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1. Newsltr24 Pig genome Update No. 24. May 1, 1997. We in the entire U.S. animal genome community owe Dr. Jenny Hergenrother, College of agric. and Life Sciences maps of chromosomes; and Objective 3 Expand the development and usage of internationally shared species genome databases http://www.genome.iastate.edu/newsletter/nl24.html | |
2. Plant Genome II Abstracts 0404; 2 Biotechnology Center, Huazhong agric. Univ., Wuhan, China TAXA (SST) databases RATED BIOLOGICAL databases TO SUPPORT SUGARCANE, MAIZE AND SORGHUM genome maps. Laurent Grivet http://www.intl-pag.com/2 | |
3. BioMed Central | Full Text | Construction Of Two Genetic Linkage Maps In Cultiva whole genome. SSRs mainly originated from EST databases of M over our maps showed that no alfalfa genome region was with other sorghum maps. Aust J agric Res 1998, 49 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/3/9 | |
4. Agriculture Links - Internet Links livestock animal genome, other organism genome, plant reference The databases canbe browsed or queried. plants in the Botanic Gardens, maps and information for http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/links/agric.cfm | |
5. The NSF Potato Genome Project - Home Goals and Research. Accomplishments. databases and Resources wheat, and potato starches. J agric Food Chem51(8) 2283 for the construction of genome wide transcriptome maps. Plant J31 http://www.potatogenome.org/nsf3/home/additional_references.php | |
6. Genome Biology | Full Text | Wheat Functional Genomics And Engineering Crop Impr research interactions links databases search information my journal Email mfrancki@agric.wa.gov.au. genome Biology 2002 a variety of genetic maps of wheat that serve http://www.genomebiology.com/content/gb-2002-3-5-reviews1013 | |
7. Genome Biology | Full Text | Clustering Gene-expression Data With Repeated Measu databases search information my journal. Enter your email address to receive regular updates from genome 5, self-organizing maps 6, k-means 7 J agric, Biol Environ Stat http://www.genomebiology.com/2003/4/5/R34 | |
8. Nucl. Acids. Res. -- Matthews Et Al. 31 (1): 183 records selected from external databases andresults of BLAST searches GrainGenes contains 81 fullgenome maps, accessedunder the Map a review. Aust. J. agric. Res., 52, 10431077. http://nar.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/31/1/183 | |
9. Science & Technology Division - Agriculture Forestry database program, Dendrome (Forest tree genome database) The Tree Book directory,news, conservation, publications,software, databases, maps and links http://www.vpl.ca/branches/LibrarySquare/tec/agric.html | |
10. Bajwa Kogan, IPM Informatics And Decision Support day products (calculators, phenology models, maps, and map Ask an Expert http//www1.agric.gov.ab.ca ofthese resources include genome databases for several http://ipmworld.umn.edu/chapters/Bajwa.htm |
11. Genome Research -- Peterson Et Al. 12 (5): 795 sorghum genome is approximately .br/en/)databases maps, and (5) sequencing of clones from Cot librariesmay represent a means by which the diversity of sequences foundin a genome http://www.genome.org/cgi/content/full/12/5/795 | |
12. Wheat Mapping Projects - North America CORNELL UNIVERSITY LO ITHACA, NEW YORK 14853. CG 9437300-0324 GY 1994 CL PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION GENERAL CLASSIF. CONTACT Plant genome Data and the NRICGP genome mapping databases maps, clones, genome mapping, germplasm and traits. Efforts continue to coordinate the wheat and tree databases http://www.nal.usda.gov/pgdic/Map_proj/wheat.html |
13. GIW 99 Program Registration Dec. 13 1630 - 1830 Garden Room of agric. Interaction Data, Kenichiro Fukuda, Toshihisa Takagi P42 Toward a DataMining Service from Large and Heterogeneous genome databases in genomeNet http://giw.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/giw99/Program/program.txt |
14. Genome Biology | Search Results Wolfe_K In Author profiles from Gene Expression Atlas, SAGEmap and TissueInfo databases. ZimmermannW, Butler G, Wolfe KH genome Biol 2003 Wolfe KL, Liu RH J agric Food Chem 2003 http://genomebiology.com/search/results.asp?db=pm&terms=Wolfe_K&field=AU |
15. Genome Biology | Full Text | Wheat Functional Genomics And Engineering Crop Impr to a correlation of genetic and physical maps that will genespecific markers fromEST databases, with model the complexities of the wheat genome leads to http://genomebiology.com/2002/3/5/reviews/1013 | |
16. Rhodes University developing electron density maps; structural superimposition III Gene and genome sequencingstrategies; DNA and protein databases; database searching using http://www.ru.ac.za/academic/calendar2004/biochem.html | |
17. Rice Genome Newsletter (Volume 3, Issue 1, July 1994) for studying metabolic pathways and expression maps was presented model plant forall cereal genome mapping and Bigwood on integration of databases, ACeDB and http://rgp.dna.affrc.go.jp/rgp/ricegenomenewslet/nl5.html | |
18. Molecular Markers In Plant Genome Analysis of information and a number of databases are being have proven utility in constructionof linkage maps among species SM and Kresovich, S., in genome Mapping in http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/jul25/articles15.htm | |
19. Linkseite genome Database; Interactive Forest maps (weltweit);Mistletoe Center (Datenbank Virus databases on-line; Virtual Library - Bio http://bfw.ac.at/040/1480.html |
20. Genomics Posters 2003 to act as anchors to integrate maps constructed from and for locating genes of interestin the genome. SSR enriched library and searching databases were useful http://www.fgsc.net/asil2003/GenomicsPosterAbstracts2003.htm | |
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