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61. Wyoming State Geological Survey Home Agencies, GIS Resources, Geologic surveys. University of Wyoming. 2004. 2003. State of Wyoming Home Page, Wyoming State geological Survey. Agency Director Lance Cook. http://www.wsgsweb.uwyo.edu/ | |
62. Welcome To Natural Resources Canada / Bienvenue à Ressources Naturelles Canada Canada's premier agency for geoscientific information and research, with worldclass expertise focusing on geoscience surveys, sustainable development of Canada's resources, environmental protection, and technology innovation. http://www.NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca/inter/index.html | |
63. Egyptian Geological Survey And Mining Authority(EGSMA) Responsible for geological mapping, geological map production, Mineral surveys, Mining projects, Ground water investigations, Geochemical studies and Environmental geology studies of Egypt. http://www.egsma.gov.eg/ | |
64. Alberta Geological Survey - Geological Survey For Alberta. Geoscience Informatio The Alberta geological Survey provides geological mapping at a scale of 1250 000 or larger, geochemical surveys and thematic studies in selected areas of http://www.ags.gov.ab.ca/ | |
65. Geological Survey & Development Information is gathered through geoscience field surveys and from industry The main activities include geological and geochemical surveying; mineral, coal and http://www.em.gov.bc.ca/Mining/Geolsurv/default.htm | |
66. China Geological Survey . NINE KEY NATIONAL GEOSCIENCE PROGRAMS. ·. NATIONAL KEY PROJECTS OF GEOSCIENCE surveys UNDERTAKEN BY CHINA geological SURVEY. News, more http://www.cgs.gov.cn/Ev/English.htm | |
67. New York State Geological Survey:unofficial Gateway continuously operating survey in North America., The NYSGS served as a model for many other state surveys, as well as the United States geological Survey. http://www.albany.net/~go/survey/ | |
68. Welcome To The Zimbabwe Geological Survey Website and hard copy, geoscientific digital data, EPO Final Reports and exploration maps, geological Bulletins as hard copy and digital, Mine surveys, Geophysical data http://www.geosurvey.co.zw/ | |
69. Geology Link Page Government (Geologic surveys). United States. United States geological Survey; Alabama geological Survey Home Page; Alaskan Geologic and Geophysical surveys; http://www.realtime.net/~revenant/geo.html | |
70. State Geological Survey Offices Alaska Alaska Division of geological Geophysical surveys Milton A. Wiltse Suite 200 794 University Avenue Fairbanks, AK 997093645 907/451-5000 fax 907/451 http://www.umr.edu/~library/geol/geoloff.html | |
71. USGS Radon Information The Energy Resource surveys Program of the US geological Survey is no longer engaged in active radon research projects. Information http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/radon/radonhome.html | |
72. Department Of Geological Survey Many types of geological, airborne geophysical and geochemical surveys of potential areas on a regional scale to delimit areas for detailed surveys by the http://www.mocioman.gov.om/english/minerals/dept_geological.html | |
73. Geological Survey Sites Of The World General geological library, built up since 1953 mainly on the basis of exchanges of publications with about 300 Institutes and surveys throughout the world. http://www.mccullyweb.com/geologicalsurvey/ | |
74. Geological Survey Of Pakistan,Quetta geological Survey of Pakistan,Quetta. It undertakes geological mapping and geoscientific surveys. Basic and applied research. http://www.panasia.org.sg/tcdc/pakistan/geo_survey_qta/ | |
75. Maryland Geological Survey: Maps, Geologic Maps of Maryland Online, HTML. Online Maps, HTML. Soils, NRCS List of Published Soil surveys for United States, HTML/Services. http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/freeseries.html | |
76. Ministry Of Minerals, Energy And Water Affairs - Index Of Ministries - Republic It carries out geoscientific surveys and research on a long-term basis in order to provide a better understanding of the geological framework of Botswana. http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_of_minerals_energy_and_water_affairs.html | |
77. U.S.Geological Survey system built by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences in the United Kingdom and selected by the geological Survey specifically to conduct surveys of the EEZ http://www.doi.gov/pfm/ar4gs.html | |
78. Geo-Mysteries @ The Children's Museum Of Indianapolis Alabama geological Survey; Alaska Division of geological and Geophysical surveys; Arizona geological Survey provides earth-science information to the public to http://www.childrensmuseum.org/geomysteries/usgs.html | |
79. Maine Geological Survey The Maine geological Survey is the primary source of geological information in Maine state government. Studies are conducted in the following areas bedrock geology, surficial geology, Legislature authorized the first geological survey of the State beginning a process of geological inquiry which continues today. A modern geological survey with fulltime staff and http://www.state.me.us/doc/nrimc/mgs/mgs.htm | |
80. USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) Home Page Welcome to the US geological Survey. Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment. http://www.usgs.gov/ | |
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