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41. National Park Service - Geologic Resources - Coastal Geology - Research needs and in some cases design their own projects. research that results from GIP efforts is often used to information http//www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/gip/. http://www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/coastal/research.htm | |
42. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS - Michael S. Smith - Geology, Geochemistry, Metamorphi My research in this area has been addressed at are a few examples of the projects I have the connections between archaeology, mineralogy and geology, click on http://people.uncw.edu/smithms/projects.html | |
43. GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS - Michael S. Smith - Geology, Geochemistry, M Preliminary fieldwork (as a result of a mapping project for the 2001 BA Anthropology and Minor in geology, to graduate May 2004). Undergraduate Honors research. http://people.uncw.edu/smithms/graduates.html | |
44. CSUSB - Geology Club Navigation Main Page Club Officers Calendar Field Trips Constitution research projects. geology Department. Other Info Join Listserver. Student research projects. http://geology.rockbandit.net/geoclub/research.htm | |
45. HSU Library - A Guide To Doing Geology Research In HSU Library this may be searched for topics relating to engineering geology. report information generated through federally funded research and development projects. http://library.humboldt.edu/~chadwick/geology.htm | |
46. Descriptions Of General Geology Research Expertise At UMass Geosciences Planetary geology research in planetary geology is focused on the crustal histories of Mars and Venus. Recent projects include preparing detailed geological http://www.geo.umass.edu/newsite/research/geolresdesc.html | |
47. Geology Salzburg > Research Projects Translate this page Current scientific research projects of the Working Group Âgeology and Geodynamics at the Inst. of geology and Palaeontology, Salzburg University. http://www.sbg.ac.at/gew/research/research.htm | |
48. Applied Geology Research Unit area at Brighton, with new research projects being developed in ore deposit geochemistry, hydrothermal fluid chemistry, environmental geology, mineralogy and http://www.brighton.ac.uk/environment/research/earth_systems/agru/ | |
49. FACULTY RESEARCH: DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY colleagues on research projects and is always looking for new students and colleagues with whom to collaborate. He has extensive experience in field geology as http://www.wku.edu/geoweb/info/facres.htm | |
50. Madagascar - Joint Research Project - Geology In August 2000 a joint research project was launched in the and heads of the individual projects are listed to answers of fundamental geological questions and http://www.palmod.uni-bremen.de/FB5/geochron/Markus/madagascar/joint-research.ht | |
51. Marine And Petroleum Geology Research At UCD The Marine Petroleum geology GroupÂs research projects are funded from a variety of sources, including national and international funding agencies and http://www.irishscientist.ie/2002/contents.asp?contentxml=02p228b.xml&contentxsl |
52. University Department Of Geology Ongoing research projects Schemes problems presently registered for PhD degree. for the appointment of a Professor to the Birla Chair of geology at Udaipur http://www.geolmlsu.org/research.html | |
53. Research Projects Geology, Geomorphology Soils Warra research projects geology, Geomorphology Soils Assessing the longterm impacts of forest harvesting and high intensity broadcast burning on soil http://www.warra.com/warra/docs/research_projects/docs/research_proj_geology.htm | |
54. Departmental Research are listed below. Students may do research projects independently prior to the geology research course. Students present results http://www.gustavus.edu/oncampus/academics/geology/research.html | |
55. Research Projects In Discipline Geology, Physical Geography KU.Leuven IWETOresearchdatabase. research projects in discipline geology, physical geography. research projects in discipline geology, physical geography, Top. http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/research/researchdatabase/project/P005.htm | |
56. Research Projects In Discipline Mineral Deposits, Economic Geology research projects in discipline Mineral deposits, economic geology. research project(s). research projects in discipline Mineral deposits, economic geology, http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/research/researchdatabase/project/P430.htm | |
57. Marine Geological Research At The Dept. Of Geology, UCC Current research concerns geological studies in both deep marine and nearshore / shelf environments using expertise and in research projects have focused on http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/depts/geology/research/marine.html | |
58. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY AT UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Bradley D. Ritts (Assistant Professor, Ph.D. 1998, Stanford University) Tectonics and Sedimentation and Petroleum geology. research projects include 1 http://cc.usu.edu/~davel/sedgeol.html | |
59. Scotiabank Marine Geology Research Laboratory _ Introduction the past 20 years, Steve has been leading marine geological expeditions to funds and shiptime by developing collaborative research projects with scientists http://www.geology.utoronto.ca/marinelab/intro/ | |
60. Environmental Research Institute : Research Projects - Geology And Geophysics http://www.eri.uconn.edu/eri/geophysics.htm | |
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