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1. Welcome To Georgia Churches Welcome to georgia churches. Please select the city for which you request church information. Shortcut to the city by clicking the first letter of the city. http://www.churchangel.com/georgia.htm | |
2. Georgia Churches Business directory listings for Churches serving the state of Georgia business directories which match your request georgia churches. GA Georgia Churches. Go back toGeorgia categories http://www.america411.info/dir/GA/Churches.html | |
3. GEORGIA CHURCHES Acworth. Harvest Baptist Church, Pastor Dan Reed, 3460 Kellogg Creek Road, Acworth, GA 30102 (7709749091). Peoples Baptist Church, Hwy 40, Folkston, GA 31537. http://www.biblebelievers.com/churches/churches_GA.html | |
4. Georgia Churches - Religion Yellow Pages And Business Directory Georgia Yellow Pages. Find Government and Community businesses, Churches Religion and more.. Most Popular Cities for Churches - Religion In Georgia. http://churches.addresses.com/yellow_pages/Government and Community/Churches - R | |
5. LookSmart - Directory - Georgia Churches georgia churches Explore this alphabetical listing of churches in Georgia, complete with contact addresses. Directory Categories. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317918/us576440/us161208/us1 | |
6. Bainbridge Georgia Churches Bainbridge Georgia Area Churches. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Bethel AME Hwy. 27, Attapulgus Pastor John Thomas, Sr. Phone 4653910. http://bainbridgegachamber.com/churches.shtml | |
7. Georgia Churches: A Guide For Churches In Georgia georgia churches Guide Listings for Churches and more. georgia churches. Listings of georgia churches. We have listings for all types of Churches in Georgia with web http://www.xzett.com/Churches/Georgia | |
8. Georgia Churches Fire Baptized Holiness Church In Georgia. Churches in Georgia. Parks Grove, 1108 Parks Grove Church Road, Lincolnton, Georgia 30817, 706359-1976. http://www.fbhchurch.org/lgeorgia.html | |
9. Georgia Churches . georgia churches. Atlanta First United Methodist Church, Atlanta. St. Patrick s Episcopal Church, Atlanta. Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Augusta. http://www.unitedchristians.com/directory/georgia_churches.htm | |
10. Christian Science In Georgia Read The Bible OnLine. georgia churches Societies. Athens. Atlanta Click here for a list of current events in Georgia. Click here for chatroom events on Spirituality.com http://www.christiansciencega.com/ | |
11. Effingham County Georgia Churches - Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Links of Interest. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. http//www.elca.org. The Web site of Effingham County, Georgia. http//www.effga.com. http://www.effga.com/holytrinity/links.htm | |
12. Effingham County Georgia Churches - Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Organizations within the Congregation. WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). Three Circles that meet monthly. Quarterly Meetings. http://www.effga.com/holytrinity/organizations.htm | |
13. Hamilton Georgia Churches GA Profile; Harris County Profile; Churches; Schools; Government; History. Harris County Chamber. Pine Mountain Chamber. Ellerslie, GA. Lake Harding. State of Georgia. http://www.hamiltonchamber.org/churches.php | |
14. Wfn.org | Two More Georgia Churches Withholding Churchwide Giving, At From the Worldwide Faith News archives www.wfn.org. Two more georgia churches withholding churchwide giving, at. From NewsDesk NewsDesk http://www.wfn.org/1998/04/msg00061.html | |
15. WHITFIELD COUNTY, GEORGIA CHURCHES New Life Baptist Church, 2620 Old Grade Rd., Dalton ~ 706278-5838; North Georgia Baptist Temple, 1615 Abutment Rd., Dalton ~ 706-275-8877; http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ga/county/whitfield/Churches.html | |
16. GORDON COUNTY, GEORGIA CHURCHES GORDON COUNTY, georgia churches. Agape Baptist Church, 1300 N. Highway 41, Calhoun ~ 706624-0070; Allen Chapel Church, 227 King St., Calhoun ~ 706-625-4146; http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ga/county/gordon/Churches.html | |
17. 135. Historic Georgia Churches: Photographs 135. Historic georgia churches Photographs. 3 framed photographs. Gift of Mrs. Prince H. Preston. Related Subjects. 1. Georgia Church history - Photographs. http://library.georgiasouthern.edu/specialcollections/manu/texts/135.html | |
18. Rabun County Georgia Churches Rabun County georgia churches. Georgia. Churches. Trails Hiking Horse Bike 4x4. Campgrounds. Waterfalls. Looking for places to Stay, Eat, or Shop? http://www.mountaintravelguide.com/Church Main Pages/georgia/rabun/Churches in R | |
19. Fannin County Georgia Churches Located in the North Georgia Mountains, Fannin County Georgia is home to these 54 churches. Fannin County georgia churches. The Mountain http://www.mountaintravelguide.com/Church Main Pages/georgia/Fannin County Churc | |
20. Greene County Georgia Churches Greene County, georgia churches. BAPTIST. Bairds Rev. Jesse Mercer and Rev. Adiel Sherwood *One of the oldest brick churches in Georgia. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/4833/greenech.htm | |
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