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41. NGB - The Nordic Gene Bank: A Plant Genetic Resources Centre A plant genetic resources centre for Nordic agriculture and horticulture. Includes a database for searching for cultivars or accessions stored for specific taxa and a library containing information on the institutes publications. http://www.ngb.se/ | |
42. Maslow Books: Official Abraham Maslow Publications Site Papers of Abraham Maslow (Ed Edward Hoffman) CA Sage publications, 1996. human PrimatesI. Observations at Vilas Park Zoo Journal of genetic Psychology 48 http://www.maslow.com/ | |
43. Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 GAW14 GAW Home How GAW Works Background publications Previous GAWs IGES Related Links SFBR Home ©genetic Analysis Workshop, 2004. http://www.gaworkshop.org/pubs.htm | |
44. Animal Breeding And Genetics Group Aims are the identification of the role of genetic factors in the functioning of farm animals and the design of optimum schemes for longterm selection. Includes research, education, and publications. http://www.zod.wau.nl/abg | |
45. SEGEN - Publications - Genetic Syndromes publications. genetic SYNDROMES. 1. Stratakis, CA, Lafferty, A., Taymans,SE, Gafni, RI, Meck, JM Blancato, J. (2000). Anisomastia http://dir2.nichd.nih.gov/nichd/deb/segen/biblio_GeneticSyndromes.htm | |
46. IPGRI - International Plant Genetic Resources Institute - Home Page IPGRI, the International Plant genetic Resources Institute, is the CGIAR international agricultural research centre mandated to work on the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. Website covers all practical and policy aspects many downloadable publications. http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/index.htm | |
47. Position Paper On Genetic Discrimination Legislation Position Paper on genetic Discrimination Legislation. It has addressed the issueof genetic discrimination in several reports, including the following http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/geneticdiscrimination_positionpaper.htm | |
48. Cellmatrix Core Page publications describe an application of their computer architecture to genetic algorithms. Software includes an online circut simulator. http://www.cellmatrix.com/entryway/entryway/core.html | |
49. Publications Organic/ecological Beekeeping, Side Effects Of Agri Genetic Enginee Our new publications and technical Literature. Is the socalled green genetic engineeringthe most severe regression in animal and plant breeding which ever http://www.thiele-und-thiele-consult.de/publications_us.htm | |
50. Institute For Health Freedom: Who Owns Your Genetic Information? Who Owns Your genetic Information? April 3, 2001. Do you own your genetic information?The answer depends on where you live. genetic Ownership Rights. http://www.forhealthfreedom.org/Publications/Informed/WhoOwns.html | |
51. GENÃK Research, distribute information and offer advice in the use of genetic engineering. Includes research projects, news archive, courses and lectures, and publications. http://www.genok.org/ |
52. Genetic "Markers"- Not A Valid Test Of Native Identity Search IPCB Use ULTRA Search for more specific results. genetic Markers Nota Valid Test of Native Identity. The Theory Native American genetic Markers. http://www.ipcb.org/publications/briefing_papers/files/identity.html | |
53. Memetics Papers On The Web Memetics publications on the web brings genetic and cultural evolution intoa common conceptual framework, including a common system of notation . http://users.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/Memetics/ | |
54. GA/GP Publications Of Sandip Sen Recent genetic algorithm and genetic programming related publicationsS. Sen, S. Debnath, and M. Mundhe, ``Evolving coordinated http://www.mcs.utulsa.edu/~sandip/GAGP.html | |
55. GeneWatch UK - Home Page Concerned with the ethics and risks of genetic engineering. Fact sheets, publications and a database of GM crops and foods. (Please note that GeneWatch UK should not be confused with The Council for Responsible genetics in the USA which publishes a newsletter called GeneWatch.) http://www.genewatch.org | |
56. Publications - Position Papers - Genetic Testing POSITION STATEMENT ON genetic TESTING FOR BREAST AND OVARIAN CANCER SUSCEPTIBILITY. geneticdiscrimination and health insurance an urgent need for reform. http://www.amwa-doc.org/publications/Position_Papers/genetictesting.htm | |
57. International Molecular Genetic Study Of Autism Consortium Team of clinicians, laboratory researchers and statistical geneticists from several European countries and the U.S.A., established to investigate the genetic basis of Autism and related disorders. Newsletters, excerpts from their publications and links to other autism sources. http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~maestrin/iat.html | |
58. European Federation Of Biotechnology - Publications EFB publications, eg reports, opinion papers, briefing papers (reprints available)and foods and drinks (1994);; The application of human genetic research (1995 http://www.efbweb.org/public/pubview.htm | |
59. Shaare Zedek Medical Center - Publications- Genetic Engineering:Technology, Crea genetic EngineeringTechnology, Creation, and Interference, It could remove recessivegenetic disorders and with them the concern of being a carrier. http://www.szmc.org.il/index.asp?id=97&top=1&page_id=233 |
60. Seeds And Crops Publications Catalogue of publications focused on maintenance and enhancement of crop genetic resources and agricultural biodiversity through farmer participation; policy, planning and institutional changes necessary for seed security. http://www.odi.org.uk/rpeg/seedspubs.html | |
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