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21. Guide To APS Genetics Collections Deputy in zoology, 1899; reader, zool., 1907; prof., genetics, 1908. Director,John Innes Hort. inst., 1910. Royal Society, 1894. Pres., Brit. assoc. http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/guides/glass/PartIII.htm | |
22. Clinical Genetics Site Contains research, and educational resources for genetic counselors, clinical and medical geneticists, with links to professional societies, genetic support groups, clinical resources, genome centers, and computer resources. http://www.kumc.edu/gec/geneinfo.html | |
23. Welcome To The European Coalition To End Animal Experiments Working to eliminate animal experiments in many areas, including the use of animals in Europe to test cosmetics, genetic engineering and the use of primates for research. Established a standard for what constitutes a product which is Not Tested on Animals . Aims, member societies and the International Standard. London, UK. http://www.tierrechte.de/european-coalition | |
24. IQexpress -- Resources On Congress, Government, Press, Economy, Issues And More Nat. inst. Right to Privacy, SF AIDS Foundation, Society for DisabilityStudies. Speed Up FDA, Task Force on genetic Testing, The Arc. http://www.iqexpress.com/acs_portal.asp?t=issues&v=d&3cat=Health |
25. University Of Arizona of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, inst. of Hispanic Professional Engineers,Society of Women design and analysis using genetic algorithm optimization http://www.asee.org/sams/WebProfiles9697/ug158_97.htm | |
26. University Of Arizona of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, The, inst. of Hispanic Professional Engineers,Society of Women and analysis using genetic algorithm optimization http://www.asee.org/sams/WebProfiles9596/ug158_96.htm | |
27. Biotech And Genetics News - Simply-info.com National Sports Medical inst. North Wales Health Auth Society For The Study OfFertility Embryology Auth ICGEB Intl Forum for genetic Eng Missyplicity http://www.simply-info.co.uk/usa/biosci/ | |
28. Eye Diseases caregivers Canadian Nat l inst for the genetic aspects of Leber s Hereditary OpticNeuropathy Your questions answered - British Retinits Pigmentosa Society. http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/C11.html | |
30. MyriadTests.com References 10. Statement of the American Society of Clinical Oncology genetic Testing forCancer Susceptibility. J Clin Oncol. Cancer inst. 1999;9113101316. 18. http://www.myriadtests.com/provider/siter.htm | |
31. THE FUTURE OF DNA 2nd-5th October 1996, Goetheanum, Dornach geneticist, Senior Scientist, Friedrich Miescher inst, Basel, CH policy adviser,Dutch Society for the Amsterdam) 6. Ailment between genetic diagnosis and http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/~ecstein/gen/biolib/427 |
32. E-Journals - M Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society/HighWire Pr; Academic;Newsletter for Europe International Plant genetic Resources inst; http://www.lib.gla.ac.uk/ejournals/n.shtml | |
33. ADA Code Of Ethics For Further Reading List Kennedy inst Ethics J. 2001;11147156. Accessed August 12, 2002. § TheAmerican Society of Human genetics. genetic testing and insurance. http://www.eatright.org/Public/Other/index_adacodelist.cfm | |
34. Cámara Argentina De Laboratorios De Análisis BioquÃmicos de Internet) A Hypermedia Glossary of genetic Terms. Rozzano (Italia) IMI InternatMycol inst (Reino Unido Mycosis Fungoides The Mycological Society of America http://www.calab.org.ar/siti.htm | |
36. Professional Societies And Associations For Toxicology Ecology; Economics; Environmental chemistry; Genetics; Microbiology; Marina Marinovich(SecretaryTreasurer) inst. of the secretariat of the society Viale Abruzzi http://www.netsci.org/Resources/Web/society_toxicology.html | |
37. JCO -- Abstracts: Matloff Et Al. 18 (12): 2484 survey of the membership of the National Society of genetic F. Miller, and M. GiacominiPredictive genetic tests and Home page, J Natl Cancer inst Home page M http://www.jco.org/cgi/content/abstract/18/12/2484 | |
38. Life Sciences Library Journal Cancellation List Contributions of the American Entomological inst. Entomological Review EntomologicalSociety of Manitoba Functional Plant Biology genetic Counseling Gerontology http://www.nd.edu/~lifeslib/JournalCancellationProjects.shtml | |
39. Farmonline inst. Hort and Crop Sci Plant Directory (US) International Society for Hort. EnvironmentalNews Network Environmental Web Directory genetic Engineering Cannon http://www.farmonline.com.au/links.asp?demarcation_id=1_1:22&subclass_id=3 |
40. Access To Research Resources: Priority Issues; (COMPLETED) Drinking Water Committee, and American Cancer Society Genetics Review Panel. Univ,6466; res fel, Calif inst Technol, 66-69; from asst prof to assoc prof, 69 http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/BBXX-K-99-02-B?OpenDocument |
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