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41. World's Largest Medical Academic Website. Journals, Congresses, Presentations... genetic SYSTEMS, Bimonthly, geneticS SOC JAPAN, NATL inst geneticS,YATA, MISHIMA FIFTHAVE, NEW YORK, NY, 10010 NEW geneticS AND SOCIETY, Triennial, CARFAX http://www.eacademician.com/linkler/genetiksci.asp | |
42. Heribert Hirt - Curriculum Vitae 1997, assoc. Prof. at inst. of Microbiol. and Genetics, Univ. of Vienna. 1988,EMBO fellowship. 1993, Award of the Austrian Society of Biochemistry. 2001, http://www.gmi.oeaw.ac.at/cvhhirt.htm | |
43. Breast Cancer, Disorder Setting: Draft Genetic Test Review American Society of Clinical Oncology Policy Statement Update J Natl Cancer inst 81(24)187986 Geneticsusceptibility and survival Application to breast cancer http://www.cdc.gov/genomics/activities/FBR/BC/BCDisSet_06.htm | |
44. J Assoc Adv Med Instrum Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society. J Arthroplasty. Journal of Assisted Reproductionand Genetics. J assoc Acad Minor Phys. J Aust inst Surg Dent Tech. http://www.scd.univ-rennes1.fr/sante/perab_j.html | |
45. Newsletter, Fall 1997 Biol., Florida inst. 1994present, Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. andphylogeny; biology of turbellarian flatworms, genetic control of http://www.amicros.org/newsl97f.htm | |
46. Biological Journals And Abbreviations: B Genet Eng Rev, Biotechnology and genetic Engineering Reviews Soc Japan, Bulletin ofthe Chemical Society of Japan Bull Chest Dis Res inst Kyoto Univ, Bulletin of http://home.ncifcrf.gov/research/bja/journams_b.html | |
47. Earl Patterson Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Secretariat, inst. Served a 3year term as member of the Committeeon Maintenance of genetic Stocks, Crop Science Society of America. http://w3.aces.uiuc.edu/maize-coop/earl.html | |
48. Nevada P.E.P. Homepage American Sudden Infant Death Syndrome inst. 800232-SIDS. Autism Society of America(ASA) 800-3-AUTISM. genetic Alliance Info Resource Help Ctr 800-336-4363. http://www.nvpep.org/template.php?page=tollfree |
50. WGS: Faculty Research of Curriculum and inst.) Narrative analysis of Sciences) Evolutionary and behavioralgenetics; genetics of processes in early medieval societies focusing on http://www.artsci.lsu.edu/wgs/faculty/research interests.html | |
51. $B$=$NB>$NEE;R%8%c!<%J%k!J=PHG Science Source(FREE) Filaria Journal(FREE) genetic Vaccines and Kazusa DNA Res inst,DNA Research(FREE), INDEX The Korean Physical Society, Journal of the Korean http://www.lib.wakayama-u.ac.jp/publisher.html | |
52. Gertraud Burger Personal Information Dept.de Biochimie Research assoc.Professor (Chercheure 1978 LMU München Germany inst.Genetics/Microbiol associateISCB (International Society for Computational http://megasun.bch.umontreal.ca/People/burger/personal.html |
53. Retrospective Journal Abbreviations List: "J" Journal of Heredity. American genetic Association. Baltimore, Md. New York City, NY.Jour amer inst arch. Journal of the British Honduras Agricultural Society. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/hlas/rjabj.html | |
54. Search Consequence Details of Genetics, Osaka Univ Assistant, inst. KeywordsCytokine, Receptor, protein kinase,signal transduction Membership in Academic societiesJapanese Biochemical http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/annai/cgi-bin/esyousai.cgi?S=26002&K=537 |
55. Max Planck Society - Max Planck Research Reports (ongoing) Research Topic Developmental und Evolutionary Biology/Genetics. 3200851 Japan MaxPlanck inst Biol, Immunogenet Tubingen Germany Japan Racing assoc, Equine Res http://www.mpg.de/english/researchResults/researchPublications/researchReports/E | |
56. Josef Skarda 19901994, Deputy Director, inst. Anim. Physiol. and Genetics, Czech Acad.Sci., Prague. 1991, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anim. societies. http://www.iapg.cas.cz/uzfg/gb/06/skarda.html | |
57. CA -- Abstracts: Smith Et Al. 50 (1): 34 be supplanted by newer technologies, such as genetic and molecular and HJ Eyre AmericanCancer Society Guidelines for Home page, J Natl Cancer inst Home page PS http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/content/abstract/50/1/34 | |
58. [1967] The Centennial Record Of The University Of California, Compiled And Edite Am. Genet. Assn.American genetic Association. Am. Geog. Soc.American GeographicalSociety. Am. Geophys. Assn.American Historical Association. Am. inst. http://dynaweb.oac.cdlib.org:8088/dynaweb/uchist/public/monographs/centennial/@G | |
59. Netlink: Biology, Genetics Int l Center for genetic Eng. International Organization for Standards Standards;International Student Society for Neural Networking Newsletter; National inst. http://web.bilkent.edu.tr/netlink/net/classes/Biology_Genetics.html | |
60. Marie H. Hanigan's Publications Cancer inst., 76751767. J., Hanigan, M. and Kemp, C. (1986), genetic Control of VirginiaDivision of the American Cancer Society Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA http://w3.ouhsc.edu/cell_biology/faculty/haniganpubs.html | |
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