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81. Top 100 Shareware Sites Web site promotion software. 332. 3, ~~ JAGUAR s DOWNLOAD WORLD ~~ Great Site Loaded with DOWNLOADS Galore Freeware and shareware, 121. 4, Magic geometry Canvas http://www.hits4me.com/custom/shareware2.asp?vt=21328151 |
82. Xah: Great Math Programs paper models of the solid.) Poly is a shareware. Paul Bruke s software page is at http//astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/hyperspace/index.html http://www.xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/MathPrograms_dir/mathPrograms.html | |
83. Kids Software - Education - Free Downloads. Freeware, Shareware And Evaluation S for Kids. The software has been designed for ease of use, fast setup and interactivity. geometry Master 3.0, Dec 04, 2003. geometry http://www.gold-software.com/education18-10.html | |
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87. NonEuclid - Hyperbolic Geometry Article + Software Applet NonEuclid is Java software for Interactively Creating Ruler and Compass Constructions in both the Poincaré Disk and the Upper HalfPlane Models of Hyperbolic geometry for use in High School and http://math.rice.edu/~joel/NonEuclid | |
88. Geometry Software geometry software. Your Guide to geometry Learning software on the Web. Dr. Genius Unix free Gnome interactive geometry software. http://www.educational-software-directory.net/math/geometry.html | |
89. NonEuclid - Hyperbolic Geometry Article + Software Applet NonEuclid is a software Simulation offering Straightedge and Compass Constructions in Hyperbolic geometry (a geometry of Einstein's General Relativity and Curved Hyperspace) for use in High School http://riceinfo.rice.edu/projects/NonEuclid/NonEuclid.html | |
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91. NonEuclid - Hyperbolic Geometry Article & Applet NonEuclid is Java software for Interactively Creating Ruler and Compass Constructions in both the Poincaré Disk and the Upper HalfPlane Models of Hyperbolic geometry for use in High School and http://www.cs.unm.edu/~joel/NonEuclid | |
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93. Bob's Place Of Educational Links...Software & Demos The name of your computer and its current IP address will be displayed. Javagami (shareware software to design and build 3D geometric paper sculptures) Jaws. http://www.bobsedulinks.com/software.htm | |
94. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Math/Geometry/Software softwaredynamic - Users of geometry software programs like Cabri geometry II may share tips and advice at the geometry-software-dynamic discussion list. http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Math/Geometry/Software | |
95. Math: Geometry: Software Descriptive geometry software for creating and printing drawings, including conicsections, color fillings in Monge s projection and axonometry. http://www.spacetransportation.org/Math/Geometry/Software/ | |
96. Framatome ANP Radiation Software AREVA Radiation software will ship Version 6.02 to all users who own Version rerun their cases involving the horizontal rectangular area geometry and evaluate http://www.framatech.com/radsoft/radsoft.asp | |
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99. Wauu.DE: Science: Math: Geometry: Software softwaredynamic Users of geometry software programs like Cabri geometry II may share tips and advice at the geometry-software-dynamic discussion list. http://www.wauu.de/Science/Math/Geometry/Software/ | |
100. Bookmarks For Matej Gombosi algorithm of arbitrary polygons centre for geometric modelling Dave Main Menu (games, entertainment, educational software, shareware, freeware, downloads, pets http://rcum.uni-mb.si/~uel017r2a/bookmark.htm |
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