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101. LSSU Alumni, Geology Professor Publishes Research: Lake Superior State Universit LSSU Alumni, geology Professor Publishes research. SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. . Lewis Brown, professor of geology at Lake Superior State University, and LSSU alumna Cammy Bright, Sault Ste. a decade http://www.lssu.edu/whats_new/2001/brown_102401.html | |
102. Research Starters: Dinosaurs Continue your research with our list of articles below. geology and Geologic Time http//www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibit/geology.html Exhibit and text from UCB http://teacher.scholastic.com/researchtools/researchstarters/dinosaur/ | |
103. Camborne School Of Mines - Geology Research Group research project and research group, Supervisors, Funding. 1, Alexander AC, PhD, Late to Post Orogenic Deformation in South Cornwall. (Fundamental Applied geology), http://www.ex.ac.uk/~ajbeer/geology/geolrg.htm | |
104. Department Of Geology Research Dr. Hickson will be working with two geology majors, Tonia Johnson and Meghan Hannon, to develop a research project to examine sedimentary processes in Lake http://www.stthomas.edu/geology/research.htm | |
105. University Department Of Geology Geological Study of GraniteGreen Stone Complexes in Rajasthan. research Project to Dr. MK Pandya. University Grant Commission. 1978-1980. http://www.geolmlsu.org/researchcompleted.html | |
106. EESJ - Science Research Project. Year. Student. Undergrad Background. research Project Title. Advisory Committee (a). 1997. Peter de Menocal, Bill Ryan. 1999, Naomi Lubick. geology, Carleton College. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/eesj/EESJProject.html | |
107. Hydrogeology-Engineering Geology Group Engineering geology Unit is also actively involved in research and has recently completed a major research project entitled geology, Hydrogeology and http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/geology/hydrology.htm | |
108. The College Of Wooster : Department Of Geology Petroleum research Fund) to study the Ordovician Bioerosion Revolution . This project will fund summer work for several Wooster students. Six Wooster geology http://www.wooster.edu/geology/ | |
109. Bowdoin College / Academics / Geology / Research Opportunities / stipend), and continue as an honors project during the school year. The research will culminate in a thesis and a presentation at the Geological Society of http://academic.bowdoin.edu/geology/research/html/summer02.shtml | |
110. RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP Topics Page to find staff who can supervise your project. research Studentship Topics offered in 2004 are listed below Andy Saunders, Department of geology and Drs. http://www.le.ac.uk/geology/teach/glrestud.html | |
111. The Leakey Foundation - Funded Research Project In...... Stratigraphy, geology and GIS in the Ileret Region USA Granting session Spring 2003 research site Turkana Basin, Kenya and Ethiopia Project http://www.leakeyfoundation.org/discoveries/d3_x_x.jsp?id=3456 |
112. Pete Burnard Research Projects Pete Burnard Completed research projects. This section reproduces a representative selection of abstracts and some pertinent data http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~peteb/pgbresprojects.htm | |
113. Keck Summer Project The science objective of the project was to assess the geological suitability of the was to provide the students with an intensive research experience early http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/keck/ | |
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