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81. NARA | NHPRC And Other Grants | Grants By State And Territory georgia Historical Records Advisory Board, Atlanta, GA which seeks to promote archivalplanning and cooperation, education, preservation, access, and http://www.archives.gov/grants/funded_endorsed_projects/states_and_territories/g | |
82. Council On Optometric Practitioner Education - COPE georgia Board of Optometry Ms. Anita Martin Executive Director 237 New York StateBoard for Optometry Mr. Peter Ferguson education Assistant education http://www.arbo.org/cope/?Doc=participatingboards |
83. GSBA ESolutions GSBA President (20012002) Brad Bryant Board Member, georgia Board of education,Former Chair, DeKalb County Board of education, GSBA President (2002-2003), http://ali.apple.com/ali_sites/ali/exhibits/1000375/Reflections.html | |
84. GSBA ESolutions school board members, superintendents and others to stay abreast on what is happeningunder the Gold Dome as it relates to education legislation in georgia. http://ali.apple.com/ali_sites/ali/exhibits/1000375/The_Model.html | |
85. Chiropractic Association - Home using these CCE college sponsored hours for a state other than georgia, check withthe other state to verify they will accept online continuing education. http://www.gachiro.org/ | |
86. Georgia Library History Project from the state Department of education to the Department of Technical and Adulteducation. 1996 The University System of georgia s Board of Regents http://www.georgialibraryhistoryproject.org/timeline.htm | |
87. Psychology Licensing Board Contact Information & Resources georgia State Board of Examiners of Psychologists 237 for Psychology New York StateEducation Department Office Executive Secretary to Medical boards Office of http://kspope.com/licensing/index.php | |
88. Savannah Georgia Education You are here » Savannah georgia Homepage -» education. educationArmstrong Atlantic State University. Armstrong Atlantic State http://www.officialsavannahguide.com/cat_index_24.shtml | |
89. Boards georgia STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY 237 Coliseum Dr a 150 university semester houreducational requirement the National Association of State boards of Accountancy http://www.ais-cpa.com/boards.html | |
90. Behind The Smokescreen: Letter To State Boards Of Education Letter to State boards of education. http://tobaccofreekids.org/reports/smokescreen/letter_to_state_education.shtml | |
91. Georgia State Board Of Barbers | Georgia State Board Of Cosmetology The georgia State Board of Barbers consists of six The Board is responsible for reviewingapplications licensure must meet the required educational and training http://www.sos.state.ga.us/plb/barber_cosmet/ | |
92. Rockdale County Public Schools | Conyers, Georgia | U.S.A. a summary of action taken during Board meetings held in Read more about the drivereducation program. Schools 954 N. Main Street Conyers, georgia 30012 770.483 http://www.rockdale.k12.ga.us/ | |
93. Advanced Education Program In Prosthodontics The Advanced education Program in Prosthodontics at the Medical College of Georgiais fortunate draws upon the talents of boardcertified prosthodontists http://www.mcg.edu/SOD/AdvEd/prostho.htm | |
94. American Association Of School Administrators - Career Center education America Network America s fastest growing educational erecruitment website. Communityincluding free e-mail, chat room, message board and resource http://www.aasa.org/career_center/job_sites/ | |
95. Georgia Agency for Hearing Aid Dispensing, Board of Examiners Hearing Contacts in State EducationAgency, SpeechLanguage Disorders Program georgia Department of http://www.asha.org/about/legislation-advocacy/state/associations/georgia.htm | |
96. North Georgia Trout Online in georgia. NGTO strives to increase public awareness of the sport trout fishingthrough our web site, online chat room, message board, educational seminars http://www.georgia-outdoors.com/ngto/front.shtml | |
97. GADOE.org - School Choices: Home Schools Offices Program Areas. http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/schools/homeschools.asp | |
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