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1. NetVet Veterinary Resources / Electronic Zoo Mailing Lists
List of DogRelated email lists. CONURE (discussion forum about Conure Parrots) German Veterinary discussion List) GENTALK (genetic engineering and education discussion List)
General List Services Return to: 1994-98, Ken Boschert, DVM

2. Great Ideas In Personality--Email Lists
about the impacts of genetic engineering to To subscribe, send email to gentechrequest@gen LEARNING An unmoderated discussion list for clinicians, academics
Personality Email Lists
Table of Contents
    General Personality
    Personality Research Programs
    This page links to email lists relevant to personality. In an email list, any message sent to the list is received by everyone subscribed, thus allowing widespread communication. The included lists appear to be available to anyone with an interest in personality. In the instructions below for becoming a subscriber, Firstname Lastname should be replaced with your name, and your signature should be omitted. Some email lists are associated with Personality Societies and some Personality Researchers subscribe.
    General Personality
        "...devoted to bringing together the diversity of scholars whose research contributes to the understanding of personality structure, development, and dynamics." See ARP website
        To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: join arp Firstname Lastname
        "...for students, academic researchers and professionals involved in the definition, theory, and measurement of individual differences. The net members are drawn from the areas of experimental, clinical, and educational research, encompassing fields as diverse as psychophysiological assessment, psychometrics, personality theory and measurement, and cognitive ability." See

3. Mail Lists
Biotechnology and genetic Engineering List Name gen for notification of new documents, not for discussion. listing of available email lists is maintained at
The Microbiology Network
Email Lists of Interest to Microbiologists
Menu Home PMFList Email Lists Resource Center User Groups Virtual Library The Microbiology Network supports several mail lists on topics of interest to the microbiology and biotechnology community. These lists include: PMFList - Discussion of microbiology in regulated industries Archives of the PMFList are available for review. Unless noted, all mail lists are open to anyone with an interest in the topic. To subscribe to most of the lists below, you must send an Email to the administrative address. The text of the Email should read: subscribe MAILIST_NAME FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Please note that the mail list name is provided in bold below, and it is usually required that you provide your full name (first and last) to the list. Some of the lists will then respond with a confirmatory message to make sure that your Email address is correct. Once you reply to this message you will be subscribed. If you have problems, send the word HELP to the administrative address - that will give you additional information. Several mail lists are supported by The Microbiology Network . Please let us know of any mail list relevant to microbiology or biotechnology that is not included on this list. Also contact us if you would like to see a new mail list established on a topic of interest. We can be reached at

4. Email Discussion Lists, Bulletin/Discussion Boards, Newsgroups, And Blogs
College. email discussion lists, Bulletin/discussion Boards, Newsgroups, and Blogs and lively discussion on the topic of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and their effects on
Manfred Kuechler
Hunter College
Email Discussion Lists, Bulletin/Discussion Boards, Newsgroups, and Blogs
Last Update: October 1, 2003
This is a brief overview on the topic used as a teaching supplement in various classes with an " Internet research " component like Soc 309 and GSR 716
Table of Contents:

5. Down Syndrome Email Lists, Newsgroups And Bulletin Boards
A list of internet email lists and bulletin boards dealing with Down Syndrome. is a Downs syndrome discussion forum for individuals from cerebral palsy, to rare genetic disorders. For discussing
Last Updated:
June 7, 2004
Down Syndrome Email Lists, Newsgroups and Bulletin Boards
Compiled by Dr. Len Leshin
Down-Syn Listserv / Newsgroup
Begun by Bill McGarry and is often referred to as "The List" or "The Listserv." You may subscribe to this e-mail list by sending Email to: The listserv also doubles as the Usenet newsgroup "bit.listserv.down-syn." You need a program that connects up to Usenet newsgroups to read it.
Archives are available at:
Upsndowns List
The second mailing list is called the "upsndowns" list and is run by Tim and Cindy Casten. You must be a subscriber to read and post messages. This list is not accessible through newsgroups.
This list is now run through Yahoo groups. To subscribe, first register at . Then sign up for the list at . If you have trouble subscribing, contact Cindy Casten at
This Email list is for families and others interested in supporting children and adults with the dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism, autistic spectrum disorders, or Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD).

6. Large Print Reviews - Links To Online Support Groups And Email Lists
Links to nline support groups and email lists. list dedicated to the discussion of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. This genetic complaint is characterised by a
Large Print Reviews
Links: Online Support Groups and Email Lists
What's New Reviews Articles ...
  • BLIST: The Comprehensive Index of Blindness-Related Emailing Lists
    This is the best list of Blindness related e-mail lists that we've come across - highly recommended!
  • Abletech List
    To subscribe, send an email to: ABLETECH-L-request@LISTSERV.OKSTATE.EDU
    with the following information in the body of the email (be sure to replace "Your Name" with your real name.)
    ABLETECH-L is a discussion list aimed at parents, teachers, and others concerned with disabilities and assistive technology. The main focus of discussion on ABLETECH-L is the resources available to assist disabled persons with independent living.
  • The Bionic Eye: The Glaucoma Chat Bulletin Board is pop-up ad free, and is a wonderful resource in its own right.
  • Choroideremia List To subscribe, send an email to with the following information in the body of the email subscribe Choroideremia Choroideremia was created to facilitate discussion and the dissemination of information between people who have been diagnosed with, or who are interested in, the genetic degenerative eye disease Choroideremia. Choroideremia, or CHM, is also known by the name Tapetechoroidal Dystrophy, or TCD.

7. Blindness-Related Emailing Lists
Subscribe to over 225 blindnessrelated emailing lists, and over 50 pan-disability and access-issues lists, directly from this comprehensive hypertext index. A LookSmart Editor's Choice. ETC discussion of everything and anything not covered by the other lists. NEW!BlindEudora use of Eudora email client Choroideremia discussion of the genetic degenerative eye
BLIST: The Comprehensive Index of Blindness-Related Emailing Lists
last updated June 20, 2002 Skip Directly to the Beginning of BLIST Skip Navigation Links
Download a zip file containing BLIST (offline hypertext version)

Skip to the Index of Blindness-Related Lists
A Note to Listowners
This document contains instructions on how to join over two hundred blindness-related emailing lists and blindness-related newsgroups , along with hypertext links which allow you to subscribe to any of the lists. It also contains an extensive listing of accessibility and pan-disability lists , as well as a list of emailing lists that are not blindness-related, but which are frequented by blind members , and a selective list of emailing list-related resources . A zipped archive of this hypertext document is available at: A plain ASCII version of this list is available from: A zipped version of the ASCII file, , can be downloaded via anonymous ftp from the pub/poehlman BLIST is also available via email. To obtain a plain text version of BLIST via email , type the line GET BLIST INFO in the BODY of an emessage, and send it to:

8. DPI Email Discussion Groups - Home
for the Australian Beef genetic Evaluation Scheme ENTERPRISINGWOMEN Enterprising Women discussion List (37 subscribers Feedlink DPI email discussion Group (150
Access keys Skip to primary navigation Skip to secondary navigation Skip to content ... Help Search:
Key activities Services The Department ... Netiquette
Email lists hosted by the Department of Primary Industries, Queensland.
These email lists have been created as a forum for producers, scientists and advisers to discuss industry issues. You may read the archives of the email sent by members of the list, or join or leave a list by selecting the name of the list from below:
AgAware-Net DPI Email Discussion Group (8 subscribers)
The Aussie Agriculture Teacher's Discussion List. (76 subscribers)
Avocado growers discussion group (81 subscribers)
Aussie-Beef-Net list (423 subscribers)
Aussie Best Practices facilitator's discussion list (32 subscribers)
List for Beef Cattle breeders using "Breedplan" for genetic evaluation. (47 subscribers)
Aussie-Composite-Beef-Net list (124 subscribers)
Discussion on Australian and international crab aquaculture list (52 subscribers)
Aussie-Croc-Net list (34 subscribers)
Aussie-Dairy-Net Discussion list (155 subscribers)
Aussie-Deer-Net list (24 subscribers)
Aussie-Emu-Net list (30 subscribers)
Farm Safety discussion list (13 subscribers)
Aussie-FieldCrops-Net list (129 subscribers)
Aussie-Fish-Net list (128 subscribers)

9. Autism Spectrum Related Mailing Lists, & Groups
to cerebral palsy, to rare genetic disorders. anzautism Autism support and discussion list open to anyone To subscribe, send an email to anzautismsubscribe
    - Mail lists, Groups, Forums, Message Boards etc, created 'by us and for us'. These are links to the online Autistic community; places where we gather to interact.
    The Autism mail list is an open e-mail-based forum to discuss autism hosted by St. Johns University,and administered by Carolyn Baird. It includes parents, autistic people,researchers, professionals, students, and other people interested in autism. Discussion is lively: many weeks see 500 or more postings. It is a very good forum for posing a question for which you do not know who would have the answer.
    To subscribe, send an email to listserv@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU. Leave the subject line blank and in the body type SUBSCRIBE AUTISM [firstname lastname] OR click here
    The list also has a FAQ
    You can read the list (but can't post) from the Digest web page
    Moderated Listserv e-mail support group for families of persons with AS/PDD/ HF Autism. This group also welcomes adults with autism, however the focus of the group is primarily directed at parenting issues.
    For further information please send your name, e-mail address and reason for interest in this group to:

10. Ifgene -- International Forum For Genetic Engineering: Email Lists & Subscribing
Useful email lists on genetic engineering and how to subscribe This listserve is intended not to be a discussion group, but an information
Useful email lists on genetic engineering and how to subscribe
Français These lists vary in terms of subscription and volume of material they send out. A consistent performer over several years for general GE news is Genet-news (see Genet below). #GM-ACT (mainly UK content) #NGIN lists (UK and international) #Genet #Biobiz #Biotechnology - International Patent Rights #Email Bulletin INF'OGM (in French) #Rachel's Environmental Health Weekly #Genetic Crossroads #Frankentree listserv #BioNews ... #Public understanding of science list GM-ACT list Subscribe/Unsubscribe from gm-action by sending an email to
subscribe/unsubscribe gm-action your-email-address. This is a local
campaigners, not a FoE list. AgBioView list International content. Moderated. Issued in daily compilations.
Archives at Email moderator C. S. Prakash at
NGIN lists To subscribe to the 'GMW daily' list send an e-mail to with the message: 'subscribe GMW daily' You'll receive up to 30 mails a week To subscribe to the 'WEEKLY WATCH' send an e-mail to

11. BioethicsWeb - The Gateway For Internet Resources In Biomedical Ethics, Provided
email lists. A series of topic focused discussion pages on bioethical issues, moderated covered include human cloning, stem cell research, genetic testing and
low graphics
Reference Email lists
Email lists
Bioethics Discussion Pages A series of topic focused discussion pages on bioethical issues, moderated by a retired hospital doctor and medical school professor. Topics covered include human cloning, stem cell research, genetic testing and insurance, and ethics of reproductive technology. Also included on the site are introductory lectures (by the moderator) on the history and methods of bioethics, and brief articles on ethics and the law, and ethics and decision making. There are also case studies of bioethical dilemas and opinion poll results on specific bioethical issues. United States Stem Cells Genetic Screening Communications Media ... ETHEX The Exploratorium's Ethical Scenarios Forum (ETHEX) was an Internet listserv developed for the Exploratorium exhibition "Diving Into the Gene Pool" beginning in April, 1995. With the cooperation of members of the International Bioethics Institute, Exploratorium staff, visitors, and remote users discussed topics around the ethical, legal, and social implications of the Human Genome Project and other genetics topics. The archive discussion topics of genetic testing and genetically modified food are covered in particular scenarios.The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception founded in 1969 by physicist Frank Oppenheimer. The Exploratorium's mission is to "create a culture of learning through innovative environments, programs, and tools that help people nurture their curiosity about the world around them."

12. VL Micro - Mail Lists And Other Resources
Biotechnology and genetic Engineering List Name gen-biotech for notification of new documents, not for discussion. to any of these, send an email to fdalists
Other Topics:
This list contains a variety of resources for microbiology. These include mailing lists, bulletin board systems, User's groups, and newsgroups. The sites are presented alphabetically within each major category. If you know of web sites that should be included in this list, please Email the information to This page last updated: 03/09/02 [Mail Lists] [BBS] [User Groups] [Newsgroups]
[Other Information Sources]
Listserv: Catalog of lists Mailbase: Biosciences Lists lists by subject category
Microbiology Mail Lists
Mail lists are processed by servers. A subscriber mails his message to the server, which in turn sends the message out to everyone on the list. Replies to the message are, in their turn, sent to all on the list. In this way the mail list supports a discussion of a topic via Email. Each server program has its own set of commands, but fortunately there is general agreement on the basic functions. For example, if you wish to subscribe to a mail list you would post an Email to the Administrative Address, and in the body of the text include the statement SUBSCRIBE "LIST NAME" on a line by itself. Of course, you would replace "LIST NAME" with the name of the list. INFO and HELP commands will often provide more information if directed to the administrative address, and the list name is specified.

13. FAQ: AI Newsgroups And Mailing Lists 2/6 [Monthly Posting] - [24] Genetic Algori
edu A mailing list for discussion of genetic on along Evolutionary Programming email Digest The digest is intended
[24] Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming
Genetic Algorithms Digest: GA-List@AIC.NRL.NAVY.MIL (moderated; digest format) Send subscription requests to the -request form of the list or to Past copies of the digest are archived on Some software is also archived there. Discussion of genetic algorithms also appears from time to time in and comp.theory.self-org-sys. Genetic Programming: A mailing list for discussion of Genetic Programming. See Koza's book for details. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to The genetic-programming mailing list is archived on Go Back Up Go To Previous Go To Next

14. Women-Related Email Lists About Sexuality Or Sexual Orientation
is a dykepositive place for genetic grrls and the message SUBSCRIBE DYKENET your email address to DeGeneres and her career, but discussion extends to
Women-Related Email Lists Focused on Sexuality or Sexual Orientation
Last updated: May 28, 2004 Here are some women-related email lists that focus on sexuality or sexual orientation. If the instructions say "send subscription message," the message to send is SUBSCRIBE [listname] Your Name (e.g., SUBSCRIBE BIFEM-L Jane Doe):
ACTION-ALERT is a moderated list "designed to provide the LGBTF community a resource by which we can resond to attacks on our community that are occurring anywhere." For more information, send the message INFO ACTION-ALERT to MAJORDOMO@VECTOR.CASTI.COM . To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE ACTION-ALERT to the same address. alt.lesbian.feminist.poetry is a Usenet newsgroup where lesbians and other feminists can share and discuss their poetry. For more information about Usenet, see USENET in the main listing. AMAZON ALTERNATIVES IN HEALING is a support list for lesbian survivors of childhood sexual abuse. It also promotes general discussion of issues confronting lesbians in the world today. To subscribe, send a message to the listowner at SOUL@GOLDEN.NET and put the words SUBSCRIBE AMAZON ALTERNATIVES in the Subject Header. More information is available at the list's web site APLB focuses on issues related to Asian and Pacific Islander lesbian and bisexual women. Messages include various discussion topics, announcements of community events, and networking. The list is open to Asian and Pacific Islander women only. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE APLB to MAJORDOMO@QUEERNET.ORG .

15. SciDev.Net
UNEP/GEF Tewolde Berhan Egziabher Environmental Protection Authority, Ethiopia Henk Hobbelink genetic Resources Action discussion groups/email lists.

16. Newsletters, Updates, And Discussion Lists
Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. to foster active and lively discussion on the topic of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and
Home News Free GIS Instant Maps-Websites ... CLICK HERE FOR OUR NEW FORUMS
We have been online for over 5 years. During this period we have developed interests in many related fields. We communicate and share these interests by providing news, updates, and discussion lists. These include: Join Our Discussion Lists: (Note: before signing up for any of our lists, please read this important notice to subscribers
  • - Learn2Map provides you with updates to the MapCruzin Map-Tutorial and website news, tips, resources and map layers that become available to registered users of the MapCruzin Map-Tutorial and Atlas ( The Tutorial is Free! ). It is also a discussion forum where you can ask questions, get answers and share information about mapping and GIS. Subscribe by sending a blank email to . Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the website.
  • Right-to-Know Watch - RTK-Watch is dedicated to the public disclosure, communication, access, and use of environmental data and information. Topics for discussion may include toxics and pollution, nuclear energy, radiation, and radioactive waste, and related issues. Subscribers are free to post various alerts and news related to the above. Subscribe by sending a blank email to

17. KS&A Support - Email List Information
are hosting these lists on the genetic Alliance s private These discussion support lists have been created for the hyperlink below for the email list to which

Support Newsletter Additional Resources ... Sex Chromosome Variations
EMAIL List Information
Overview We have also been in contact with some of the authors of these articles. A few have agreed to be periodic guests on the list for the benefit of the list members. Many disciplines will be represented. They will be able to answer questions of a general nature, but will not be able to provide specific medical advise. These discussion support lists have been created for you to exchange any ideas, information, news, comments, gripes, fears, or whatever, related to XXY and its variants. The lists are a place to discuss issues, to give and receive support, and to post information about the syndrome and how to live with it. What kind of information can I expect to find here? Is there anything else I need to know? Please read and follow the LIST RULES to make this list successful. Subscribers not adhering to the list rules may be removed from the list. Please read and save the instructions you receive when you first join the list. It provides important information for signing off the list, stopping E-Mails when on vacation, etc. This list is supported by your monetary donations!! If you find the list of value, consider a generous contribution to Klinefelter Syndrome and Associates to keep it in operation.

18. Children's Disability Mailing Lists
information available for parents on this genetic disorder the message inthe body of your email, SUBSCRIBE CYSTIC DOWNSYN A list for discussion of Downs Syndrome
Children's Disability List of Lists The is a annotated directory of mailing lists for families of children with disabilities and special needs. Each disability mailing list is validated for usefulness and family orientation. Updated: July 2003

Birth Defects (Congenital)

Brain Injury (Neonatal)

Page 2 Kidney
Learning and Education

Neurological (Tourettes, OCD)

ADD/ADHD Mailing Lists
Mailing list for parents who have children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Must be approved by listowner. Instructions: In the body of the your email send the message, SUBSCRIBE ADDPARENTS to Listowner: Deborah Ruppert ADD ADHD PARENTS Instructions: Send a blank email to or join online Listowner: Cindy Shook
Adoption Mailing Lists
Click here for directory of Adoption Lists
ASTHMA Small group with asthma/allergy discussions. Must be approved by listowner. Archives Instructions: Send the message SUBSCRIBE ASTHMA to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU

19. Related Websites Link List
Subscribe to; a personal discussion of topics Neural Network Resources email lists Newsgroups

20. Sustainable Building Discussion Groups
That s right, a discussion list about cooling your home/office/store promised by the proponents of genetic modification (the To join, send email to bangef@lists

Discussion Areas
Some discussion areas on Sustainable Building related topics:
Listservs are email-based discussion or announcement services. When you join or "subscribe" to a listserv (don't worry, they're usually free) your email address is put on a list with all the other subscribers. Any mail sent to the listserv is forwarded out to all the subscribers. Discussion lists have an inherent advantage over Usenet in that they usually require that the sender be a subscriber to the listserv. This drastically cuts down on spam and other "drive by postings". The following are some of the listservs on sustainable building topics that may interest you. If you know of any other listservs that we should include here, let us know . Among our many services, Sustainable Sources hosts listservs ... let us know if you'd like to start one.

    Greenbuilding . The Greenbuilding listserv is one of the best we've found. Populated by a good number of green building professionals, discussions on this list run a broad range of topics. See the archives for an idea of what type of discussions take place. You can sign up there, too.

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