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101. Buffalo Museum Of Science Natural science museum with permanent, traveling and handson exhibits from anthropology, botany, geology, entomology, and zoology. Site has directions, hours, contact information and a calendar of events. http://www.buffalo.com/museumofscience/ | |
102. GeologyLink® www.geologylink.com Houghton Mifflin the publisher of geology and Essentials ofgeology - is pleased to present a public forum for all matters geological. http://www.geologylink.com/ | |
103. Songs Of Geology And Chemistry And Other Science-Related Jokes And Humor Songs, poems, jokes about geology and chemistry. http://www.heptune.com/geosong.html | |
104. GSA History Of Geology Division Web site includes organization information, as well as several papers on important geologists and their work. http://geoclio.st.usm.edu/gsahistory.html | |
105. SUNY New Paltz Geological Sciences Geological Sciences. The Region. New Paltz is an area of scenic beauty and exceptionalgeologic diversity, forming a natural classroom for the study of geology. http://www.newpaltz.edu/geology/ | |
106. Hohn Engineering PLLC Drilling, production, reservoir, and facilities engineering, as well as environmental engineering and geology. http://www.hohneng.com/ | |
107. The Society Of Resource Geology Founded in 1951 by geoscientists, exploration geologists and mining engineers in Japan. With information on membership, publications, and submitting papers. http://www.kt.rim.or.jp/~srg/english.html | |
108. Research Services For Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geography, And Geolo Earth Sciences research and data analysis service, focusing on geography, geology, geoscience, and the environment. http://www.earthresearch.com/ | |
109. Science Resources On The Net Start Page A selection of listings covering museums, K12 sites, math, computer science, philosophy of science, physics, chemistry, astronomy and cosmology, biology, geology, ecology, agriculture, medicine, psychology, anthropology and archeology. Includes website search engine. http://www.geocities.com/peterroberts.geo/ | |
110. Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht One of Belgium's largest natural history museums, with extensive collections in the geology, palaeontology and flora and fauna of southern Limburg and contiguous areas. http://www.nhmmaastricht.nl/ | |
111. Geology Resources Aleta s geology Links. Very thorough geology links page. Site also includesgeological maps, and the Geological Museum. geology Link Page. http://www.educationindex.com/geology/ | |
112. BGC Engineering Geo-consultants Provides specialist consulting services in applied earth sciences, with specific emphasis on the application of geotechnical engineering (soil mechanics and rock mechanics), engineering geology and geoenvironmental engineering. http://www.bgcengineering.ca/ | |
113. Directory Of Graduate Student Programs In Geoarchaeology Maintained by the Geological Society of America's Archaeological geology Division. http://www.saa.org/Membership/I-GEO/dindex.html |
114. TCU Department Of Geology Big Bend Big Bend National Park pointers and pictures. http://geowww.geo.tcu.edu/bigbend/bigbend.html | |
115. SWAU Department Of Geology Offers images of time slices of different ages of the Earth. http://geology.swau.edu/ | |
116. WV Geology, Environmental Article discussing the impact of geological hazards on the environment. From the WV Geological and Economic Survey. http://wvgs.access.wvu.edu/geology/geolenvi.htm | |
117. IAMG 2001--Cancun 2001 Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical geology. Cancºn, Mexico, September 612, 2001. http://www.kgs.ukans.edu/Conferences/IAMG/ | |
118. Bundesamt Für Umwelt, Wald Und Landschaft Report. Introduction to the regional environment geology, climate, hydrology, natural resources, landscape, population and political structure. http://www.buwal.ch/e/themen/grundl/raum/ | |
119. GeoSmitty's Geology And Outdoor Pages Information about geology, geocaching and other outdoor adventures. http://www.angelfire.com/trek/geosmitty/ | |
120. Home Of The Montana Bureau Of Mines And Geology Site topics include mineral museum, earthquake studies, environmental assessment, groundwater, GIS, and bureau publications. http://www.mbmg.mtech.edu/ | |
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