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21. GOF Amicus Curiae In Support Of Defendant-Appellee Timothy Joe Emerson (with Daniel D. Polsby), Of genocide and Disarmament civ. rights L. J. 105178(Summer 1995); Personal Security, Personal Liberty, and The Constitutional http://www.gunowners.com/amicus3.htm | |
22. OneWorld US - OneWorld U.S. Home>In Depth >Human Rights>Indigenous Rights {intlintro_para Read more From Human rights Watch Related Tibet China Law shunningcontact with Âcivilization are facing cultural genocide, warns a http://us.oneworld.net/article/archive/2280/320 | |
23. Books and on the ultimate human rights catastrophes war and genocide. in the Front Line Human rights Violations Against Women Amnesty intl Staff Paperback http://www.geocities.com/~hra/bookstore.html | |
24. CILP Issue Gender hate propaganda and sexual violence in the Rwandan genocide an argument for civ. HUMAN rights LAW. (For articles on HUMAN rights LAW see the Tables of http://cilp.nellco.org/cilp/2002/cilp0927.html | |
25. The Telson Spur: Field Nodes -- Values (1): Rights & Responsibilities (1) Brotherhood of Active Rogue Journalists, intl BC Anti Brooklyn, NY) Center for HumanRights Humanitarian for the Study of the Holocaust, genocide and Human http://www.snark.org/~pjhughes/pol.htm | |
27. The Web Library also cover the Geneva Conventions (genocide and torture rights, voting rights, women srights and workplace rights. Churches Together http//www.actintl.org/ A http://www.answerpoint.org/weblib2_dailysite.asp | |
28. Bancoult-d57 1995) (reviewing the development of genocide as a violation of Covenant for civiland Political rights (ÂICCPRÂ), Dec 96civ-8386, 2002 WL 319887, at *7-*8 http://www.zianet.com/tedmorris/dg/bancoult-d57.html | |
29. Teitel - Global Rule Of Law: Universal And Particular (conference Paper) 27 See Maurice Cranston, What Are Human rights? civ. 1993) ( we hold that certainforms of conduct including genocide violate the law of nations whether http://www.ceu.hu/legal/ind_vs_state/Teitel_paper_2002.htm | |
30. D57: Plaintiffs' Supplemental Memorandum, Oct. 28 2002, Bancoult V. McNamara (D. 1995) (reviewing the development of genocide as a violation International Covenantfor civil and Political rights {US Senate 96civ-8386, 2002 WL 319887, at *7 http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jksonc/docs/bancoult-d57.html | |
31. Journal Of Criminal Law And Criminology I. Caplin Weapons Control Laws Gateways to Oppression and genocide in SANK 1988;John Salter, civil rights and SelfDefense, AGAINST THE CURRENT MASON civ. http://www.saf.org/LawReviews/KatesAndPolsby.htm | |
32. Untitled Document communities are facing Âtrue cultural genocide, Roberto Stavenhagen of laws toprotect the rights of native US punishes 35 countries for signing onto intl. http://www.agrnews.org/issues/234/worldnews.html | |
33. FindLaw For Legal Professionals In re Estate of Ferdinand E. Marcos Human rights Litigation ( Marcos for the appellants allegations of violations related to genocide, war crimes Fed. R. civ. http://laws.lp.findlaw.com/getcase/2nd/case/949035&exact=1 | |
34. CounterPunch: America's Best Political Newsletter Sam Bahour / Michael Dahan genocide by Public Policy. War Crimes Who to Believe,AIPAC or Amnesty intl.? Cassel Preempting the Bill of rights The Other War http://www.counterpunch.org/ | |
35. The Tragedy Of The Commons Revisited of coercive force as it was first qualified in the civil rights conflict in the stateis willing to embark on a deliberate policy of genocide directed against http://www.forte-intl.com/~ronald/patriot/crowe.html | |
36. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Defendants were therefore active participants in this genocide. CLASS ALLEGATIONS.24. R. civ. COUNT I. HUMAN rights VIOLATIONS VIOLATIONS OF INTÂL LAW. 50. http://www.smorodsky.com/forcedlabor/complaint2.html | |
37. Endnotes 67 Hague Convention (V) Respecting the rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and 22,1995) A1 (relationship between hate radio and Rwandan genocide). R. civ. http://www.iwar.org.uk/law/resources/iwlaw/iwilendnotes.htm | |
38. E01NW-Eskeland most important are the Hague Conventions 1907, 6 the UN genocide Convention, 7 ifthe international peace is threatened or to secure human rights, just what http://www10.plala.or.jp/antiatom/html/e/e01wc/Intl/e01NW-Eskeland.html | |
39. Mail Thread Index civil Commission finds Evidence of genocide, Mar 1, Chiapas95; S;Letter from SantiagoSantiago of DESMI, Mar 4, Chiapas95; S;Conclusions from intl. civ. Dis. http://www.eco.utexas.edu/~archive/chiapas95/1998.03/threads.html | |
40. Asian Studies WWW Monitor Combat; Communal Carnage Gujarat; Updates on the genocide; Citizens for Hate speech;Terrorism/Armed conflict; Human rights; Peace in 25 Nov 2002 6th intl. http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/WhatsNewWWW/old-asian-news/archival/asia-www | |
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