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1. Ramapo College Of New Jersey || General Eduaction Courses AINS 127 INTRO TO intl STUDIES. ALIT 101 INTRO Culture and civ. AHST 226 EARLY AMERICAN NATION. AHST 246 HITLER HOLCST genocide MPOL 309 civIL rights. Gen Ed Global/Multicultural http://www.ramapo.edu/register/genEd/genEdSp03Prior.html | |
2. University Of Michigan Law School Course List civ Rgts Liberty. 830 Fraud. 857 genocide, Tribunals Truth Com. 838 Globalization Latin America. 824 Globalization and Human rights 827 Internet Issues in intl Prop. 890 IP and the http://cgi2.www.law.umich.edu/_ClassSchedule/CourseList.asp | |
3. Business Human Rights Intl. Standards General Principles intl. protection for migrants and their families, Human rights Watchsaid contact with Âcivilization are facing cultural genocide, warns a http://www.business-humanrights.org/Categories/Principles/Intl.standardsGeneral? |
4. The Akha Heritage Foundation - Intl. Treaty Between NGO S And intl. territories in various parts of the world, which has caused genocide, negationand destruction of our cultures, violations of human rights and racial http://www.akha.org/content-307.html |
5. Civil Liberties Docket - Vol. XIII - 1967-1968 US Comm on Human rights to prepare for US participation in 1968 intl Human rights Year. Cong Rec SD NY, 67 civ 1412) Jan 1967 High school newspaper http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/meiklejohn/meik-13/meik-13-11.html | |
6. USA*Engage - Legislative Activities - The Costs Of International Human Rights Li And, in implementing the genocide Convention, Congress enacted only criminal HumanRights Litigation, 2 Chi J intl L 485 in Tachiona v Mugabe, No 00 civ 6666 (VM http://www.usaengage.org/legislative/2003/alientort/curtis_bradley_clj.html | |
7. Webster University - Center For International Education: International Studies A International Relations Political Theories intl 2690 Multinational the Arts GNST1600 Understanding Human rights. Victims and Perpetrators, genocide, War, and http://www.webster.edu/intl/cie/academics.html | |
8. IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS that Freeport engaged in cultural genocide by destroying the with the Republic toviolate international human rights. Beanal s claims under Fed.R.civ.Proc.12(b http://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/Opinions/pub/98/98-30235-CV0.HTM |
9. International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights on the pretext that the present Covenant does not recognize such rights or that it tothe Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of genocide. http://www.efc.ca/pages/law/un/intl-covenant-civil-political-rights.html | |
10. Used Books African civilizations, Graham Connah. African civ more Issues and Agents in intl. Political Economy, Benjamin Cohen DoctorsMedical Killing/Psych of genocide, Robert Jay Clifton http://www.gimmethegoods.com/../books.asp | |
11. Information Resources World Level, Book Titles D - J activity, such as peacekeeping and human rights. redressing crimes against humanity,including genocide. reconciliation commissions, intl peoples tribunals http://www.peace.ca/infoworldbooksdj.htm | |
12. Who's Who, World Level H - K past year significantly reinforced the trend toward an intl. for the world s worsthuman rights offenders. prosecuting those behind the Rwandan genocide, the http://www.peace.ca/whoswhoworldhk.htm | |
14. JJ's Choice Del Ponte to maintain genocide charges; The Serb view; Court lifts Rafah humanitariancatastrophe UN; PA at heart of rights abuse report; civ casualties update. http://home.planet.nl/~jjvanka/story.html | |
15. War Disaster And Genocide Stalin Purge / Famines 5M Korean War civ+mil (Aviation That would equal the Armeniangenocide, and low revisionist Robinson 1997 2. 1420m deaths intl Place of http://www.arthurhu.com/index/genocide.htm | |
16. The Key Human Rights Challenge: Developing Enforcement Mechanisms that, in addition to piracy and slave trading, genocide and war of Free Trade Unions(ICFTU), Colombia Appalling Human rights Situation of 0103208-civ (SD Fla http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/hrj/iss15/collingsworth.shtml | |
17. App. D: Bibliography civ. T., The Second Amendment and the Historiography of the Bill of rights, 4 J Kates,Don B., Jr., with Polsby, Daniel D., Of genocide and Disarmament, 86 http://www.costerus.com/legal/appendix_d_bibliography.htm | |
18. University Of Michigan Law School Course List Rel to Real Estate 898 Fed Prac in civ Rgts Liberty 830 Fraud 857 genocide, Tribunals Truth International Tax Policy 827 Internet Issues in intl Prop 890 | |
19. International Labor Rights Fund Lawsuit Against DynCorp acts of Torture, Crimes Against Humanity and Cultural genocide violate the R. civ. thatDefendants have violated Plaintiffs and the class human rights and the http://www.ciponline.org/colombia/irlfdyncorp.htm | |
20. VICTIMS RIGHTS UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW Mireya Navarro, Guatemalan Army Waged Âgenocide, New Report of Ferdinand Marcos,Human rights Litigation  Hilao v eg, BurgerFischer v. Degussa AG, civ. http://www.hawaii.edu/law/faculty/publications/REDRESS111199.htm | |
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