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121. National Center Genetic Enginnering And Biotechnology (BIOTEC) has placed increased emphasis on biotechnology over the last decade, with the establishmentof the National Center for genetic engineering and Biotechnology http://www.cs.ait.ac.th/nstda/biotec/biotec.html | |
122. Genetic Engineering--Contemporary Studies/Human Body Lesson Plan (grades 9-12)-- Students discover ethical issues and concepts surrounding thepractice of genetic engineering in reproductive medicine. http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/geneticengineering/ | |
123. Qbiogene, Inc Assisting international scientific progress towards innovative discoveries by providing cutting edge tools for genetic engineering and recombinant technologies. http://www.qbi.com/ | |
124. Genetech Pages Supports discussions against genetic engineering. http://www.gene.ch/ | |
125. Genetic Engineering Information regarding genetic engineering and food irradiation, pesticides,genetic engineering and other irradiation information. http://www.pure-food.com/Genetic Engineering.htm | |
126. Welcome To Cloning Around! Cloning Around (c) 1987-2002 David Scott MacLachlan - Cartoons about clones, creatures, critters and mutations who have escaped from a genetic engineering research laboratory, and the slightly mad scientist who created them. By Dave MacLachlan. http://www.CloningAround.com | |
127. International Patenting Trends In Biotechnology: Genetic Engineering by Lawrence M. Rausch. International Patenting Trends in Biotechnologygenetic engineering. The United States is widely considered http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/issuebrf/sib99351.htm | |
128. Totnes Genetix Group Campaign resource site for raising issues about genetic engineering. News of local, national and international biotechnology activity, links, articles and databases. http://www.togg.org.uk/ | |
129. GEO-PIE Project Homepage genetic engineering. Controversial topic. Depending on whom you ask, the technologywill either end world hunger or damage health and environment. http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/gmo.html | |
130. Genetic Engineering In Agriculture One subject is the considerations for and against genetic engineering ofour food. This to top. Introduction to genetic engineering. Probably http://members.tripod.com/c_rader0/gemod.htm | |
131. Nffc.net--home biotech issues Farmers Declaration on genetic engineering in Agriculture. Whatmany farmers have found about genetic engineering http://www.nffc.net/bio1.htm | |
132. Genetic Engineering Probe Ministries. genetic engineering. Kerby Anderson. Genetic Diseases. So,in this essay we are going to look at the area of genetic engineering. http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/gen-engr.html | |
133. Wired 8.04: Why The Future Doesn't Need Us. By Bill Joy, chief scientist at Sun Microsystems. Our most powerful 21stcentury technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species. Wired magazine http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/joy.html | |
134. Food First: Genetic Engineering Home Programs genetic engineering. Food First genetic engineering. genetic engineeringin Agriculture The Myths, Environmental Risks, and Alternatives. http://www.foodfirst.org/progs/global/ge/ | |
135. Foodfirst.org:Biotechnology Europe. genetic engineering of Food Crops for the Third World An AppropriateResponse to Poverty, Hunger and Lagging Productivity? http://www.foodfirst.org/progs/global/biotech/belgium-gmo.html | |
136. Compassion In World Farming Ordering information for videos about live animal transport, poultry, frog legs, genetic engineering and animal behavior. http://www.ciwf.co.uk/Pubs/Videos/ciwf_videos.htm | |
137. GE Alert CCOF Foundation genetic engineeringgenetic engineering. GE Report! Get the GE Report! News from the genetic engineeringFront. Updated quarterly with CCOF Magazine. What is genetic engineering? http://www.canadians.org/ge-alert/ | |
138. Debunking Myths Article attacking genetic engineering, with references, by E. Ann Clark. http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/research/homepages/eclark/myths.htm | |
139. Ifgene Ifgene, the International Forum for genetic engineering,has been moved to http//www.anth.org/ifgene. ? http://www.peak.org/~armstroj/ | |
140. Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Biology, genetics, and control of crown gall. Incorporates a range of photographs and diagrams and includes a section on genetic engineering. http://helios.bto.ed.ac.uk/bto/microbes/crown.htm | |
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