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81. ESN USA - Quality Environmental Services Across The U.S.A. Services in direct push sampling of soil, soil vapor, and groundwater, mobile and laboratory analysis, borehole geophysics, and environmental geochemistry. Also offers environmental seminars and technical papers. http://esn-usa.com |
82. Planetary Geophysics Home Page Oceanography, Rockets and Satellites, and Rotation of the Earth), and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russian Federation (WDC Marine Geology and geophysics http://www.wdcb.ru/ | |
83. Rock Ware Inc. Software for geology, groundwater, geophysics, GIS and hydrology applications. Located in Golden, Colorado. http://www.rockware.com/set.html | |
84. University Of Calgary, Geology And Geophysics Geology and geophysics, University of Calgary Formed in 1963, the Department of Geology and geophysics is a vibrant cornerstone of the University of Calgary. http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/ | |
85. AGU: Chapman Conferences Regular program of small, focussed meetings that provide significant time for discussion and interaction among the participants. Topics include all aspects of geophysics and space physics. http://earth.agu.org/meetings/chapman.html | |
86. NGDC/WDC MGG, Boulder-SOEST/NOAA High-resolution Shoreline Database Information on digital coastline and shorelines data available from various sources. Provided by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Marine Geology and geophysics Division and collocated World Data Center A for Marine Geology and geophysics. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/gshhs.html | |
87. Kanzelhoehe Solar Observatory Observatory affiliated with the Institute of geophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Graz. Located near the city of Villach, 1500 meters above sea level. http://www.solobskh.ac.at/ | |
88. Www.geo.vuw.ac.nz/geophysics/geophysics.html Geophysikalisches Institut der Universität Karlsruhe Translate this page Geophysical research http://www.geo.vuw.ac.nz/geophysics/geophysics.html |
89. Welcome To The Institute Of Geophysics Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/Europe/Switzerland/Swiss_Federal_Institutes_of_Technology/ETH_Zurich http://www.geophys.ethz.ch/ | |
90. School Of Geology And Geophysics http://geology.ou.edu/ |
91. Christos G. Angelopoulos Phd student in Oceanography studing in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Main interests are coastal sediment transport, hydodynamics and geophysics http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/cangelop/ | |
92. Automatic Redirection - Www.geophysics.helsinki.fi geophysics.HELSINKI.FI. Please note that the new location of the Division of geophysics web pages is http//www.geophysics.helsinki.fi. http://geophysics.helsinki.fi/ | |
93. Aviso/Altimetry Distributes satellite altimetry data from Topex/Poseidon, Jason1, ERS-1 and ERS-2, and EnviSat, and Doris precise orbit determination and positioning products. These data are used to study ocean dynamics and geophysics in many applications, including climate prediction, monitoring of mean sea level, global warming, El Ni±o and La Ni±a events, marine currents and ocean circulation, and tide, wind, wave and marine meteorology models. http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com/ | |
94. IGPP: Institute For Geophysics And Planetary Physics Institute of geophysics and Planetary Physics Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. http://www.llnl.gov/urp/IGPP/ | |
95. Documents Samling af egne skrifter. http://home3.inet.tele.dk/jloendal/uni.html | |
96. SpringerLink - Publication More results from www.springerlink.com Integrated geophysics CorporationIntegrated geophysics Corporation. Copyright 2003 Integrated geophysics Corporation Voice+1713-680-9996 Fax+1-713-682-6928 Email http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1616-9565 |
97. Hasbrouck Geophysics, Inc. Complete geophysical consulting and contracting for the mining, groundwater, environmental and engineering industries with over 30 years of experience. http://www.hasgeo.com/ | |
98. Geophysics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia geophysics. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (seg.org) has the most recent update of the sciences and technologies of exploration geophysics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geophysics | |
99. RSNZ/Publishing/NZ Jnl Geology Geophysics New Zealand Journal of Geology and geophysics. New Zealand Journal of Geology and geophysics Accepts papers from authors worldwide. http://www.rsnz.govt.nz/publish/nzjgg/ |
100. Index.html Introduction to using radar geophysics to locate and map buried archaeological features. Includes links to sites on which GPR has been used. http://www.du.edu/~lconyer/ | |
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