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61. Maths Page data Interactive Maths Miscellany and puzzles games and puzzles in arithmetic, algebra, geometry and probability; Escape the http://www.newtown.tased.edu.au/Library/maths.htm | |
62. Websites And Links www.aaamath.com/ games, puzzles and riddles along with basic facts, measurement, money, and percentages. Grades K9. geometry. ***www http://www.calvertnet.k12.md.us/schools/des/fifth/websites.htm | |
63. Calculus@Internet puzzles games and puzzles Interactive Mathematic Miscellany and puzzles - Arithmetic and Algebra Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and puzzles - geometry http://www.calculus.net/ci2/search/?request=category&code=A1&off=0&tag=920043892 |
64. Math Games Store puzzles by Anne Alcott (Paperback December 1995) Math Crossword puzzles by Anne Groovy geometry games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun by Lynette http://www.mathbook.com/m/Math_Games/index2.htm | |
65. Geometry Pathfinder 5560. A math unit designed to help teach geometry using tangrams and other geometric games and puzzles. ÂProblem Solving With http://w3.byuh.edu/library/curriculum/Geometry/Geometry.htm | |
66. Main Index - Colby Community College Mathematics Department Information And Math Computation, Computational, Terminology, Dictionary, Algebra, geometry, Trigonometry, Trig Chart, Graph, List, Java, Online, games, puzzles, Listing, Equations http://colbycc.edu/www/math/ref.htm | |
67. Education World ® - Lesson Planning: Math Sites To Count On! The Math Forum provides additional math problems, puzzles, tips, tricks, and games FOR MATH WHIZZES. places as The Function Institute, The geometry Section, and http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson061.shtml | |
68. PhatNav Directory - Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Math Includes addition, substraction, multiplication, geometry. Maths Is Fun. Includes games, puzzles, and offline activities. Maths On A Mission. http://www.phatnav.com/directory/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Math.cat | |
69. Cyber City School Net MATH Algebra, General Interest. Basics, geometry. Calculus, Professional development for the teacher. games puzzles, Probability Statistics. http://www.cybercity-online.net/CCSN/MATH.html |
70. Geometric Solids 12 Pc By Haba 3D Wooden puzzles Puzzle Storage Scrambles Classroom puzzles Name puzzles. games for Children (all) Travel Board games. set is ideal for teaching geometry in a http://www.gummylump.com/front/f_product.php?id=540 |
71. About AAMT Inc. AAMT Office. Links to other Maths sites; geometry; Maths help and references; Problem solving games and puzzles; Mathematics Software http://www.aamt.edu.au/resources/sites/ | |
72. The Universe In A Handkerchief Lewis Carrolls Mathematical The Universe in a Handkerchief Lewis Carrolls Mathematical Recreations, games, puzzles, and Word at Oxford University and author of books on geometry and logic http://www.literature-reviews.com/The_Universe_in_a_Handkerchief_Lewis_Carrolls_ |
73. Games And Puzzles - Recreations recreations. An interactive math teaching site geometry and Architecture. Math. games, puzzles, Riddles of Lewis Carroll http http://science.math.recreations.games_and_puzzles.your-directory.com/ | |
74. Buy Set Of 4 Coloring Books - Spilsbury Toys, Games Puzzles of toys, games and puzzles. Set of 4 Coloring Books, Set of 4 Coloring Books 3909, set, of, 4, design, coloring, books, artistic, geometry Traditional coloring http://www.toys-and-merchandise.com/spilsbury_toys/3909 | |
75. Math Sites Mr L s Functional Math games. Tim s Interactive Puzzle Solution Center; The Ultimate Puzzle Site. Problem of the Week (elementary through algebra geometry); http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/heal/siteslist.htm | |
76. Math Geometry Games, *math Games* For Kids And Childrens Math Games, Math Geomet of magnets within a unique geometric form. Ages 4 7 Price $6.95. SQUARE BY SQUARE View Details New for 2004 Square by Square®, The exciting puzzle game of 60 http://www.educationallearninggames.com/math-games6-geometry-algebra.asp | |
77. *Geo Shapes Game*, Educational Games For Kids, Geometric Shapes Game, Educationa IZZI 2 PUZZLE View Details Thirtynine great ROGER S CONNECTION JUNIOR Science games Roger s Connection Junior about the concepts of geometry, structure, and http://www.educationallearninggames.com/geo-shapes-game.asp | |
78. Hope Paul Productions Kids Corner Visit our Shockwaved site and try Solid geometry online. Visit our online store for those hard to find math toys and games. The http://www.hopepaul.com/kids/kids.htm | |
79. Free Puzzle Collections Difficulty Level. Knowledge Base. Play Puzzle games Online. Puzzle Links. geometry Puzzle Index, 27. Logic Puzzle Index, 32. Math Puzzle Index, 94. Misc Puzzle Index, 28. http://www.freepuzzles.com/ | |
80. Geometric Puzzles In The Classroom Geometric puzzles in the Classroom. of this web page are adapted, with permission, from articles I wrote in 1989 for Michael Keller s games and puzzles zine http://www.picciotto.org/math-ed/puzzles/ | |
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