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101. MGI 3.0Â -Â Mouse Genome Informatics genetics, genomics, and biology of the laboratory mouse. Search Categories. MouseBLAST.Search mouse, human, rat, and other sequence data. Additional resources. http://www.informatics.jax.org/ | |
102. Amos' WWW Links Page TIGR OsGI TIGR Rice genome project. BeanGenes - Beans genome db; BeanRef- Beans genome db and other resources; Chlamydomonas resource center; http://www.expasy.org/alinks.html | |
103. Dictionary Of The Mouse Genome The databases page has been moved. If you are not automatically redirected in a few seconds, click here to go to the gene dictionary page. http://mickey.utmem.edu/front.html | |
104. FGR Homepage Fungal genome Resource. http://gene.genetics.uga.edu/ | |
105. UK CropNet, Arabidopsis Genome Resource (AGR) Did you know? ~ Arabidopsis genome Resource (AGR). Quick search AGR Type in resize images). Arabidopsis genome Resource maintained by http://ukcrop.net/agr/ | |
106. Nature Genome Gateway - Home genome Research and genetics news at the nature genome gateway. Created to mark the publication of the initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. http://www.nature.com/genomics | |
107. FGR Homepage We have moved! The Fungal genome Resource has moved. Please click on the followinglink http//gene.genetics.uga.edu or stay put and wait to be transfered. http://fungus.genetics.uga.edu:5080/ | |
108. Fungal Genome Databases genome Project info MIPS Neurospora crassa database (MNCDB) info Neurosporacrassa Database info Candida albicans info Fungal genome Resource. http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/GenomeWeb/fungal-gen-db.html | |
109. Human Genome Most Used Links Sequence Data Sites. NCGR. NCGR Home Page The National Center for genomeResources in Sante Fe for query access to the genome Sequence Data Base. http://www-ls.lanl.gov/HGhotlist.html | |
110. SeedQuest - Central Information Website For The Global Seed Industry c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?r151372297 ncgr.org/ncgr/ncgr.html More results from ncgr.org Cold Spring Harbor genome AnalysisLita Annenberg Hazen genome Sequencing Center. Welcome to the Home Pageof genome Sequencing and Analysis at CSHL. News. Maize genome Analysis. http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?x151372297 |
111. Genome Resource Banking For Global Conservation - National Zoo| FONZ genome Resource Banking for Global Conservation. Meeting the Challengeof species conservation. What is a genome Resource Bank? A genome http://natzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/ReproductiveScience/GenomeResTech/de | |
112. The Institute For Genomic Research 04.28.2004 TIGR announces the release of genome Properties, a new componentof its Comprehensive Microbial Resource (http//www.tigr.org/CMR). http://www.tigr.org/ | |
113. Cichlid Genome Consortium A group of laboratories around the world are working together to develop genomicresources for one of the most diverse groups of Perciformes, the family http://hcgs.unh.edu/cichlid/ |
114. Genome Canada - Research Programs RESEARCH PROGRAMS, genome Resource Core Facility. The major mandate of the genomeResource Core Facility is to reach people in the clinical setting. http://www.genomecanada.ca/GCprogrammesRecherche/plateforms/projectDetail.asp?id |
115. National Genomics And Proteomics Symposium genome Resource Core Facility. The major mandate of the genome Resource Core Facilityis to reach people in the clinical setting. It is already happening here. http://www.genomecanada.ca/symposium/project.asp?id=c1p13&l=e |
116. TcruziDB: The Trypanosoma Cruzi Genome Resource Note Draft assemblies may still contain assembly errors at this stage and all assembledwhole genome sequence data are subject to a data usage agreement if http://tcruzidb.org/ | |
117. Rat Genome Database: Maps Search. Advanced Search. http://rgd.mcw.edu/maps/ | |
118. Science Functional Genomics Resources: Educational Resources The flowering of functional genomics, proteomics, biotechnology, and bioinformaticshas led to a Here are some resources to help you come to grips with it. http://www.sciencemag.org/feature/plus/sfg/education/glossaries.shtml | |
119. RGRCÂ@Rice Genome Resource Cente basic and applied research in cereal genomics, the National Institute of AgrobiologicalSciences (NIAS) has established the Rice genome Resource Center (RGRC http://www.rgrc.dna.affrc.go.jp/about.html | |
120. EctomycorrhizaDB: The Ectomycorrhiza Genome Resource EctomycorrhizaDB is a database of the International Ectomycorrhiza genome project.This resource provides access to a wide range of EST datasets from various http://mycor.nancy.inra.fr/ectomycorrhizadb/ | |
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