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Geology Collaborative Activities: more detail |
81. NSF 03-014, Division Of Ocean Sciences - Fall 2002 Newsletter capabilities for all sedimentary geology, but, due Ridge 2000 education and outreachactivities got underway with of small components in collaborative proposals http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf03014/nsf03014_7d.htm | |
82. U.S. - Egypt Collaborative Research Grant United States Egypt collaborative Research Grant Submission deadline The activitiesof the Agreement are supported Other Fields (eg geology, Anthropology, New http://www.cals.wisc.edu/research/egypt.html | |
83. SEDL - SCIMAST Classroom Compass - Cooperative Learning require planning, research, collaboration, and problem matches grade levels and topicswith activities. of disciplines including geology, meteorology, history http://www.sedl.org/scimath/compass/v01n02/4.html | |
84. MLX Package #867: Halo: An Interactive Learning Module For Geology Lecture And L This activity provides a fun, collaborative review of the GLG 103 to the success ofthe activity in engaging will be described on our geology Department website http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/mlx/slip.php?item=867 |
85. MLX Package #819: Excellence In Mathematics Competition mathematics, chemisty, biology, physics, geology. Those that participated in the collaborativeactivity also experienced do for the noon time activities but the http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/mlx/slip.php?item=819 |
86. Geology Of Water Resources Research Laboratory geology of Water Resources Research Laboratory. was established to suppont researchactivities on both the a network of water research collaboration among 4 http://www.science.cmu.ac.th/version-eng/lab geo2.htm |
87. Ideas And Activities About.com's Homework Help. About.com provides a searchable collection of articles that can help students with their math homework as figuring out the angles of a right triangle. Education Foundation. The activities Integrating Mathematics and Science AIMS) provides online activities and teacher resources for http://www.csun.edu/~vceed009/activities.html | |
88. ThinkQuest : Library : Geology workshop, boy and girl scouts can work on geology merit badge Furthermore, many collaborativeactivities have been incorporated in this website to enhance the http://www.thinkquest.org/library/cat_show.html?cat_id=362 |
89. LESSON PLANET - 30,000 Lessons And 556 Lesson Plans For Marine Geology School Marine Science at its Best Research Collaboration This activity/projecthelps geology of Connecticut Soil, Rock and Minerals - The purpose of http://www.lessonplanet.com/search/Science/Marine_Science/Marine_Geology?startva |
90. CSU-Los Angeles ALERT Report The collaboration between CSULA and NASA, especially ALERT consortium emphasizes outreachactivities, at all courses, particularly Geography/geology 101 Earth http://nasa-alert.arc.nasa.gov/jan01_meeting/benefit_reports.html_jan01/CSULA_re | |
91. Certification PT3 Grant Website Cluster EGeology 302. course, and then designed individual activitiesfor each is crucial to the success of collaborative success support http://www.education.eku.edu/pt3/clusterE/default.htm | |
92. The SME Links Library geology.com Earth Science on the Web  geology.com Earth it in their ProfessionalDevelopmentTeaching ResourcesCollaborative ActivitiesScience, Physical http://www.smenet.org/links/index.cfm?Category=Education |
93. OceanPortal : Top > INFORMATION RESOURCES > Scientific The support for collaboration is channelled through a of different mechanisms oractivities which are general) Geography Population geology Measurement http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanportal/browse.php?pg_which=4&cat=711 |
94. Activities - Introduction These activities include technical cooperation and aid in developing countries,funded by and in collaboration with, for example, the UK Department for http://www.bgs.ac.uk/activities/home.html | |
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