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Genetic Publications: more books (100) | ||
141. Kanpur Genetic Algorithm Lab Short Course on genetic Algorithms in April 2004. This page contains the list ofpublications in various journals and conference proceedings from KanGAL and http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/pub.htm | |
142. Welcome To The Human Genetics Commission Website Government advisory body concerned with the implications of recent developments in the science of genetics and their applications. Site provides information on the Commission, information on topics of interest and publications. http://www.hgc.gov.uk/ | |
143. American Association Of Anthropological Genetics Promoting the study of anthropological genetics and cooperation between anthropological geneticists. Features information on workshops, meetings, as well as contact details for officers and publications. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~aaag/ |
144. Kamoun Lab Web Page Research on the molecular genetics of interactions between plants and oomycete plant pathogens, particularly those of the genus Phytophthora. Contains publications list, conference posters, lecture notes, and related links. Ohio State University, U.S. http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/phytophthora/ | |
145. Centre For Developmental Genetics: P.W. Ingham Publications publications. Recent publications. Baxendale S, Davison C, MuxworthyC, Wolff C, Ingham PW, Roy S. The Bcell maturation factor Blimp http://www.shef.ac.uk/devgen/ingham/pubs.php | |
146. GrupoMDR Features research, goals, staff details, publications, skills, and related links. University Zaragoza, Spain . http://genmico.unizar.es/anglais/webingles.html | |
147. Felix Breden Associate professor in the department of Biological Sciences. Main focus is on the population genetics and behavoural ecology. Current research program, publications, model for minisatellite birth and photos. http://www.sfu.ca/biology/faculty/breden/ | |
148. John McCusker Lab Study fungal genetics and microbiology. Features research projects, publications, and plasmid sequences. http://www.duke.edu/web/microlabs/mccusker/index.html |
149. The Genetics Society Primary purpose is the study of the mechanisms of inheritance. Features membership, publications, education and careers, meetings, and lectures. http://www.genetics.org.uk/ | |
150. Andrew T. Beckenbach Associate professor of population genetics and molecular evolution. Current research project, publications and Institute for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. http://www.sfu.ca/biology/faculty/beckenbach/ | |
151. American Society Of Human Genetics - Home Page Primary professional membership organization for human geneticists in North America. Features publications, awards, legislation, educational information, and membership directory. http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg/ashgmenu.htm | |
152. Publications Translate this page http://www.jrc.es/home/publications/publication.cfm?pub=1124 |
153. HOME PAGE OF GENETICS LAB, JNCASR Focuses on exploring possible associations between genes and commonly occurring neurological and sensorineural disorders. Includes research, people, and publications. http://www.jncasr.ac.in/anand/index.html | |
154. The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) Database of human gene mutation data . Features publications, newly added genes, and locus specific databases. http://www.uwcm.ac.uk/uwcm/mg/hgmd0.html | |
155. Www.otago.ac.nz/zoology/ Teaches and researches in several interrelated areas animal evolution, aquatic ecology, behavioural ecology, conservation biology, environmental physiology, neurobiology, population genetics and wildlife management. Information on undergraduate and postgraduate study, staff, research, publications, facilities and Te Roopu. http://www.otago.ac.nz/zoology/ | |
156. Human Population Genetics Laboratory - Home Located in the Department of Genetics at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Includes personnel profiles, projects, and publications available in pdf format. http://hpgl.stanford.edu/ | |
157. WHO: Publications order a hard copy of the following recent HGN publications, please write Communitygenetic services in Latin America and regional networks on medical genetics http://www.who.int/genomics/publications/en/ | |
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