultural Economics Association
    Paul E. cooper, University of Arkansas coop. ext. Yield as a Crop Insurance DecisionCriteria Implications for the 2000 Cotton and Peanut Crops in georgia.

    54. State Coordinators
    Joel Flagler, Ag./Resource Mgmt. Agent/CEDH Rutgers coop. ext., Bergen Cty. 327East Ridgewood Avenue Paramus, NJ. 076524896. georgia. Marco T. Fonseca Dept.
    State Master Gardener Coordinators STATE MASTER GARDENER COORDINATORS Please send any update information to Marianne Riofrio at: ALABAMA Mary Beth Musgrove
    25 Extension Hall
    Auburn University
    Auburn, AL 36849-5630
    phone: (334) 844-5481
    E-mail: MONTANA Bob Gough
    P.O. Box 173120
    Montana State University
    Bozeman, MT. 59717-3120 phone: (406) 994-6523
    E-mail: ALASKA
    Cooperative Extension Service, UAF PO BOX 75-8155 Fairbanks AK 99775 Phone (907) 474-2423 Fax (907) 474-6885 website: NEBRASKA Susan Schoneweis Extension Coordinator - Home/ Environmental Horticulture Univ. of Nebraska- Lincoln 377 Plant Science Lincoln, NE. 68583-0724 phone: (402) 472-1128 fax: (402) 472-8650 E-mail:

    55. Coop Distributor Listing
    Ozark coop Warehouse 1800-967-2667 service area AL, AR, FL Mountain People s Warehouse800/679-8735, ext. 3554 service Area AL, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT
    Co-op Distributors
    Coop Directory Service
    Find a coop near you now
    Coop Directory Listing
    Most of these distributors (except the herb companies) carry the following items: groceries (stuff in cans, bottles and boxes), bulk food (large bags of grains, etc.), produce, dairy, frozen food, supplements and personal care products. If you contact any co-op or warehouse you find here, please tell them that the Co-op Directory Service referred you to them. Note that only three distributors listed below are strictly co-ops owned by their customers (Ozark, Frontier, and Tucson Frontier Natural Products Co-op
    Serves the nation with herbs, spices, organic coffee, and aromatherapy products
    Retail mail order? YES (no minimum order size)
    On-line BC ordering? YES
    Minimum BC order $75 (smaller order $5 s/h)
    Membership application? YES
    Individual retail on-line sales? YES Ozark Coop Warehouse
    Service area: AL, AR, FL, GA, KS, LA, MO, MS, OK, Western TN, TX
    Service area map? YES YES On-line BC ordering? YES Minimum BC order? $300 -$500

    56. About The National Extension Diversity Center -- Strengthening Our Capacity To S
    georgia. John M. Bentley Fort Valley State College cooperative extension (478) Louisiana. Vallerie Maurice Louisiana coop. ext.
    Employing Staff Development Reaching Audiences Organizational Change ... Help
    Institutional Diversity Contacts
    A C D F ... W
    Athal Pierce
    Tuskegee University
    No e-mail address available
    Dony Gapasin
    Alabama Cooperative Extension System
    Peter Stortz
    Palmer Research Center

    University of Alaska
    American Samoa
    Mrs. Jack Uhrle
    Extension Program
    American Samoa Community College No e-mail address available
    Jim A. Christenson , Director Cooperative Extension University of Arizona
    Donna Rothberg Cooperative Extension Service University of Arkansas Mr. Lott Rolfe, III Cooperative Extension Program University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
    Eugene M. Britt University of California Systems Judith E. Kingston

    57. GTA Board Of Directors
    Waltz CAES – Griffin Campus, Steve Brady Cobb extension Will Hudson, Ph. D. University of georgia RDCcoop. ext.
    HOME Join the GTA Trade Show Calendar ... Job Postings 2004 Board of Directors President
    Aaron McWhorter

    North Georgia Turf
    Vice President
    Benjamin Brumbeloe

    The Facility Group

    Mr. Mark Banta

    Centennial Olympic Park
    Treasurer Mr. Paul Wages Lesco Directors George Bernardon GCA Services Group Inc. Garry Callahan Kevin Caldwell Caldwell Landscape Company Mark Prinster TruGreen ChemLawn Mr. Mike Crawford TPC at Sugarloaf

    58. Participant ListB&W
    Jane McAfee, Delta High, UA coop. ext. Experiment Station. Jo Anne McKeown, EudoraHigh, Eudora Garment Company. Carolyn McKinney, Foreman High, georgia Pacific.
    HOME Information for Teachers Program Fact Sheet
    STRIVE Participants
    2003 STRIVE Participants
    NAME: SCHOOL: WORKSITE: Alvin Bell Pine Bluff High School NCTR June Claunch Paris Middle School Tracey Cook Southside Middle School United Way Norma Ann Cooper Osceola High School Theresia Daniels Norman Junior High School Barbara Gordon Arkansas School for the Blind UALR, Share America Margaret Hall Wells Junior High School UA-Vegetable Research Station Nelene Harris Fouke High School Nature Conservancy Romona Holloway Riverview High School N. Thomas Jacobs Sheridan High School UA Coop. Extension Service, Little Rock Elizabeth Jones J. A. Fair Magnet High School NCTR Elizabeth Kirner Chaffin Junior High School UA-Vegetable Research Station Lisa Lawrence Timbo High School Shelley Ledbetter Cotter High School Arkansas Game and Fish Laudell Massengill Clinton Middle School City of Clinton Billie Fran McDonald Armmorel High School Sherrie Mize Vilonia Middle School UA-Little Rock, Cyber College

    59. Communications Office - Weekly Report - September 5, 2002
    partners about NOAA s proposal to modernize coop and the radar estimated precipitationfor Florida and southern georgia. Ron Trumbla, W/SR, 817978-1111, ext.
    NWS Input to NOAA's Weekly Report - September 5, 2002 HOT ISSUES I. KEY DEPARTMENT NEWS The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) National Weather Service (NWS) To Host Cooperative Observing Program (COOP) Partners' Forum. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) National Weather Service (NWS) Partners with Dow Corning and Emergency Management Agency to Give Away 70 NOAA Weather Radios. NOAA's NWS Forecast Office in Wilmington, OH, recently partnered with Dow Corning, Carroll County Emergency Management, and the Kentucky State Emergency Management Office to give away 70 new NOAA weather radios. Dow Corning bought 70 NOAA weather radios and distributed them to hospitals, schools, nursing homes, day care centers, churches, fire departments, and government buildings in the area. The mayor, a county judge, the local police chief, NWS personnel, and Dow Corning employees went through the community in small groups distributing the radios along with NWS pamphlets. Each organization that received a radio was educated on how to use the radio, the timely information it would provide, and how to respond to warnings issued. (Contact: Mickey Brown, W/ER, 631-244-0102) Dedication Ceremony Planned for New NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Radio (NWR) Transmitter in Arkansas.

    60. 2004 ESP Chapter Presidents
    Fax 719549-2046 E-Mail S ALPH BETA- georgia MARY ELLEN New Mexico FREDERICK L. RICHARDSON Dona Ana County ext.
    2004 ESP Chapter Presidents
    S ALPHA PI - Alabama REBECCA DOLLMAN P.O. Box 1088 Normal, AL 35762-1088 Phone: 256-858-4972 Fax: 256-851-5734 E-Mail: W ALPHA GAMMA - Alaska HOLLIS HALL 3511 Kreb Drive Fairbanks, AK 99709 Phone: 907-479-0617 Fax: E-Mail: W KAPPA - Arizona MATT LIVINGSTON P.O. Box 1203 Keams Canyon, AZ 86034-1203 Phone: 928-734-3708 Fax: 928-738-2360 E-Mail: S ALPHA IOTA - Arkansas JEFF WELCH P.O. Box 357 Lonoke, AR 72086 Phone: 501-676-3124 Fax: 501-676-7847 E-Mail: W ZETA - Colorado JEFF TRANEL 331 Library Wing 2200 Bonforte Blvd. Pueblo, CO 81001-4901 Phone: 719-549-2049 Fax: 719-549-2046 E-Mail: NE ALPHA CHI - Connecticut NORMAN BENDER New London County Extension Center University of Connecticut 562 New London Turnpike Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-885-2827 Fax: 860-886-1164 E-Mail: NE MU - Washington DC ANNA MAE KOBBE SOAGRIBG RM 3905 1400 Independence AVE SW Stop 2225 USDA Washington DC 20250-2225 Phone: 202-720-2920 Fax: 202-690-2908 E-Mail:

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