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161. Gender In Geography Bibliography GENDER IN geography BIBLIOGRAPHY The list reaches over 450 subscribers interestedin gender issues in geography. Subscribe to the Femgeog listserve. http://www.emporia.edu/socsci/fembib/ | |
162. Map Library General information, collection inventory, and links to map resources. http://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~geograph/Facility/maplib.htm | |
163. GeoNet Game Children s Privacy Statement. Kids Place Questions and Comments EducationPlace Site index Copyright © 19982001 Houghton Mifflin Company. http://www.eduplace.com/geonet/ | |
164. A History Of Atlantis And The Atlantean Empire The history of Atlantis and its empire, supposedly discovered in an alternate world. The site contains detailed descriptions of Atlantean geography, society, arts, philosophy, warfare and languages. http://members.tripod.com/grahamjmabey | |
165. Welcome To USF Geography! Thanks For Stopping By... Announcements. World Regional geography Telecourse Syllabus for Summer 2004. Information about the department; what is geography?; tour of the department. http://www.cas.usf.edu/geography/ | |
166. CyberSoup's Free Contests And Quizzes And Games Online Collection of interactive trivia quizzes covering a variety of topics. Also offers general knowledge, science, and geography quizzes for kids, organized by age level. http://takeaquiz.com/ | |
167. Dragon Gate World Of Ord Rakkir Maps and geography of the gameworld. http://www.geocities.com/i_ate_breakfast/dragonworld.html | |
168. DHCD - Community Profiles - Florida geography, government and demographics from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. http://www.state.ma.us/dhcd/iprofile/098.pdf |
169. Geography Links Web directory of general geography links provided by the University of Northern Iowa. http://www.uni.edu/geography/rwl.html |
170. Map Zones - Namibia Map Besides a simple map of Namibia, information on currency, government, geography, language, people, culture, history, and economy are provided. http://atlas.mapzones.com/namibia/ | |
171. Argentina, The Country, Its People And Culture A summary of the countrys history, with an insight into the culture, population, economy, location, flora and fauna, geography and brief information of provinces. http://www.surdelsur.com/indexingles.html | |
172. Geographic Name Server/Xerox Map Gateway U.S. Gazetteer. This service was a gateway between the Geographic Name Server at martini.eecs.umich.edu and the World Wide Web, with links to maps from Xerox. This message is now returned by the server at the University of Michigan http://wings.buffalo.edu/geogw | |
173. The Ancient World Web 70). All Things to All People? No. This site can not and does notindex all resources relating to things ancient on the web. That http://www.julen.net/ancient/ | |
174. The Ancient World Web The Ancient World Web This is a collection of 1100+ sites dealing with the ancient world. They are grouped by categories such as daily life, law, science, etc. Each site is annotated and has an http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.julen.net/ancient/&y=02B3EF1457E |
175. Rader's GEOGRAPHY4KIDS.COM The content that was on GEOGRAPHY4KIDS has been moved to the new subscriptionbased KAPILI.COM. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. http://www.geography4kids.com/ | |
176. Funbrain.com Where Is That How to Play FUNBRAIN will show you maps. For each screen, identifythe correct country (or state). Check the correct box or type http://www.funbrain.com/where/ | |
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