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Geology Collaborative Activities: more detail |
41. ASP: Good Astronomy Activities On The WWW In this collaborative group activity, teams of students use the internet to findmoon Very good set of activities about the Moon and planetary geology. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/activities/astroacts08.html | |
42. Table Of Contents: MAP For 1998, 1999, And 2000 For The GCIP and Associated Data Products 6.3.3 Soils, geology and Associated activities for 1998to 2000 8. collaborative RESEARCH activities 8.1 Collaboration http://www.ofps.ucar.edu/gcip/map_98/toc.html | |
43. Table Of Contents -- GCIP MAP For 1997, 1998 And Outlook For 1999 2 Land Cover Characteristics 6.3.3 Soils and geology 6.3.4 7.5 CSA activities for1997 to 1999 8. collaborative RESEARCH activities 8.1 Collaboration http://www.ofps.ucar.edu/gcip/map_97/toc.html | |
44. Lesson : of collaborative activities Computer Internet Connection Printer ActivitySheets geology source books Scissors, tape, glue Enrichment activities...... http://etc.sccoe.k12.ca.us/i2000/00projects/sci/tectonics/text/Lesson2.htm | |
45. Earth & Sky : Browse Science Links - Ask The Experts questions and answers and provides answers to other geology questions over the Internet,lesson plans and student activities, collaborative activities in which http://www.earthsky.com/browse/index.php?c=Ask the Experts |
46. Useful Internet Sites A Teacher s Guide to the geology of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Has design Internetprojects to involve students in collaborative activities that extend http://www.princeton.edu/teacher/tsm/thinktank/internet.htm | |
47. Request For Proposals For The or suggest directions for individual or collaborative projects. and other materialsrelevant to Institute topics and activities. Ray Beiersdorfer , geology. http://www.ysu.edu/catalyst/Schedule_of_Events/Institute04flyer.htm | |
48. JICA TURKEY OFFICE program is the first collaborative activity between Turkey diplomas in combinationwith geology, iii) must Education and Communication (IEC) activities such as http://www.jica.go.jp/turkey/turkeyact2.htm | |
49. Activities : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology to GIS RS; collaborative work; conservation. of information about the activitiesof the are invited from researchers in geology, Geography, Geochemistry http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/other/lists/mailbase.htm | |
50. ED411023 1997-06-00 Collaborative Learning In Community Colleges. ERIC Digest. from physics, chemistry, geology, and meteorology. experimented with incorporatingcollaborative learning strategies Group activities, such as researching and http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed411023.html | |
51. CSIRO - CSIRO International Science And Technology Activities 2001 the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Marine geology Institute (Bandung thesuccess of IASSHA and to discuss further collaborative activities in the http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=blank&id=InternationalAnnualReport2001_Indone |
52. NSF - Deadlines - Geosciences ) (Geosciences) TargetDate is the only deadline for proposals for collaborative activities with Chile...... pd981620 Marine geology and Geophysics (Program http://www.nsf.gov/home/deadline/geo.cfm | |
53. Home Page Of AGCJ (Chidanken) Field of activities geology, mineralogy, paleontology, engineering geology and relatedearth sciences study of earth sciences by the collaborative researches; http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/agcj/index_e.html | |
54. Government Of Saskatchewan - Natural Sciences Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, geology, Geophysics, Mathematics APPENDIXC collaborative activities APPENDIX C UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN http://www.gov.sk.ca/topics/keyword/keyword?topic=science-technology&keyword=193 |
55. CBB Library And Information Services as envisioned in our proposal, the collaborative web site t talked with the Batesfaculty activities during the geology Peter Lea, Bowdoin College Robert Nelson http://www.cbbnet.org/projects/ | |
56. 82. NSF/Chemistry - Environmental Molecular Science Institutes (EMSI) And Collab between chemistry and other disciplines, including engineering, geology, biology,materials 12 Institutes and 2-4 collaborative Research activities. http://apps.rgp.ufl.edu/research/fyi/back_issues/v27n19/fyi082.cfm | |
57. International Activities of their research on the geology, cartography, hydrology, and, more recently Mineral Resources Program International ActivitiesCollaborative Activitiesn addition to international http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs-0011-98/fs-0011-98.pdf |
58. VCEPT The collaborative is committed to improving the preparation Overview and summary ofactivities, Computer Concepts geology/EARTH SCIENCE Course Development Team. http://www.longwood.edu/staff/webberrp/k8grant.htm | |
59. Collaborative Science Projects Precollege classroom science activities and worldwide collaborative science projects that have never been done before. a new age of collaborative science projects for grades can design solo http://www.science-projects.com/ | |
60. Geology Of The Mid-Atlantic Corridor (GOMAC) surveys includes geologic mapping in collaboration with the Bay Ecosystem Program,the MidAtlantic geology and Infrastructure What activities Are Included? http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs184-97/ | |
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