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1. NetVet Veterinary Resources / Electronic Zoo Mailing Lists List of DogRelated email lists. CONURE (discussion forum about Conure Parrots) German Veterinary discussion List) GENTALK (genetic engineering and education discussion List) http://netvet.wustl.edu/vmla.htm | |
2. Great Ideas In Personality--Email Lists about the impacts of genetic engineering to To subscribe, send email to gentechrequest@gen LEARNING An unmoderated discussion list for clinicians, academics http://www.personalityresearch.org/lists.html | |
3. Mail Lists Biotechnology and genetic Engineering List Name gen for notification of new documents, not for discussion. listing of available email lists is maintained at http://microbiol.org/mailist.htm | |
4. Email Discussion Lists, Bulletin/Discussion Boards, Newsgroups, And Blogs College. email discussion lists, Bulletin/discussion Boards, Newsgroups, and Blogs and lively discussion on the topic of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and their effects on http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/~mkuechle/email_list_summ.htm | |
5. Down Syndrome Email Lists, Newsgroups And Bulletin Boards A list of internet email lists and bulletin boards dealing with Down Syndrome. is a Downs syndrome discussion forum for individuals from cerebral palsy, to rare genetic disorders. For discussing http://www.ds-health.com/lists.htm | |
6. Large Print Reviews - Links To Online Support Groups And Email Lists Links to nline support groups and email lists. list dedicated to the discussion of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. This genetic complaint is characterised by a http://www.largeprintreviews.com/onlinesupp.html | |
7. Blindness-Related Emailing Lists Subscribe to over 225 blindnessrelated emailing lists, and over 50 pan-disability and access-issues lists, directly from this comprehensive hypertext index. A LookSmart Editor's Choice. ETC discussion of everything and anything not covered by the other lists. NEW!BlindEudora use of Eudora email client Choroideremia discussion of the genetic degenerative eye http://www.hicom.net/~oedipus/blist.html | |
8. DPI Email Discussion Groups - Home for the Australian Beef genetic Evaluation Scheme ENTERPRISINGWOMEN Enterprising Women discussion List (37 subscribers Feedlink DPI email discussion Group (150 http://lists.dpi.qld.gov.au/ | |
9. Autism Spectrum Related Mailing Lists, & Groups to cerebral palsy, to rare genetic disorders. anzautism Autism support and discussion list open to anyone To subscribe, send an email to anzautismsubscribe http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/mailist.htm | |
10. Ifgene -- International Forum For Genetic Engineering: Email Lists & Subscribing Useful email lists on genetic engineering and how to subscribe This listserve is intended not to be a discussion group, but an information http://www.anth.org/ifgene/lists.htm | |
11. BioethicsWeb - The Gateway For Internet Resources In Biomedical Ethics, Provided email lists. A series of topic focused discussion pages on bioethical issues, moderated covered include human cloning, stem cell research, genetic testing and http://bioethicsweb.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0009458L0009458.html | |
12. VL Micro - Mail Lists And Other Resources Biotechnology and genetic Engineering List Name gen-biotech for notification of new documents, not for discussion. to any of these, send an email to fdalists http://microbiol.org/vlmicro/vl_rsorc.htm | |
13. FAQ: AI Newsgroups And Mailing Lists 2/6 [Monthly Posting] - [24] Genetic Algori edu A mailing list for discussion of genetic on ftp.cc.utexas.edu/pub/geneticprogramming/ along Evolutionary Programming email Digest The digest is intended http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/html/faqs/ai/old | |
14. Women-Related Email Lists About Sexuality Or Sexual Orientation is a dykepositive place for genetic grrls and the message SUBSCRIBE DYKENET your email address to DeGeneres and her career, but discussion extends to http://www-unix.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/f_sex.html | |
15. SciDev.Net UNEP/GEF Tewolde Berhan Egziabher Environmental Protection Authority, Ethiopia Henk Hobbelink genetic Resources Action discussion groups/email lists. http://www.scidev.net/dossiers/index.cfm?fuseaction=links&dossier=11&subcat=20 |
16. Newsletters, Updates, And Discussion Lists Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. to foster active and lively discussion on the topic of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and http://www.mapcruzin.com/news_discussion.htm | |
17. KS&A Support - Email List Information are hosting these lists on the genetic Alliance s private These discussion support lists have been created for the hyperlink below for the email list to which http://www.genetic.org/ks/support/em_sup.htm | |
18. Children's Disability Mailing Lists information available for parents on this genetic disorder the message inthe body of your email, SUBSCRIBE CYSTIC DOWNSYN A list for discussion of Downs Syndrome http://www.childrensdisabilities.info/speclists.html | |
19. Related Websites Link List Subscribe to geneticprogramming-request@cs.standford.edu; community@necsi.org a personal discussion of topics Neural Network Resources email lists Newsgroups http://www.pscs.umich.edu/education/websites.html |
20. Sustainable Building Discussion Groups That s right, a discussion list about cooling your home/office/store promised by the proponents of genetic modification (the To join, send email to bangef@lists http://www.greenbuilder.com/general/discussion.html | |
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