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61. Vassar College Biochemistry Program Includes essential courses in biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, protein chemistry, organic chemistry, and related fields. http://depts.vassar.edu/~biochem/ | |
62. Trinity College Biology Department courses emphasizing the molecular nature of living systems as well as courses treating cell biology, genetics, development, plant and animal morphology and function, ecology, field studies, and evolution. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/biol/ | |
63. Biology, Biology Degrees, Biology Research U.W.A. - Institute Of Biological Scie Offers a range of courses in biology, zoology, genetics and life sciences. http://www.aber.ac.uk/biology/ |
64. Molecular And Human Genetics-bhu Offers post graduate courses in Molecular and Human genetics at BHU. Information on the course structure, faculty, alumni and details for current and prospective students. Unofficial site. http://www.genetics-bhu.com/ |
65. FREE Distance Learning Genetics - Part Two - Mendelian Genetics These genetics lessons are sponsored by Merlin s Academy (at www.synapses.co.uk/merlin), creator of selfstudy science courses specifically designed for home http://www.synapses.co.uk/genetics/ | |
66. AU Bio Welcome courses in the life sciences emphasizing advances in molecular genetics, embryology, development and evolutionary biology. Internship/research opportunities. http://www.american.edu/cas/bio/welcome_bio.html | |
67. Human Genetics Course Information Guide 630. genetics Training Grant/CMB Short Course. 653. Prerequisites HG 541, or undergraduate courses in genetics and biochemistry, or permission of instructors. http://www.med.umich.edu/hg/EDUCATION/COURSES/DHGcrsinfo.htm | |
68. UConn - Department Of Plant Science courses in biotechnology, molecular biology, genetics, plat genetic engineering and crop improvement. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/plsci/biotechnology.html |
69. LSUHSC School Of Medicine - Genetics - Courses courses of Study in Human genetics. Core courses required for the PhD degree, Credit Hours. Int 221 Biometric Methods in the Health Sciences*, 3. http://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/genetics/courses.asp |
70. GENETICS Course NBIFcourseresourcesK12 NBIFcourseresources1316 NCSA home NCSA contents NBIFtutorial alist of bioinformatics courses Online courses and Tutorials genetics. http://wwwartsci.clarion.edu/biology/linksonbiology/links_molecular.htm | |
71. U Of M: Biochemistry & Medical Genetics, Course Offerings COURSE OFFERINGS 2001 - 2002. Note courses marked with (*) are only available to students registered in the Department of Biochemistry Medical genetics. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/units/biochem/courseofferings.htm | |
72. DDLeadership.Org - Genetics Course Description . The course serves as a primer on genetic science and provides an overview on the following material Mendelian......genetics Course http://www.ddleadership.org/courses/CourseDesc/Genetics.htm | |
73. DDLeadership.Org - Genetics Course Description . The communities. Learning Objectives for the course Participants in the course will......Attitudes and Disabilities Course http://www.ddleadership.org/courses/CourseDesc/AttitudesandDisabilites.htm | |
74. Mayo School Of CME Genetics Course Listing genetics Course Listing. 2004 courses. http://www.mayo.edu/cme/gen.htm | |
75. Genetics Course Information genetics at Aberdeen. Required courses. Optional courses (a selection only from a wide range of choices is indicated; recommended choices are underlined). http://www.abdn.ac.uk/mcb/genetics/course.shtml | |
76. Merced College - Genetics Course Descriptions The course includes study of Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, and population genetics. Recent research innovations explored include genetic engineering. http://www.merced.cc.ca.us/academics/resources/courses/genetics.html | |
77. Center For Society, The Individual And Genetics - Courses Self To consider the implications of genomics, E. McCabe and L. McCabe offer a fivecredit course that considers our sense of self, genetic determinism, our http://www.arc2.ucla.edu/csig/courses.htm | |
78. Cellular And Molecular Genetics Course Practical courses will include four main types of experiments analysis of a deletion mutants; bioinformatics and multifactorial genetics; and cytogenetical http://www.pasteur.fr/formation/Cours2005/gencellmol-en.html | |
79. Genetics Course Page - Lycoming College - Spring, 1998 Course Information. Information Resources. Fun Stuff on the Web. Electronic Journal of Biology at Lycoming College. GeneNet The Worldwide Resource for genetics. http://srv2.lycoming.edu/~newman/courses/bio22298/ | |
80. Genetics Course Policies genetics Course Policies. BIO 222, genetics. Spring, 1998. Lecture MWF 200 250 PM in HBC G09 Lab MW 300 - 450 or TR 945 - 1135 in HBC 113 http://srv2.lycoming.edu/~newman/courses/bio22298/policies.htm | |
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