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1. NCGR The National Center for genome resources (NCGR) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is an independent, nonprofit research National Center for genome resources. Privacy Contact NCGR http://www.ncgr.org/ | |
2. WashU-Zebrafish Genome Resources Project WashUZebrafish genome resources Project. http://zfish.wustl.edu/ | |
3. NCBI Human Genome Resources The NCBI Handbook. An online guide to the use of NCBI resources. Titles ofselected chapters that refer to human genome resources are shown below. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/guide/ | |
4. Mouse Genome Resources Genomic resources for the mouse are increasing at an astounding pace.The ability to manipulate the mouse genome coupled with the http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/guide/mouse/ | |
5. CSHL - GenomicsÃ&ÃBioinformatics Sequencing and database maintenance, related to cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, at Cold Spring Harbor Loboratories, New York. http://www.cshl.org/public/genome.html | |
6. NCGR :: GeneX-Lite Project to provide an online repository of gene expression data with an integrated toolset . Includes programs and software. From the National Center for genome resources. http://www.ncgr.org/genex/ | |
7. Cold Spring Harbor Genome Resources CSHL logo, genome resources at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. http://www.cshl.org/labs/genome_resources/genome_resources.html | |
8. CABI Publishing Originally published by the National Centre for genome resources. Provides free access to past papers for the years 1995 to 2000. http://www.cabi-publishing.org/jag | |
9. WashU-Zfish Project : Radiation Hybrid (RH) Maps To generate PCR fragments that contain the ends of PAC inserts that can be sequenced. Protocol by B Barbazuk, Washington University Zebrafish genome resources Project, USA. http://www.genetics.wustl.edu/fish_lab/frank/cgi-bin/fish/prot2.html | |
10. National Human Genome Research Institute - Human Genome Resources Supported By N Genome Informatics Program Human genome resources Supported by NHGRI, Humangenome resources Supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute. http://www.genome.gov/11510192 | |
11. The Dolan DNA Learning Center - Genes In Education. The Web-site Of The Dolan DN Contains online genome resources and details of workshops, field trips, courses and educational products, from Cold Spring Harbor, NY. http://www.dnalc.org/ | |
12. PGRC Home Founded in 1997, the Plant genome resources Center (PGRC) represents a scientificand technological platform for plant genome analysis in barley (Hordeum http://pgrc.ipk-gatersleben.de/ | |
13. National Center For Genome Resources National Center for genome resources. 1800 Old Pecos Trail, Suite A Santa Fe, NewMexico 87505 USA Phone 505982-7840 Fax 505-995-4439 E-Mail ncgr@ncgr.org http://www.biospace.com/company_profile.cfm?CompanyID=89504 |
14. National Center For Genome Resources (NCGR) URL Go to the National Center for genome resources (NCGR) Web Site.Publisher National Center for genome resources. Publications http://www.biospace.com/publication_detail.cfm?RID=125304 |
15. Genome Resources Human Genome Project. Resources for Education and Exploration. Human GenomeProject Educational resources. A Primer on Molecular Genetics. http://www.millerandlevine.com/genome-resources.html | |
16. PPI Home Page Pseudomonas syringae genome resources Home Page. This site is intended to be a portalto the various genome biology resources available for these model strains. http://pseudomonas-syringae.org/ | |
17. Human Genome Resources Fact Sheet Home Library Catalogs Services Fact Sheets Human genome resources.Fact Sheet Human genome resources. National Center for http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/humangenome.html | |
18. National Center For Genome Resources Awarded $1.2M By USDA For Continuation Of T National Center for genome resources Awarded $1.2M by USDA for Continuation ofthe Model Plant Initiative SOURCE The National Center for genome resources. http://www.thesoydailyclub.com/Research/LISGenomeResearch05072004.asp | |
19. Bioafrica - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB) Genome Resources Mycobacterium Tuberculosis genome resources * NCBI Mycobacterium tuberculosisGenome resource. * Sanger Center Mycobacterium tuberculosis http://www.bioafrica.net/TBresources1.html | |
20. National Center For Genome Resources - Disinfopedia National Center for genome resources. According to its own website (accessed200311-29) NCGR a non-profit, bioinformatics research http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=National_Center_for_Genome_Resource |
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