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41. National Center For Genome Resources White Papers At Silicon.com silicon.com white papers national center for genome resources, ConstructingGenetic Maps By Rapid Chain Delineation, National Center for genome resources. http://whitepapers.silicon.com/0,3800002488,39021209c,00.htm | |
42. White Papers At ZDNet UKNational Center For Genome Resources White Papers At ZDN Insight White Papers National Center for genome resources. Constructing GeneticMaps By Rapid Chain Delineation, National Center for genome resources. http://whitepapers.zdnet.co.uk/0,39025944,39034641c,00.htm | |
43. Phytophthora Genome Initiative (PGI) From National Center For Genome Resources W Show Me Others More white papers. Date N/A. Vendor National Centerfor genome resources. Vendor Registration Direct access. Format HTML. http://whitepapers.zdnet.co.uk/0,39025945,60010572p-39000664q,00.htm | |
44. » Genome Resources At Dendrome , Source....... Bioinformatic and Genomic software resources to enable accurate sequence,linkage, mapping, and protein analysis. Software, http://dendrome.ucdavis.edu/Gen_Page_body.htm | |
45. Human Genome Project And Biology Resources genome resources The Genome Database; Human Genome Project Information; National Human Genome ResearchInstitute; National Center for genome resources. Last Updated 01/30/2003. http://www.gdb.org/gdb/hgpResources.html | |
46. GENOME RESOURCES For RAT genome resources for RAT. We are proud to provide the first genomic resources tothe research community of rat genome (see Nature Genetics, May 1999 issue). http://ratmap.hgc.jp/menu/Genome.html | |
47. PAG-X: INTEGRATED GENOME RESOURCES AT NCBI. Poster Bioinformatics for Microbial Genomics Computer Demo Only. INTEGRATEDgenome resources AT NCBI. Tatiana A. Tatusova 1 1 NCBI/NLM/NIH Bldg. http://www.intl-pag.org/10/abstracts/PAGX_P797.html | |
48. PAG-XII: (P922) NCBI GENOME RESOURCES - A NAVIGATION NETWORK THAT SUPPORTS DISCO January 1014, 2004 Town Country Convention Center San Diego, CA. Poster Databases.P922. NCBI genome resources - A NAVIGATION NETWORK THAT SUPPORTS DISCOVERY. http://www.intl-pag.org/12/abstracts/P8a_PAG12_922.html | |
49. Nature Genome Gateway - Links Human Genome Project Information  International Communication Forum in Human ÂMolecular Genetics  NCBI Human genome resources  RZPD Resource Center http://www.nature.com/genomics/links/ | |
50. RICE mosdb genome resources. International Rice Genome Sequence Project (IRGSP)Genome Sequencing of of Oryza sativa ssp.japonica cv.Nipponbare. http://mips.gsf.de/gams/rice/resources_Main.jsp |
51. SeedQuest - Central Information Website For The Global Seed Industry U.S. National Center for genome resources awarded $1.2M by USDA for continuationof the model plant initiative. Santa Fe, New Mexico May 3, 2004 http://www.seedquest.com/News/releases/2004/may/8564.htm | |
52. NetSci: Genomic Resources Human Genomic Resources. In August 1994, GSDB moved from LANL to theNational Center for genome resources in Santa Fe, New Mexico. http://www.netsci.org/Resources/Web/genome.html | |
53. Phytophthora Genome Initiative (PGI), From National Center For Genome Resources Click HereClick Here. Phytophthora Genome Initiative (PGI) Vendor NationalCenter for genome resources. Format HTML. Vendor Registration not required. http://itpapers.zdnet.com/abstract.aspx?scid=395&docid=10572 |
54. Phytophthora Genome Initiative (PGI), From National Center For Genome Resources Click HereClick Here. Phytophthora Genome Initiative (PGI) Vendor NationalCenter for genome resources. Vendor Registration not required. http://itpapers.zdnet.com/abstract.aspx?scid=397&docid=10572 |
55. Human Genome Resources click on the title. TITLE Human genome resources. AUTHORS NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information. SUBJECT CATEGORIES Science http://www.unl.edu:2020/alpha/Human_Genome_Resources.html | |
56. Details For National Center For Genome Resources National Center for genome resources download. Parent Page Added 4thNov 2001, Fee Free. Hyperlink http//www.ncgr.org/, Type link. http://lawgenecentre.org/links/about.php?linkID=188 |
57. Stanford Genomic Resources Provides links to various systematic analysis projects, resources, laboratories, and departments at Stanford University. Includes databases, and genome centers and projects. http://genome-www.stanford.edu | |
58. Education And Genetics: Human Genome Project Information A resource for introductory information on the Human genome Project. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/education/education.shtml | |
59. NOVA Online | Cracking The Code Of Life | Resources Special Thanks Credits. genome Facts. Glossary. LinksNational Human genome Research Institute from its end, genome maps and databases, and a large cache of genomerelated resources http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/genome/resources.html | |
60. MRC RFCGR The HGMPRC provides resources for research workers in the field of genetics. Sponsored by the UK Medical Research Council. http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/ | |
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